30 Day Shred~ Anyone up for it?



  • Bella151
    Bella151 Posts: 123
    I am currently using 5 lb. weights for my workout, but they are too light as well, I think I am going to up it to 10 lbs. I guess I will see tomorrow if 10 lbs is good.
    Okay checking in today.... this is my 5th day of shred level one... it is much easier than day one now and everything seems easier, haven't lost any weight yet but I definitely feel better. I still struggle with push ups, but I think my weights may be too light for this, is there a minimum/maximum that you are supposed to use for this to be effective? What do you all use?
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Today is day 5!! WooHoo. On lvl 1 still, but thats ok. It does still kick my butt. And this is my first 5 days. So I'm a little sore here and there, but not to bad. Only 25 more days ;-) I did weigh myself this morning too and amazingly I think I lost a pound and a half! I always fluctuate a few pounds, so we'll see how it goes.

    Christina~ Is this your first time doing 30 day shred???? You are brave to start on lvl 3. Good job!!! I'll have to try the other one you did, I have it free on demand too but haven't yet tried it. I don't know how you did them both on top of each other like that! You are my motivation for the upcoming weeks.. Lol..

    debnu1~ Have you also done the 30 day shred before? Good results?

    Gotta run at work now, but will continue to check in!

    Good luck everyone!!
    This is my first time with doing the shred for 30 days. Today is day four--wish me luck! I tried using 10 lb weights the first day as I had been up to 10 for most exercises in a different program but it was way too hard so I am using 5 lb weights everyother day. I took Sunday off as that is my universal rest day. (eventhough I can't keep my calories down on Sundays!) I am also walk/running on the treadmill for 30 min every day. So far so good I lost 1.5 lbs this week and that is only 3 days of shredding. Good luck everyone! We can do it!!:bigsmile:
  • destinyisyours
    Today will be DAY 9!!!! YEAH!!! And still doing well. No day's off yet. I was going to rest on Sunday, but I woke up super motivated to do it again. I've been using 5lb weights, but think I'm going to up them to 8 lbs today. We'll see. A few more days and I'll move on to lvl 2. Hope everyone else is doing well! Just a quick check in!
  • destinyisyours
    Dumb question, I know, but do you all wear shoes while working out to dvd's at home? Some days, I do, others I don't. Sometimes my leg's hurt if I don't, or vise versa... Just curious...
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I always wear shoes unless I am doing pilates. I just can't jump around with out them. I get too sore!:laugh:
  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    I wear shoes just b/c I know when you are jumping around a lot I am much more likely to get hurt than without shoes.... more ankle stability I think. If I am just doing mat exercises though then I don't.
  • dferguson
    dferguson Posts: 5
    Hello!! I am new here and would love to do the 30 day shred with some support. I have tried it before but always lost momentum because it was incredibly challenging for me (not the most co-ordinated person). I am starting on saturday (August 1st; whoot whoot!!) and would love to hear how everyone is doing!! Thanks for the motivation!!!
  • momma2boys0609
    I just wanted to wish you all good luck. I was gonna join, but dont think I will any more. I had been getting up at 430 every am to workout and was even work.ing out sometimes in the evening. Ive put on close to 7lbs in the past week and a half. Apparently being fat is just in the stars for me, but wanted to wish you all the bestt of success. God Bless and take care.
  • destinyisyours
    Still shreding day 11. Lol.. Everything is going well. Started lvl2 yesterday, and it did kick my butt!! But well worth it. Forgot to weigh myself this morning :-( Owell. I've been feeling great. And that's what really matters!

    momma2boys0609: DON'T give up that easily! I always seem to put on a few pounds with a new workout. I swear that the muscle weighs more, and you will start burning the fat soon after. It's taken me forever it seems just to loose 10 pounds! So I know how easy it is to give up. But it is well worth it in the end. And WOW you have lost 35 lbs! I find that truly AMAZING in itself. And that 7 lbs that you gained this week could be anything, water / salt / etc.... It will come off as quick as it came on...

    how's everyone else doing?? Good, I hope!
  • Mylife54
    Mylife54 Posts: 7
    Hey everyone,

    I haven't checked in lately been too busy. So I did the 30 day shred for a whole week and have been doing the calorie counting on here and I think it is working!!! I haven't done the shred for the past week though because we have had record breaking heat here in Seattle and it just has been to darn hot to do anything. I am talking 100-108 degrees. To some of you depending where you live you might be used to that. But up here not so much. Once it starts to cool down I will start the Shred again. I have lost 3 lbs so far though so I am motivated.

    Looks like not everyone has been checking in hopefully more people participate.

    Keep going everyone!!!

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  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Day 9 of Shredding, it does get easier. I feel a bit stronger even. I had a hard time getting to it today--I normally exercise first thing in the morning and today I didn't get to it til afternoon. At least I did it though. Hope everyone else is doing well!
    Hey everyone! I am just joining this thread..but it is day 8 for me. I completed the 8th day of level 1 today, without a day off. I am feeling pretty good, but the pushups still make my arms shake! I am sad to say I haven't lost any weight yet...but I have lost 2 inches total. I hope to see some more results soon. I lose motivation fast, without showing much progress.
  • kaylou
    kaylou Posts: 375 Member
    ok...I am going to get it after work today...I have been struggling with this last 5lbs...it pops up to 7lbs then goes back to 4lbs but generally I have been stuck at this 5lbs to go!

    So I am going to start this today...keeping my fingers crossed it does it!
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I ordered mine from netflix yesterday so mine should be here in a few days!! I always seem to miss the *start* of a "shred thread" :grumble: But i'd like to join if it's not too late! :wink: I'm excited - I've got 48 days until I go on a cruise - so the 30 day shred should be a perfect workout b/w now & then! :bigsmile:
  • mrsprazak05
    Well, I'm starting back doing the shred today. I know I'm coming in WAY late on this thread...but that's okay> :ohwell: I have a goal to get 17 lbs off by August 31st...and I KNOW I can do it with Jillian!! Ready to shred the pounds right off!!!
  • emmaphillips
    hi everyone - i've just been reading every1s comments on this 30 day shred and had a look on amazon & youtube to see what all the fuss is about and it looks amazing! Even better that you can get the videos for free on youtube! Although its only £7 on amazon so might get it if i like it :wink:

    this might be a daft question but is every1 just doing 10 days on level 1, 10 days on level 2 and 10 days on level 3?

    Hope this works for me i'm gonna try level 1 tomorrow & see how it goes so i'll check into this thread and let u all know how it goes! I'd really like to lose a few inches so fingers crossed!
    :heart: Emma
  • kaylou
    kaylou Posts: 375 Member
    I started Jillian's 30 day shred yesterday and am going to try my hardest to do the complete 30 days! I am at a small plataue and need to 'shred' my last 10 pounds or so. Anyone else doing this workout video? Any results from people that have completed this?? Any info/comments greatly appreciated! Good luck to us all!

    I just started it today...just curious....how is your progress?
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    I'm going to start it tomorrow, I've been doing fairly good going to the gym but could definitely use more toning exercises and it will be great for the days when I can't get to the gym.
  • zoink66
    zoink66 Posts: 116 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I just have to say, I am in LOVE with this video. I have been doing it five days a week for the last three weeks. I get up and do it in the morning before anything else, and this is the first workout in my entire life that I've ever had the motivation to do before work in the morning. I HATE HATE HATE morning workouts, but because of the length of this video, I've managed to do it every time. Amazing.

    I've just started my second week of level 2, which is brutal for me. Anytime I hear the word "plank" I just start to shake. But I'm seeing awesome results. I've been eating well, doing this video every morning, and I'm starting to see results. I never thought I could sweat so much in 26 short minutes.

    Since I only do it 5 days a week, It's going to take me a bit longer to complete the "month" long workout. But I'll post results when I do.

    Give it a go. You won't be disappointed.
  • zoink66
    zoink66 Posts: 116 Member

    this might be a daft question but is every1 just doing 10 days on level 1, 10 days on level 2 and 10 days on level 3?

    That's what I'm doing...don't know if it's the prescribed program but I borrowed the video from a friend without detailed instruction. For me, since I don't do it on weekends, it will take about 6 weeks to get through the whole circuit.