7 Weeks in, and not losing what I thought I would :(

I have been at it for 7 weeks tomorrow and I have lost 11 pounds, I set my goal to lose 60 pounds at a rate of 2 pounds a week. I am at or under my calorie goal everyday and do treadmill workouts burning 400-600 calories 6 days a week. I don't want to lose my motivation because I feel like I am not seeing results. Any advice?


  • linnyrhea
    linnyrhea Posts: 105
    I know its hard to stay focused. Did you take measurments? sometimes those end up being the bigger difference then weight loss. Your more then welcome to add me :)
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    Adjust your expectations.
    Eat more.

    Would you rather have gained 11 pounds? Don't trivialize weightloss. Any loss is a good one.
  • beautifulbeast11
    beautifulbeast11 Posts: 202 Member
    I really wouldn't rely on MFP's calculations for exact weight loss.

    2 pounds per week is massive for any type of diet.

    If I relied on MFP's calculations, I would've hit my goal a month or so ago :(

    Just keep up the good work! Seriously! 7 weeks and 11 pounds is awesome!
  • branflake6
    branflake6 Posts: 115
    it may not be as fast as you want it to be but 11 lbs in 7 weeks is pretty damn awesome!!! So congrats for that, and stick with it you will meet your goal!
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Since Jan 9th I've only been able to lose 4lbs, so be lucky you lost that. Slow and steady wins the race
  • christenwypy
    christenwypy Posts: 335 Member
    I think 11 lbs is great! i have gone at time 8 weeks or so and lost 2 lbs and often lose my motivation from that. and that is with eating very little and exercising a lot!

    this time so far i have been at it a week and a half and lost 2 lbs so i am very happy. i am trying intermittend fasting and trying to eat very little sugar. i think for me that might be the key.
  • MMoore_91
    MMoore_91 Posts: 10
    Try mixing up your workout. Running is great but you may want to incorporate strength training or calisthenics. The more lean muscle you have the faster your metabolism. =) Don't give up!
  • Ittybitty22
    Ittybitty22 Posts: 48 Member
    thats still good add me you are doing great
  • aleyjewell
    aleyjewell Posts: 65 Member
    I so understand. I have lost 2 lbs in 3 weeks. I thought it woul;d be easier too. Gotta keep our chins up and push on through!!1
  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 402 Member
    11lbs in 7 weeks is fabulous! You don't WANT to lose faster, most people who lose too fast will eventually put it back on. You've still lost more than 1lb on average a week and that's a fast pace, believe it or not :) You probably didn't put all your weight on over 8 weeks, it will not come off that quickly either. Keep at it and don't starve yourself. Eat well, exercise well and you'll get to your goal before you know it!
  • Dcjodie
    Dcjodie Posts: 7
    That's over 1.5 lbs a week.

    I think you really need to take a step back and realize that's pretty significant.
  • jennkess
    jennkess Posts: 86
    11 lbs is AWESOME. :flowerforyou: if you are looking for a lifestyle change weight loss that stays lost, slow and steady is the way to go. it's hard not to see some dramatic number - Biggest loser type you lose 11lbs in one week- but that is not realistic for regular every day life. I am only at 8lbs lost since January 1st- I have my down day's, upset when the scale hasn't moved, but i've lost 8lbs! I am almost in the next clothing size down. your hard work is paying off and will continue to pay off.

    and think of it this way if you stay on track with your current weight loss- adjusting for a plateau by the July 4th holiday of BBQ's friends and shorts with tank tops you will be 30 lbs lighter or roughly 2 sizes smaller than at the New Years bash

    good luck and keep at it- it's working
  • Nerlo70
    Nerlo70 Posts: 1
    I did treadmill cardio for weeks, lengthening the workouts, got in better running shape but the weight wasn't coming off. Once I started strength training, the results started coming.
  • emm9a
    emm9a Posts: 1 Member
    1-2lb a week weightloss is healthy, so 11lbs in 7 weeks is brilliant - you should be really proud of yourself!

    For quick wins, try eating "speed foods" - ie green vegetables, limit your carb intake too and drink a lot more water (I mean like 8 pints in a day!) and make sure that you are actually eating enough food for your body to burn the fat! Natural fats are best for this - so plenty of meat, fruit & nuts.

    Good luck :)
  • monaghme
    monaghme Posts: 25 Member
    I agree with the others, 11 lbs in 7 weeks is a great accomplishment. I've lost 17.2 lbs in 11 weeks which is just over 1.5 lbs per week and I have stayed within my caloric intake and have been hiking/walking almost every day or after work for at least an hour.

    I'm almost 45 and have a similar amount of weight to lose. I finally realized myself that hoping for 2 lbs a week we're only setting ourselves up for disappointment. Just re-adjust your numbers and you'll still see your goal before the end of the year....don't forget we'll be looking better each of the weeks leading up to that final target date,

    Keep up the good work!
  • prose58
    prose58 Posts: 52
  • dbutorac
    dbutorac Posts: 120
    I kind of feel the same way. I have been doing this for about 12 weeks & I just hit 20 lbs. I thought it would be faster. It is discouraging but what choice do we have. If you stop & regain the 11 lbs it will all be for nothing. Even if takes you a year to lose 60 lbs, at least you will eventually be there. A couple of weeks ago I was discouraged, but then the weight started coming off faster. If you are truly sticking to the diet & exercise, it will come off, it really will.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    In two weeks I've lost nothing!! So 11 pounds in 7 weeks is awesome! Don't be discouraged!!! Some of us aren't losing at all despite all our sacrifice (grumble grumble rant complain).

    Hang in there. Keep plodding along. Some loss is better then NO loss.
  • ValHallaGirl
    ValHallaGirl Posts: 73 Member
    You are doing great! If you ever feel like you aren't losing pounds/inches just think of this little saying (it helps me too) : "No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everyone on the couch"

    I think you are doing an amazing job. Just keep with it..someday when you are at your goal you will look back and be proud of everything you did to get here/there. It will be hard but if it wasn't everyone would be smoking hot and doctors and websites like this wouldn't exist.. we also wouldn't have met some of the wonderful people we now have as friends. ^.^
  • flong1975
    flong1975 Posts: 56
    Two words -Weight Training.... I have been doing MFP since 1/12/12 and had lost 7 pounds in the first month then hit a plateau. I started to really focus on weight training( 10 lb dumbells ) over the past 1.5 weeks along with my running. I dropped 4 pounds in the past week! I was so happy stepping off that scale this morning! I would suggest you looki nto this more as well... it might be your answer~!