Quit soda



  • My weakness was Coke. My husband would always make sure I had one in the house because if not, I would be hell to live with lol. I just decided that I need to give it up if i'm going to be healthy. I haven't had one in two weeks and I don't miss it one bit. All I am drinking is water. As of this morning when I went to the doctor, I have lost 9 pounds in these two weeks.
  • gazerofthestars
    gazerofthestars Posts: 255 Member
    I was a soda addict... used to get migraines if I didn't get my daily fix of 2 cans a day. During the past year I've succesfully and gradually cut down to drinking just one can of diet per week even if that. I feel great, no more migraines and I have more energy.
  • yida25
    yida25 Posts: 1
    I was completely addicted to coca cola, and many ppl have told me it wasnt good... especially cause i had at least 6 to 8 cups/ cans a day....

    recently, i realized the exsesive amount of weight i have gain and finally took my friends comments to heart. so i desided to quit soda, and have seen a huge difference... its been almost 3 months now and i have lost a lot of weight. plus, i have more energy and its a huge motivator for more weight lost. :)

    dont get me wrong it was extremley hard to give it up, especially working around it; but i wont go back!!

    this also made me realize the extremely unhealthy habits i had and desided to excluded, coffee (substituted hot tea((four blossoms)), extra salt....

    It was HUGE motivator!!! n e one can do it!!!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    You may not feel the difference, but quitting soda (both diet and regular) is only a huge step in the right direction for your health. There's no good reason to have soda in your diet. I have a friend who is trying to lose weight, but he is a soda addict (it feels wrong to write "coke addict" LOL)... I tell him, if you can't quit soda, you don't want to lose weight badly enough
  • I'm drinking La Croix right now. ;)
    I love carbonated water.
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    I stopped drinking soda over 2 years ago when I began a quest in cleaning up my diet...it was the first thing to go - not to help me loose weight (as I was drinking 0 calorie) but rather to stop putting all the chemicals in my body...

    By me not drinking it nor buying it for our home it really decreased the consumption of my families intake as well.

    I have had a sip or two over the past 2 years but it just simply tastes nasty to me now...

    *Note I still have caffine - as I normally have 2 cups of caffinated coffee and/or tea during the day along with anywhere from 9-15 glasses of water....occassionally if I am out I will have some ice tea - but my main liquids are coffee, tea and water (I will occasionally have alcohol, but I limit it to special occassion/going out rather than a daily or weekly occurance just to have some...)
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    You may not feel the difference, but quitting soda (both diet and regular) is only a huge step in the right direction for your health. There's no good reason to have soda in your diet. I have a friend who is trying to lose weight, but he is a soda addict (it feels wrong to write "coke addict" LOL)... I tell him, if you can't quit soda, you don't want to lose weight badly enough

    Based on what with diet soda?
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    There's nothing wrong with soda provided you brush your teeth and it's not the majority of your diet.
  • mdj1501
    mdj1501 Posts: 388 Member
    Thanks for all the replies. I noticed people have clearer skin when they drink more water. Not really sure if it's because of drinking less soda though. I also didn't realize soda stains your teeth. My original plan was to quit for February. Then I extended it through Lent. Now, maybe I can keep it out of my life. We shall see.

    I also gave it up for Lent, and ... just thought if I had a reason to give it up it would be easier to stick with. So far its been 3 ( maybe 4) weeks and I can honestly say I have not felt bloated once. Did not realize this until I read everyone's posts. However, that may just be because I also have not had any fried food either. At any rate.... I sure wanted one bad for a few days, now I don't even think about it much. And I used to drink AT LEAST one 32 oz pepsi a day, if not more...:noway:
  • mns91
    mns91 Posts: 6
    I stopped drinking soda about a year ago, and I actually did it on accident. I was away at college and one day the soda machines broke down. I got a tea instead (I get unsweet tea and sweeten it with splenda) and discovered I REALLY liked the way they made their tea. I ended up drinking just that for the last month of school. When I came home, I went to the kitchen and grabbed one of my favorite sodas (I loved orange soda and Mountain Dew) and when I took a drink, I thought I was going to vomit. I was absolutely disgusted by it, and I haven't touched one since.

    Honestly, I don't miss it, but I don't know if I actually lost any weight just by stopping it due to some other factors.
  • bmreed0920
    bmreed0920 Posts: 139 Member
    Thanks for all the replies. I noticed people have clearer skin when they drink more water. Not really sure if it's because of drinking less soda though. I also didn't realize soda stains your teeth. My original plan was to quit for February. Then I extended it through Lent. Now, maybe I can keep it out of my life. We shall see.
    It only stains your teeth if you have poor dental hygiene. If you brush your teeth, it's not really a concern.

    Poor dental hygiene has nothing to do with pepsi stainging your teeth. I brush three times a day and floss after every meal. The coloring of the soda is what stains your teeth. Just like coffee. No matter how well you take care of your mouth dark colored beverages will always stain your teeth.
  • CLI_2012
    CLI_2012 Posts: 24
    I would die without my afternoon Diet Coke :)
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I think it depends how much you drank in the first place and on your body.

    I cut out diet sodas completely and moved out of the valley and BAM no more headaches (except on the rare occasion). Unfortunately because the move happened at the same time as the diet soda purge I'm not sure if the lack of headache is due to the lack of diet soda or the move out of the valley...

    I will say that when I cut soda (regular soda) out of my diet I had an easier time losing weight. :)
  • That is my weakness & what I'm having the most trouble with! I'm trying really hard not to drink coca-cola as much but some days it gets the best of me because I didn't realize just how addicted to it I am.
  • Used_T
    Used_T Posts: 9
    I am a MAJOR Redbull addict. I drink 2 of the 472ml cans everyday. And that's after I have cut back from 6 a day. I tried to quit a few months ago but the caffeine headaches were so back I just gave in. My doctor told me to drink tea or coffee, when I get the headache. So, I tried that but the headache just seemed to get worse. I cannot shake Redbull. And I really do want to, it's just the headaches are so bad. Does anyone have any tips to get rid of the headaches?
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    I have cut back to the occaisional soda and I'e noticed a huge improvement in heartburn. This probably has some to do with the weight loss too, but I noticed it after just a couple pounds.
  • InkedBeauty89
    InkedBeauty89 Posts: 114 Member
    When i quit soda i felt about ten times better all around. I had more energy without all the caffiene i didnt feel all bloated all the time, better skin etc. But this is coming from someone who drank about 2-3 redbulls and 4-5 cans of mnt dew DAILY.
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    I haven't had soda regularly since last November-ish. Honestly, it's made no difference for me in terms of weight or bloating or anything. The only thing is now caffeine effects me a lot stronger than it used to. I used to drink stuff with caffeine right up until I went to sleep, no big deal. Now, if I have anything that is caffeinated after like 3 pm my sleep is ruined.

    But I don't miss it and know it's full of stuff I shouldn't be drinking regularly, so I deal.
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    I gave up Diet Coke on February 22. I haven't had one since and it's the longest I've gone without one in 20 years. I was a serious addict - up to 10 cans a day. While physically I don't feel any difference, I feel better about not needing them. I was a beeyatch when I didn't get my fix. I would run to the store at midnight if I ran out and couldn't face the idea of not having one the next morning. Waiters in restaurants would comment on the number of refills I could go through. I was worried about the effects of the citric acid in them on my teeth. I was embarrassed about how much of that stuff I consumed. So I feel so much better about not carrying the addiction around anymore, but no physical changes that I have noticed.
  • rossi02
    rossi02 Posts: 549 Member
    I've gone through phases of giving up diet soda, then starting back. For me, I've found that if I limit it to one small can a day I'm good. Back when I would drink 3/4 cans a day, I would feel bloated or sluggish. Like everything else.. balance!