Just getting started.......Looking to lose around 50 pounds.

Hello I am new here. Myself and a friend have joined together and I am hoping to make new friends as well. Please feel free to add me. Everyone needs more friends.


  • Xbwalker
    Xbwalker Posts: 65
    Welcome. I'm shooting for 60. I'd be happy to keep encouraging you.
  • akmett
    akmett Posts: 75 Member
    My goal is 55/60 and I lost 16 so far, so our goal are pretty close. I could always use fresh support and I do my best to encourage others...feel free to add me.
  • Kris1997
    Kris1997 Posts: 241
    Thanks for all the adds, maybe we all can lose it together...weight that is. lol :)
  • mmassacci
    mmassacci Posts: 13 Member
    I had 40 pounds to lose and am finally just under the half way mark! 19.2 to go! You can do it- we are all here for support!
  • my goal is 25 - 30.....i'm someone who needs a lot of guidance because i give in too easily
  • Marie852
    Marie852 Posts: 2 Member
    I am also shooting for 50lbs..last year I lost 41 pounds, so if I can get down to 200, I will be happy, then after that it will be another 70 to go. so feel free to add me as well and lets help each other out!!!!!
  • Ridumcowgirl
    Ridumcowgirl Posts: 115 Member
    Me too! We can do it:o) MFP is WONDERFUL for motivation:)
  • FarahIsm
    FarahIsm Posts: 6
    If there Is someone who Is a health freak or someone who really takes cares of their calories/carbs please check my diary and let me know whatt Im doing wrong. Im like 4'11 pretty short and I weight around 115-120 II would really appreciate this!!!!!
  • lola8403
    lola8403 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi! I started out with 40 to lose, down to 35 now. lol. I still have a long way to go, but it will be worth it in the end :) Good luck!
  • AMike98
    AMike98 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi! I'm just starting out too and have 50 pounds, if not more, I would love to lose.
  • Jwanguy
    Jwanguy Posts: 115 Member
    welcome. Feel free to add me Jwanguy. You came to the right place. Everyone here is awesome. great advice and very encouraging as well.
  • Plachy71
    Plachy71 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I joined a week ago too! I love this and finally after a year on ww and also a few other programs My Fitness Pal helped me get it.
    I am doing Jillian Micheals New Revalution along with MFP. I just get it and something clicked... This is how it goes, You stick to your calories you work you butt off exercising and the weight comes off. Its simple, but with this program it logs the calories and you see what you need to do to loose. We in america eat to many calories... Omg??? People just look on the Mcdonalds website, and see how many calories are in your food. We are a fat america! If we demand that these food chains give us healthy they will!
    We are all dying of fat, and the disease that goes along with it. We must demand the change for health... Good Luck to all of you on here and keep your chin up. This is the best website I have found in years. Calories=exersice= weight loss... Its simple, its free, and it works... Walk, and do cardio and strength training... I have lost 6 lbs and feel amazing with clean eating!!!! I feel fantastic and canit wait to loose my first 50, I have not been under 200 in years.. This is my year!! Amen and thank you!!