I'm New Here - Help

I have been at this weight lost thing for years now and it seems that the older I get, the less willpower I have to push forward. I know what it feels like to lose weight being that I lost 40 pounds about 5 years ago. I felt and looked great. My confidence went to the roof and I loved myself. But shortly after that I became pregnant with my second child and I never made it back to that point in my life and I want it back so badly. So, I'm here to get encouragment and inspiration from others who are in the same situation.



  • Amen sister, I too fondly recall the time I dropped the pounds and felt and looked great! I'm working to get my health back on track, get more out of each day, and shop for fashions in any store I like.

  • I think the older you get the easier it is to get frustrated and just quit. I know for me, I had to figure out a plan that was easy and just mentally commit to it. I swear, sometimes I felt like I needed a sponsor like I was in AA or something that I could call everytime I was tempted to make poor food choices....Lol I've only been on track for two weeks now, but I've seen results and I'm determined to continue. When I feel frustrated I come on here and read what other people have to say and it really helps. Good Luck!
  • I perfectly understand. I had lost all the weight, and looked great! Although I must admit I had achieved that goal by restricting calories way to much.Then I decided to quit smoking. I have gained over 40 pounds in just the past year. So here I am determined to look good again--but this time do it slowly and in a HEALTHY way! :)
  • thanks a lot...we can do this...
  • wyattmj
    wyattmj Posts: 2 Member
    Simply start by setting a small goal, then track every bit of food you eat here! I have no willpower, either, but knowing that I have to track my food makes me think before I eat anything! I've lost 15 pounds over 10 weeks by making that change!

    So set a small goal, and be honest tracking your food. I promise you that if you do that, you'll hit that first goal!
  • coriner
    coriner Posts: 9
    It's hard, I know. Especially with kids. Just watch those calories and take it day by day. I'm just starting out and I'm trying not to get to over worked about it. I log all my foods and try to stay within my goal. Good luck! I've loved MFP so far!
  • emmalecras
    emmalecras Posts: 79 Member
    I am nearly 41 and have been overweight since a kid. Have tried diet after diet over the years until the start of January and decided to give this a go with encouragement of friends. Feel like I have had a brain transplant as this is the first time that I really believe that I can do it. The thing that I find best is that I am no longer doin this alone - there are people there to support you, share advice and even allow you to cry with them.
  • I totally understand. My daughter's now 5. When I tell you I kicked myself a thousand times over trying to understand why I let myself go even further down this road instead of stepping up, and changing my life style sooner. Well I never got the answer to that question, but I'm doing something now. I get frustrated to ... I do, but the minute I get discouraged I think about the positive outcome this will bring. I would love to do this just for my figure, but at my age I have to look beyond that. This change is definately to help my figure, and boost my confidence. But overall it's for my health as well I'm not getting any younger so I have to start looking in more broader views. I hope this help. Keep it up...Your doing an awesome job!!!