weighed myself today and cried.

I had a beautiful baby boy four months ago. A week after I had him, I weighed myself and I had lost sixteen pounds. All him and water weight, I know, but still... I was feeling pretty good. Okay, so I don't eat all that well, and my walks aren't as long as they used to be, but it was still a huge shock when I weighed myself today and realized I had not only gained back the weight I had lost that first week, but an extra ten pounds. I just want to feel pretty again.


  • regina2063
    regina2063 Posts: 203 Member
    i know the feeling....i feel like crying now...but lets hang in there....we didnt gain it all overnight...i started jillian michaels 30day shred dvd ...because im not a exercise person...the scale dont move...but my body is starting to feel better...im taking it one day at a time...and want to scream and cry while exercising....SO HANG IN THERE....stay encouraged and stay on MFP...this is what motivates me everyday.....
  • crudd123
    crudd123 Posts: 244 Member
    Hang in there! You'll lose it! Just eat right and exercise! Good luck to you! And congratulations on your new baby! Mine are 20 and 23! They grow up so fast!
  • sshaw69
    sshaw69 Posts: 2
    Please don't be so hard on yourself instead let work on finding ways to make working out fit into busy lives and learning how to get the most out of our work out.the biggest step has already been taken and that is know that your ready for a change and how it just learning how to go about making the change.
  • avwife
    avwife Posts: 6
    I know that feeling, having my daughter changed my body so much, three years later and its only gotten worse. This place is incredible for motivation, feel free to add me if you like
  • starryol
    starryol Posts: 16
    There are times when most of us cry about ourweight - unless you are one of those weird naturally skinny people! You have a wonderful baby and time will show that your weight will go. Its a fact that its far easier to put on weight in a short space of time and it always takes longer to lose those pounds. I lost almost 3 stone (40lbs) with another 10lb to lose, and had convinced myself that I was now 'in control' and would never put weight back on again. With Christmas,New Year followed by problems I put on 10lbs. This was mainly by eating chocolate at every time I felt low. As others have said here,there is suport here and we can help you.I'm sure that you are beautiul just as you are and you will be ine with the help of friends you can make here on this site. I can ofer you support and I know I'm not alone in doing this
  • TiffanyDawn79
    TiffanyDawn79 Posts: 201 Member
    Do not beat yourself up! You made a great step joining this site! it is a lot of hard work but you can do it! Just stay strong and even stronger on your hardest days and you will do great! Good luck!
  • I was just crying to my husband today about how I can't seem to lose. He just came to my office and told me that I don't eat anything hardly but if I would work out it would help. Duh, there lies the problem. I don't have the energy and here goes the circle. On the bright side I made up my mind last week that I was starting on Monday and was NOT going to quit no matter what it takes so I have been eating all the right foods, keeping track of my calories which is easy with myfitnesspal.com, and I asked him to walk with me tonight. He looked at me funny and said "OK".
    Excercising is not really a problem it's my energy to do it, this past weekend we hiked the fifth highest and my husband thought the steapest trail up a mountain. Remember now this is my first hike since I had knee surgery and we love to hike so I know I can get the excersise if I can find my energy. I am only on day three and I had my crying spell this morning but us girls love those anyway. Tonight I am going to walk with my husband and continue my struggle, but most of all learn to eat right and keep it off.