im new and scared

Hi. Im Cherie aka "CAT". Im new here and struggling to understand why I am gaining weight. My goal is to lose 80 pounds. I have a belly that is making me feel uncomfortable. Need to learn how to balance meals and make healthier ones for my husband and I. we dont have a big diet we only eat a few items in many ways. My husband weights close to 300 pounds and wants to get weight off as well. thanks


  • Gwenski
    Gwenski Posts: 348 Member
    Hi.. hope things go well for you! What do you and hubby like to eat? Perhaps work around that to start. Logging what you eat first is a good way to see how to make any needed changes.
    Best to you,
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi, Cat!

    Welcome! MFP is a wonderful weight loss tool! I started needing to lose just under 80 pounds and I am 0.2 pounds from my halfway goal. Remember slow and steady weight loss is for the best because you will be able to keep it off in the long run. Feel free to add me as a friend!

    There are a TON of great recipes on here too! And I also recommend Tons of great low cal high flavor meals on there!
  • TrekkerCynthia
    TrekkerCynthia Posts: 155 Member
    Hello Cat and welcome. I agree with Gwen, just start using MFP now to track everything you eat. One reason people think they don't eat enough to be overweight is that they forget what they eat during the day. If you bite it, write it. See where you stand with your current habits then use that information to help guide you where you need to be. Don't forget to look at the nice nutritional tracking that MFP provides as well. No worries, just take things one step at a time and you both will live healthier and happier lived.

  • DaleRunning
    DaleRunning Posts: 8 Member
    Hello, just by deciding to join this site and make some life changes is brave! Channel your energy into exercise and making new diet plans or choices and you will be too busy to be scared! This is an awesome site for support, ideas and motivation! Welcome aboard!
  • strongandhealthy78
    strongandhealthy78 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi Cat,
    I'm pretty new myself and I hear you about being scared. I'm doing a weight loss plan recommended by my doctor and while each day, I wonder what the heck I'm doing, somehow, I am doing it. It has really helped to track my foods in My Fitness Pal and to attend the group class each week (offline). I'm just beginning to find my rhythm now and getting a little less scared. I have about 100 pounds to lose so I can be healthier and lower my cholesterol.

    I think Gwen makes a lot of good points too! :-)

    I wish you all the luck in the world.

    Best, Abi

    <a href=""><img border="0" src="; /></a><p style="text-align:center;width:420px;"><small>Created by MyFitnessPal - Free <a href="">Calorie Counter</a></small></p>
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    Well catwillig, you've got a grip on your problem, now to work on solving it.

    Theres a great community here, lots of great ideas and support but you gotta do the work. Like Gwen said, logging really helps - its eye opening to see how much you eat in a day and how many calories and fat grams you are loading up. After you have done it for a while you will see patterns where you over eat, bad things you eat repeatedly, and other habits. Read the forums for ideas and recipes - you sure wont find much here that ISNT good for you and your husband.

    Its a process and takes some effort. You Can Do This Cat. Welcome, and good luck. If you are interested, send me friend invite.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Hello Cat, please feel to look at my food diary for some healthier options.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend if you like. :)

    Change is scary, but it is good. I am here any time if you would like to talk


  • Cherof3
    Cherof3 Posts: 1
    :smile: Hi I am just starting today myself and this time getting serious about my weight loss that I need to lose. I have over 100 pounds that I need to lose I am hoping with this it will help me reach my goal. Good luck to everyone and if anyone has easy lunch recipes I would love some help in that area
  • This is a very good website to join. I just joined on Saturday and have already lost 3lbs.
    Don't be scared the hardest part is already over. You notice that your weight is a problem
    and your doing something about it.

    Good Luck!:happy:
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    Welcome! I started in january. Lots of very supportive folks here. My diary is public if you would like to take a look. I am working 35 lbs off through relatively clean eating, cardio, and weight lifting.
  • TiffanyDawn79
    TiffanyDawn79 Posts: 201 Member
    Don't be scared, Attack this life change! You have made a wonderful step coming to this site! You can do it, i'm not saying it is going to be easy though! It takes a lot of dedication and hard work. It will also take time! Just hang in there and you will do great!
  • vernessie
    vernessie Posts: 47
    Welcome, for starter, log in everything you are eating and portions. Stay within the recommended calories and "get moving" exercise. Slow "lifestyle changes" is the key to weight lose. Look at it as NOT A DIET - but as LIFESTYLE changes toward good health physically, mentally and spiritually. The information on here is very helpful, and the support from other members is awesome also.
  • BobLohr
    BobLohr Posts: 1
    Hi Kat

    Lost 21 lbs since January 19, 2012..............First Diet that has worked............

    Be honest, eat what you want, within the Calorie Goal given to you. Use your diary to keep notes. My Goal is to weigh 170lbs, with a 34 inch waist and 17 inch neck..................30 lbs to go and I am excited, as I watch a couple of poimds a week drop off..........

    Kat, do it because you can, with all the tools provided...........

    Your friend

  • mrssmith636
    mrssmith636 Posts: 80 Member
    Welcome Kat! This is the first step to your weight loss. MFP is a great site for encouragement and ideas.
  • Welcome!! Don't be scared at all! I had set an, what I thought to be, unattainable goal of weighing 140 lbs. I weighed 208lbs. And as of today, I hit my goal!! Just take it one day at a time and weigh in weekly. No sooner, no later. Just make better choices, don't deprive yourself of foods. I still eat what I want, but a LOT less of it! If I go completely without chocolate, I can't help thinking about it and craving it! I cut out fast food and soda completely and the weight started melting away. I work out 5 days a week, 1 hour a day. Just typical gym workouts. You can do it!!! good luck!!!
  • Tlively13
    Tlively13 Posts: 57 Member
    Cherie, You should check out clean eating. It is a way to eat healthy and loose weight. It is not a diet. A way for you to eat healthy and feel good. check out Tosca Reno site. she is the author of the clean eating books and is a prdouct of what she eats.
    also for recipes
  • Mzmoma
    Mzmoma Posts: 2
    Welcome!! Don't be scared at all! I had set an, what I thought to be, unattainable goal of weighing 140 lbs. I weighed 208lbs. And as of today, I hit my goal!! Just take it one day at a time and weigh in weekly. No sooner, no later. Just make better choices, don't deprive yourself of foods. I still eat what I want, but a LOT less of it! If I go completely without chocolate, I can't help thinking about it and craving it! I cut out fast food and soda completely and the weight started melting away. I work out 5 days a week, 1 hour a day. Just typical gym workouts. You can do it!!! good luck!!!

    How long did it take you to lose that weight?
  • Elizaj85
    Elizaj85 Posts: 158 Member
    Hello Cat, please feel to look at my food diary for some healthier options.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend if you like. :)

    Change is scary, but it is good. I am here any time if you would like to talk



    I agree and feel free to add me to, :-)
  • alix1105
    alix1105 Posts: 80
    Don't be scared! You are making the first step to success by joining this site. Seriously, this site has helped people in so many ways, I am thankful a friend suggested it to me. Biggest thing I can suggest is in moderation. Don't get too crazy and change your daily lifestyle with extreme changes right away. ease into it. Being healthy is a lifestyle. Not just til you lose the weight you want. When my boyfriend and I started cooking, (we do the same as you and your husband, same types of ingredients but different ways of cooking them) we started using . i love that website, delicious AND healthy food. Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me :)
    <3 alix.
  • melbaby925
    melbaby925 Posts: 613
    Hi Cat -

    Welcome! And it's intimidating at first, but just take it one step at a time and one diary entry at a time. Before you know it, you & your hubby will be in better shape and feel great. He should join too - it's a fun party once you get the hang of the MFP life. We all help each other out and I would have NEVER been this successful had I not had MFP and my friends here to help me through.

    Feel free to add me, and you can check out what I do in my diary if you need anything. We're always throwing recipe ideas around as well, so that helps a lot to keep it interesting!
