Been at this for 2 weeks ...need a friend!

I'm finding it hard to stay motivated even though I have about 20 concrete reasons why I need to do this! Help! Has anyone overcome the motivation obstacle and been successful?


  • palaciosjennifer711
    I tend to be a self motivator, but have joined this site in the comfort of knowing that others are doing the same thing I am. What I do when I need a pick me up is take a step back and re-analyze why I'm doing what I'm doing, what are my goals, how much I have accomplished as of right now and I remember where I want to be. I write my goals down and say it out loud. There is something about saying it out loud that reinforces my motivation. This is what works for me... I hope it helps... Feel free to add me I just joined and am excited to start making a change
  • denny36
    denny36 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm on my 3rd week and lost 5lbs so far which i am happy about. Some days i really don't feel like exercising but i just started walking briskly the 1st week, the jogged & walked the 2nd week & now this week i was able to jog my whole route & i really feel the weight is coming off. Cutting down on what i was eating was tough the 1st week but i have a wedding in 4 weeks and i really want to look good as will meet people i havent seen in years. I have 20lbs to lose in total. How much are you trying to lose?
  • mom2fabfive
    mom2fabfive Posts: 207 Member
    I just joined a few weeks ago. I have never been very good at self-motivating. For some reason it is like a switch flipped on and I realized I am the only one who can make myself do this. Of course it is good to have friends and family supporting and encouraging you. Hang in there and keep your eye on your goals. Feel free to add me if you want!
  • 43freckles
    43freckles Posts: 34 Member
    Hi, I would defo have friend on this site, I found it helps to keep me motivated because you can see how well they are doing and in turn it helps me to keep go for my goal. Feel free to add me. Good luck :happy:
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    Welcome, glad you are here.
  • alix1105
    alix1105 Posts: 80
    feel free to add me :) more friends = more motivation. and honestly, i had the hardest time STAYING motivated. I'd be motivated for about a week and then give in. So i put a picture of a really hot girl who is the same height as me but the size i wanna be on my mirror in the bathroom. Motivates me every morning for that "want" of where i want to be and continues my hard work and dedication :)
  • Jmstill300
    Jmstill300 Posts: 239 Member
    Feel free to add me if you'd like. I'd be happy to offer an suggestions or to help you out!
  • msmileyface
    msmileyface Posts: 76 Member
    Add me, too! Friends help. I also found that I needed to give myself a bribe to actually get into exercising (before it became motivating in itself). I actually paid myself $5 every time I worked out for at least 25 mins. I didn't let myself buy anything that wasn't necessary unless it came from the exercise fund I was building up each time. That made me workout almost every day because I was thinking, I need my 5 bucks today.. I want to buy new shoes.. or whatever.
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    You have landed in the right place. This site is full of inspiration and motivation. :smile:

    Good luck in your journey to a healthier you. Just remember to enjoy the ride.:drinker:

    And you may add me if you like. :smile:
  • Hannalore13
    Hannalore13 Posts: 24 Member
    It's definitely hard staying motivated as a college student, but I keep at it! I just make time every day to go to the gym, no matter what. Like class or homework, or anything like that. Feel free to add me, seeing as I'm going to try and use this more often :)
  • maf66
    maf66 Posts: 211 Member
    Yeah. Me. I was sick of how I felt everytime I got dressed or undressed. It wasn't about being thin for bikini season, Lord knows I'd wear one anyway, it was about outgrowing my "fat" clothes and not feeling comfortable in my own skin. I like to be naked. I like to be naked a lot. I wasn't going around my own home, alone, naked anymore...

    Thats just me.