greek yogurt vs reg. yogurt

I've been seeing a lot about greek yogurt. Is it more filling? Better for you? Why do you like it.:huh:


  • digitalsteel
    digitalsteel Posts: 374 Member
    I used to pick it over others cause its extra creamy and good, but I tend to avoid yogurt now due to the large amount of sugar most of them have :(
  • sunnyday789
    sunnyday789 Posts: 309 Member
    lots of protein in the greek yoghurt
  • EgyptianMushroom
    EgyptianMushroom Posts: 341 Member
    I like greek yogurt (lately I've been only getting Dannon Oikos!) because it's got about 12-14 g of protein, it's creamy and a little more filling than regular yogurt. Also, it helps to eat slower and enjoy the flavor. :flowerforyou:

    It's really good stuff. Just costs $1 for 5.3 oz (Dannan oikos, anyway). :grumble:
  • kellyyjean
    kellyyjean Posts: 499 Member
    That is one thing I do not keep track of, Sugars. I guess I should.
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    Greek yogurt has more protein, less calcium.
  • daisyduke523
    daisyduke523 Posts: 6 Member
    I Love the greek yogurt! I get the plain chobani greek yogurt (only 100 calories and about 16g protein) and I usually add fresh strawberries to it or granola. It really is very filling, which is surprising and it is so goood!!
  • CatrinaTime
    We've always eaten greek yogurt, it's more costly but so good and much higher and protein. Plain is great and then you can add your own fruit and/or honey for sweetness. Even our kids like it so that's gotta say something.
  • hbm616
    hbm616 Posts: 377 Member
    If you want to avoid added sugar get the plain variety and mix in fruit! I usually eat 6 oz of fage or whatever greek style is cheapest that week. I mix in either strawberries or blueberries, 1 oz of almonds and 1 tsp of agave nectar. I enjoy the fresh fruit so much more than flavored yogurts.
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    Greek yogurt is just strained normal yogurt. So it's more concentrated. Beware some "Greek Yogurts" are just chemlab experiments.

    Plain Fage is like 80 calories and 20 some grams of protein, mix it with some frozen fruit, and you have an easy breakfast.

    You can also use as a substitute for sour cream, etc.
  • EgyptianMushroom
    EgyptianMushroom Posts: 341 Member
    We've always eaten greek yogurt, it's more costly but so good and much higher and protein. Plain is great and then you can add your own fruit and/or honey for sweetness. Even our kids like it so that's gotta say something.
    I've never been a fan of plain yogurt but hubby bought some on accident. Putting about a tablespoon of honey in it made a huge difference! :heart:
  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    Greek yogurt is high in protein so it is really filling. I eat plain 0% Liberte everyday and add some fruit to it. So much creamier as well!
  • emrys1976
    emrys1976 Posts: 213 Member
    I also switched to greek yogurt because of the protein and now I don't like regular yogurt anymore! I'm not a fan of the plain, though. I tried to do the plain yogurt with berries but it felt like I was getting kicked in the jaw. So I added granola as well. That helped but by then I'd gotten the calories and sugar over the fruit-on-the-bottom variety, spent time putting it together I wouldn't have otherwise, and created more dishes to have to wash. So I eat the fruit kind now, lol. My favorite is Chobani but Oikos is really good, too.
  • theNurseNancy
    Make sure you get plain and add your own fruit or make a smoothie with it. The flavored varieties have too much sugar! Greek yogurt is great for protein and is filling.
  • kellyyjean
    kellyyjean Posts: 499 Member
    @hbm `That sounds r e a l l y good! Thanks
  • kellyyjean
    kellyyjean Posts: 499 Member
    Greek yogurt is just strained normal yogurt. So it's more concentrated. Beware some "Greek Yogurts" are just chemlab experiments.

    Plain Fage is like 80 calories and 20 some grams of protein, mix it with some frozen fruit, and you have an easy breakfast.

    You can also use as a substitute for sour cream, etc.

  • cakeums
    cakeums Posts: 231 Member
    I like it for the creamy texture and higher protein. I buy plain, and I love it with some honey drizzled in and raw almonds! Yum! I also use it to substitute for sour cream. My kids don't even taste the difference. I also use it in smoothies.
  • kellyyjean
    kellyyjean Posts: 499 Member
    Ok, you have all convinced me. I have to try it. Going to steal some of your recipes. Thank you!
  • CindyRx
    CindyRx Posts: 46 Member
    I usually have plain Fage or Chobani yogurt and mix one packet of Splenda in it to sweeten it up. That way I get the benefit of the protein and thicker, more filling yogurt as well as the sweetness without the extra calories. Yum!
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    I like the texture of it better. Makes yogurts like Yoplait seem really runny. I like Fage 2% plain and I'll add in a packet of Splenda and a teeny splash of vanilla. Much lower in sugar than the pre-flavored kind.
  • CindyRx
    CindyRx Posts: 46 Member
    I like the texture of it better. Makes yogurts like Yoplait seem really runny. I like Fage 2% plain and I'll add in a packet of Splenda and a teeny splash of vanilla. Much lower in sugar than the pre-flavored kind.

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