What does your daily meal plan look like?

I am supposed to be getting 1200 calories a day an I usually have 700-900 exercise calories. Problem is, I can barely eat my 1200! I normally get around 1100 and even then I'm full.

Here is what I have eaten today..what does your meal plan look like?

B- 2 tbs of Cafe Vienna Coffee with 1 cup of water, 1 packet of brown sugar and maple sugar free oatmeal and a banana

L-1 whole slice of whole wheat bread, 2 slices of deli turkey, 1/2 cup of tomato soup, 1/2 cup of green grapes

Snack- 16 reduced fat wheat thins, 2 tbs of hummus

D- Boca burger, 2 slices of sara lee 45 calorie bread, red onion, cheese, baked sweet potato fries

Snack-Fat Free chocolate pudding cup

Thanks in advance!



  • 2blakefield
    A typical day for me looks like this:

    Breakfast- 1 serving steel cut oatmeal, 2 packets Stevia sweetener, 1 hand full fresh blueberries and 3 egg whites (cooking spray)

    Snack- apple and small amt of almonds (raw, unsalted) OR 1 Wasa whole grain cracker with natural peanut butter

    Lunch- FLatout Light wrap or low carb tortilla wrap ( turkey or roast beef, big bunch of raw spinach, tomato, sprouts, and Maple Farms sugar free balsamic dressing). ***I am addicted to these***

    Dinner- salmon or spinach and a huge plate of a steamed green veggies!

    If I get a craving for sweets i will mix frozen blueberries into plain, Greek style yogurt and add a packet or 2 of Stevia.
  • carlahgay
    carlahgay Posts: 8 Member
    And how many calories would you say that is? Thanks for the input!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Maybe people could answer by indicating if their food diary is public, that way you could view their food diary and see all of the information without anyone having to re-type it :wink:
  • blakgarnet
    blakgarnet Posts: 343
    if you want to add a little more calories to your day to prevent starvation mode, saute veggies in olive oil - about 120 calories/tbsp and they are the good kind of fat.

    my day is....

    breakfast - fiber one original cereal (1/2 cup) with a fat free yogurt or a 100 calorie english muffin with I can't believe it's not butter spray

    lunch - piece of fruit, sandwich with 40 calorie bread slices (80 cal total), deli turkey (50 calories), reduced fat swiss cheese (70 calories) and spinach, carrots and sometimes string cheese or quaker rice cakes. sometimes I change it up and have one serving of stuffed shells from Cook yourself thin (I made a whole batch and have most of it in the freezer)

    snack - fiber one chewy bar if I'm having an active day at work and another piece of fruit

    dinner - a lean protein (shrimp, tilapia or chicken), steamed veggies and SOMETIMES a starch if I went to the gym and have the extra calories.

    dessert - low calorie carrot cake

    but then again, I am always hungry and change it up a lot.
  • 2blakefield
    It's around 1300, depending on how much salmon or chicken I eat. I am really addicted to those damn Wasa crackers and peanut butter though. I have started eating them before and after I weight train. It's a good way to add some healthy fat and calories to your day when you need them.
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    You can check out my diary. I have a base of 1600 plus 200-400 exercise cals most days.
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214

    I use to have problems eating my 1200 a day too but I started doing Chalean Extreme with the weights and I am not having any problems. Before the weights I did not make a morning smoothie. My typically day is:

    Breakfast: Egg, Turkey Bacon, Whole Grain Toast with dab of butter, water
    Smoothie (for one the drive to work) 1 cup strawberry, 1/2 banana 1/4 cup Dannon Lite & Fit Strawberry Yogurt

    Morning Snack: Sargento Cheese Wedge, Cucumber or Granny Smith Apple and Peanut Butter (depends on what I have for lunch)

    Lunch: Some sort of salad -
    my new favorite is
    Lettuce, Cucumber, Tomato, Celery, Avocado, Small Can Chicken Breast in water with Olive Oil, Lime, Garlic, and Pepper dressing
    second favorite
    Lettuce, Dried Cranberry, Diced Apples, Chopped Walnuts (chicken if I have leftovers) with Balsamic Vinegear, Sugar Free Raspberry Jam dressing

    Afternoon Snack: typically celery and hummus sometimes I will do crackers on hummus depending on what is for dinner

    Dinner: some sort of protein (chicken breast, fish, shrimp) with vegetables or a homeade hamburger (patty only) with homeade oven sweet potato fries and salad or something to that affect

    Dessert: If I get that far and my son does not eat mine I usually have pudding or fruit or something like that
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    My diary is public. It is set at 1370 calories a day plus exercise calories. Once I changed it to this from 1200, I started losing.