im new and scared



  • Wendysworld13
    Wendysworld13 Posts: 225 Member

    Change is scary - read that absorb it, scream about it, then embrace it. If you want to change you have to make scary decisions. You already made one, opening your heart to this site and these people and saying you are scared. Now on to the other things that need to happen.

    First off, friend me if you can - I have been doing this for damn near 35 years and have learned a lot in the process.

    When you start trying to lose weight the first thing I hope you are doing is looking at your diet and exercise. Both need to change to make this work. When you first start to exercise you may actually gain weight - don't fret - it is working! Muscle weighs more than fat and also BURNS more than fat. So lets make some muscle. Recently I have lost 13 pounds, but lost more than 6 inches in my waist and butt, and have visible muscles in my arms and calves. Generally you need to see how your body feels. You are saying your stomach is upsetting you - it is time.

    As I said, friend me. I can help! I am short on time here, but private conversations through the mail app is really helpful.

    Good luck. And stick with it!
  • catwillig
    catwillig Posts: 3 Member
    Took advice about logging everything... WOW do we need to change somethings... Thought bagels and cream cheese were healthly boy was I wrong???
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    hi cat :blushing: i have a belly that i seem to like to show everyone but by me watching my calories and...fat grams its starting to stay well hidden
  • kilime50
    kilime50 Posts: 37
    I know that feeling, I found this site today and I am hoping to connect with some friends who are going through the same journey. If you would like to connect feel free to add me as a friend
  • santent
    santent Posts: 7
    This site / App for the phone is the perfect tool that you can use to help achieve any sort of goal you have with diet / nutrition / changing your body. But first you must learn a bit about nutrition. You will find the following information most helpful when trying to lose weight:

    1. You must create a calorie deficit - (your body needs to burn more calories than you eat )
    2.You must keep a high metabolism. This comes from eating small meals every 2.5 to 3 hours.
    3. Most people need to split their calories up to 50% proteins, 30% carbs, 20% fats.
    4. Find what your "Maintaining" daily calorie intake is, and go somewhere between 300-500 calories below it every day. This will
    keep your fat loss at a healthy range (2-3 lbs a week).
    5. Ignore the cravings
    6. Have support - You have that right here.

    The quick 6 rules about dieting :-D Its all quite confusing, but if you do some research you can find out all the pertinent information you need in no time. Also, feel free to PM me with any questions. Nutrition and dieting is my specialty.
  • Krissi921
    Krissi921 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi Cat! Don't be scared, you should be proud that you made the first step to sign up and be here! You will do great! Add me as a friend if you'd like...I started out with about the same to lose! It seems like a lot but every number down on the scale becomes a victory - you can do it!
  • 21patrice
    hi, am Patrice i use to be super fit when i was younger but i had a baby and never lost the weight! Am afraid because i dont want to be a sterotype most of my family is big and has bad heath promblems. this is what am trying to avoid ive loss 30 pounds so far ive been useing smartones meals as a easy calorie counter! it really works if you are trying to find something thats easy but also herbal life meal shakes are good too!
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Don't be a scaredy-Cat! All you have to do is follow your plan and move a lot! MFP and MFPs are a great help for losing weight. Don't be afraid to have fun! :bigsmile: This is your opportunity to have so much fun trying new activities, you might just forget to eat a meal now and then. On days you want to eat more, you just have to work harder to earn more calories. I've been known to work for food (or work off extra calories at the end of the day). I love it! I think you and your husband will, too, especially doing it together. Best wishes and God bless you! We want to see before and after pics in 6 months.
  • pursuit250
    pursuit250 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey i have been using mfp for 60 days! It is a great tool i would recommened it to anyone trting to lose weight. Goodluck:-)
  • Hope1971
    Hope1971 Posts: 111 Member
    Welcome! I just joined a week ago and I am addicted to this site. Don't be scared, you can do this! Log, log, log..huge eye opener and even if you are bad log it to keep accountable and see it in front of you! There are tons of great people on here and if you go look at the before and after pictures you will find alot of encouragement! Best of luck and feel free to add me and anyone else who would like friends feel free to add me also!

    Also wanted to fiance and I started the biggest loser community challenge in our town 2 and half weeks ago and both started on here on week ago today, and he has lost 8 pounds already, and I have lost 7.5. Weigh in is Friday so hoping to see even more shed. But my whole point was...we have had alot of fun together doing it and it helps to have each other. I never thought I would see the day that we fought over who was going to get to vacuum for the extra calorie burn..haha to funny!!!
  • lls0521
    lls0521 Posts: 13
    Welcome Kat. You already did the hard part. You decided to make a change for you and your health. You've started taking the first step by deciding to make a change in your life. Keep track of everything you eat and total your calories. You also need to do various forms of exercise. Take it slow and increase time and activity over time. I keep a fitness chart on my fridge that is a callendar chart that allows me to fill it in each day for exercise that I do. It helps keep me on track. Also eat healthier foods. Preservatives are bad in foods. Eat things that grow from nature, fruits and vegetables and if it has a mother you can eat it. If I doesn't have a mother then it's filled with a lot of crap your body doesn't know what it is. I eat fish, chicken and turkey all week and only allow myself red meat on Sunday. I have gained a new appreciation for food and how good it can make you feel. All the preservatives in non real foods can make you tired, lazy and sluggish. I also take a break and do not exercise on Sundays. I give my body one day of rest and I treat myself to a meal that I crave also on Sunday. I said one meal either breakfaast, lunch or dinner. by doing this its helps me to get over
    crvings for foods I may miss a bit and I have found that by having that one meal a week like pizza, steak or whatever that I don't gain any weight that day. It helps me. My sons are doing this to and my husband eats the way we used to every day. The difference is we
    three are losing weight through eating more healthy foods and thru exercise while my husband doesn't want to. We are losing and he is not. It is a life and health choice. You've made the first step. You can do it!
  • ToEKnee213
    ToEKnee213 Posts: 1,031 Member
    You have come to the right place for any encouragement and tools that you may need. Don't be scared - everyone is here to help and we are all like-minded, we were new once too (and most likely scared!)

    Feel free to add me and best of luck to you!
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    You are able to do whatever you want in this life. Weight loss is easily something you have control over.

    My only advice is to learn to not be afraid of this change. When we fear something, we give it control. When we lose control of our situation, we see no way out. By breaking that fear, you hold all the control and you can do whatever you want with it.

    There's nothing to be afraid of :) The Weight should be afraid of YOU! :D
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    Hello Cat welcome to MFP. You will love it. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like support =)
  • Reddak98
    Reddak98 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi, has your husband joined MFP too. If you could do this together; what a help that would be. Wishing you the best in your journey.
  • nancyinfernley
    welcome to MFP cat,

    i didn't read all the responses, but i'm going to add my two cents anyway. i really love the food tracking, calorie counting and weight tracking, but my favorite is the exercise converter. it converts the most mundane exercises like house keeping, gardening, household chores and gardening. so when you do those dishes, vacuum, laundry you can convert it to calories used.

    believe me i checked this out and then thought, i might as well delete the account. but i have been on it since jan 2nd and use it everyday. as soon as i get up in the morning i log in, before i go to bed at night (or midnight whichever comes first) i log in and hit my calories for the day. i find i'm less ready to attack a bag of chips or gorge on cupcakes before bed because i know i have to log it in and i don't want to go over. i never believed it would get this far into it. but it's working for me. i'm exercising more, i'm watching what i eat and i'm getting healthier. i also have a better outlook on life.

    you can do it and we are all here for you. add me if you like!!!