What motivates you to lose weight?

I am 48 year old woman and I exercise at least 3 times a week, either running 3 miles or taking a spin class. I hate logging my food down, guess I am lazy. How does everyone motivate themselves to log their food down? I see so many people losing weight and I would love to be there but have no motivation to log. I guess my brain thinks, if I am exercising than I do not have to log down, well guess what that isn't working in the weight loss category! LOL! So I go back to my question, what motivates you? Would love some hints!
Thanks in advance for your help!


  • Mguilmot
    Mguilmot Posts: 232 Member
    The gain of energy
    Less and less pain in my knees and back.
    My old clothes when I hold them now
    The mirror does :-)
  • shaybethxo
    shaybethxo Posts: 153 Member
    if logging calories doesnt work for you, don't do it religiously, make a vague note maybe. it just makes it easier to see where you are going wrong, or right. but everyone is different so your call. good luck with everything, however you decide to tackle it :)

    my motivations for losing weight is quite simply my future - i'm only 19 and i'm not living the rest of my life as a fatty x
  • For me it was pretty simple. I found something within myself that makes it all worth while. Something bigger than just losing weight. I lost my Dad a year and a half ago. My Mom had open heart surgery just about 8 months ago. I have a daughter that just turned 13 and my motivation is to be as heart healthy as possible and be around for my Daughter as long as possible. In turn, I am doing it for me as well. It's a personal life style change to make me a better me and do everything I can so that my daughter does not have to go through a loss like that before she needs too.

    ...that's my motivation. Good luck and stay the course!
  • chergarr73
    chergarr73 Posts: 59 Member
    Honestly at first it was ALL about accountability...when I joined, I asked a few friends and family members to join with me and keep an eye on my food diary. Full permission to scold granted. Then, I struggled with full disclosure...once I saw the calories add up. Being brutally honest with people (and ESPECIALLY myself) was an unexpected challenge. Being brutally honest was the best thing I possibly could have done! I was SHOCKED...measuring and logging everything was a very eye opening experience...would not have believed anyone if they had told me how many calories I was consuming daily...with so little food to show for it. Logging on MFP has literally changed and possibly saved my life...it has enabled me to get real with myself and has empowered me to make smarter choices. After a few months on here, I now eat WAY more than I used to and am steadily losing weight. Making SMART food choices. For the first time in my 38 year life, I acknowledge that food is FUEL, not entertainment. Good luck!!!
  • That's tough. I actually LOVE logging in my food. I enjoy knowing exactly what is going in my body from a nutrient and caloric stand point. I lost my mom when I was 28 (she was only 47) from a very rare cancer. She struggled with her weight most of her adult life. I want to be healthy and sexy and look good in my clothes. I want to be around for my kids (and eventually grandkids). I also want my boys to not be ashamed of their mom.

    Maybe I'm too vain, but when I turn 40 in 2013, I want to be a sexy MILF in my bikini. :)
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Without logging you risk underestimating what you are eating and overestimating how much you're working out (ie telling yourself, I can have pizza for dinner, I worked out today).

    I also get very bogged down my logging sometimes, so I make deals with myself. I try to log religiously M-T, Friday is my cheat day and I eat what I want and do not log. The weekends are hit and miss....sometimes I log, somtimes I don't. I try to still eat somewhat healthier and exercise more on the weekends but depending on what is going on I might eat a little worse than I intended.

    I also find that planning my meals and logging them all at once in the morning helps too. That way when mealtime comes I can just eat it rather than logging before each meal. It makes me feel a little less strict that way.
  • tycholien
    tycholien Posts: 33 Member
    Last August I was on holiday in a forest cabin and thought it'd be nice to go for a run. I managed about 2 minutes and almost passed out. That combined with my kids taking the mick out of me for being fat. I was also not allowed to go on a climbing wall because I was above the weight limit. Combine that with health issues around the corner and it was a no brainer.

    It has been 230 days and yesterday I went for a 5 mile run and I'm close to being in the healthy BMI range rather than the obese one which is where I was.

    I log religiously because it keeps me honest, my worst enemy is pies. Even when I get to my goal then I'll still log but won't be quite so anal about every little thing.
  • kreat
    kreat Posts: 136
    My self confidence, my eagerness to want to fit into my old clothes again, my self desires.. Also, seeing everyone elses success makes me want to be part of that statistic.... :)
  • jnlynn
    jnlynn Posts: 101
    Wow thanks everyone, you are really inspiring me!
  • I log my calories and exercise because Myfitnesspal makes it super easy. I haven't got the hang of balancing my calories and exercise yet but I am getting there. I thought I could eat all those calories that I burned...frankly it was too much food.
  • jnlynn
    jnlynn Posts: 101
    Wow you definately have motivation! Thank you so much in sharing your story!
  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    What motivates me to log my food is to see how good a I did that day. Also, I is so easy to log food on here so I don't really have problems. But if you are finding it hard to log food you might want to try to plan your meals.

    Keep Calm and Carry On,
  • jnlynn
    jnlynn Posts: 101
    For me it was pretty simple. I found something within myself that makes it all worth while. Something bigger than just losing weight. I lost my Dad a year and a half ago. My Mom had open heart surgery just about 8 months ago. I have a daughter that just turned 13 and my motivation is to be as heart healthy as possible and be around for my Daughter as long as possible. In turn, I am doing it for me as well. It's a personal life style change to make me a better me and do everything I can so that my daughter does not have to go through a loss like that before she needs too.

    ...that's my motivation. Good luck and stay the course!
    You definately have motivation! I am so sorry for the loss of your father and I hope your mom is doing better! You also stay on the course!
  • jnlynn
    jnlynn Posts: 101
    That's tough. I actually LOVE logging in my food. I enjoy knowing exactly what is going in my body from a nutrient and caloric stand point. I lost my mom when I was 28 (she was only 47) from a very rare cancer. She struggled with her weight most of her adult life. I want to be healthy and sexy and look good in my clothes. I want to be around for my kids (and eventually grandkids). I also want my boys to not be ashamed of their mom.

    Maybe I'm too vain, but when I turn 40 in 2013, I want to be a sexy MILF in my bikini. :)

    I am sorry for your loss, thanks for sharing and good luck being sexy MILF when you turn 40:wink:
  • I also used to HATE logging my food, sometimes I still do, but use this community as a resource. MFP makes it easier, and don't freak out when people tell you that maybe the listings are wrong, no big deal. i actually have found them pretty right on. Just try to be as honest with yourself as possible. I recently bought a food scale from Walmart, 18 bucks so I can weigh my oz of meat. I try to measure portions by the size of my fist but logging it was hard, wasn't sure if I was logging to much or too little. So, if you hate logging food and just can't get into it, make sure you have a fist size, your fist size of carbs, proteins and veggies. Simple right?! It is. I'm starting to weigh my food so I can hold myself more accountable. It does get easier and its fun to see what your friends are eating.
  • Oh and my motivation, myself, my husband and my skinny jeans. Nothing super crazy, just hate feeling self conscious all the time so I figured, I'm 32, why not fix it now!!!!!
  • liedwar8
    liedwar8 Posts: 4 Member
    I rarerly log my food or workouts. I'm just too busy. I keep a running tab in my head and log in when I can. I keep myself motivated by remembering that I've worked my way down from a size 26 to a size 12 and simply refuse to gain a single 1 of the 91lbs Ifought to lose.:happy:
  • I log pretty religiously because tracking food and exercise has been so effective (32 lbs in 4 months) that that's my motivation for logging. When I have a "bad" week I can look back and see where I went wrong. And I am a huge fan of "pre-gaming." I log everything I eat the day before. That way I already know everything I am going to consume that day. We always plan our dinners at home so that part is easy. I work in an office so I pretty much just eat oatmeal for breakfast and something sensible and easy for lunch (we usually make extra of whatever we have for dinner the day before). I also plan all my snacks because that's my downfall; it's easy to lose track of how many almonds I eat or how much fruit I'm eating (gotta watch those sugars!).

    I admit I was kind of lax in the beginning and I would sometimes fudge ("I can't log that I put that much cream cheese on my bagel!") and those were the weeks I'd show very little weight loss (under 1 lb) or (yikes) I'd gain. And that really affects no one but yourself, so I decided 100% honesty is the best policy, even if I ate a girl scout cookie in a moment of weakness.

    To answer your original question though - what motivates me to lose weight? Two main things. 1) I want to be healthier than what is expected in my family, where heart disease and diabetes are prevalent. 2) My son, who is nearly one year old. I want to be physically fit and be able to chase him around and not just sit on a bench and smile when he's playing at the park. My "A-ha" moment was this: one day we were taking him for a walk in his stroller at the park. Then we saw what appeared to be a 5-6 year old boy riding a tricycle. His father was jogging behind the tricycle. I thought, "I have to be able to do that!" A third less important reason is vanity. I'm going on vacation at a beach house in September. And for once I want to wear a decent looking bathing suit and not be wrapped in a towel the whole time!

    Good luck to you. I hope you find your motivation. :-)
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    I love to kayak. My husband and I actually bought our own kayaks last summer and I absolutely cannot wait to go again this year. But last summer while kayaking with my size 4-6 best friend, her kayak was flowing easily over the shallow creek while I was constantly getting stuck because of my weight. It was so embarrassing and made me very upset afterwards. I vow not to have to go through that again! Motivation at it's finest...
  • In the last few years, my dad has suffered from 3 of the major health issue facing people today: heart disease, diabetes, and now cancer. He was never a hefty guy, but because he lives alone, he always ate like a single guy.

    Then I look at my older brothers. Both are morbidly obese, and don't do any exercise of consequence. Plus, they are showing the classic signs now: angina, pre-diabetes, etc. I looked them, and myself, and I was not as bad, but was heading there myself.

    So, my wife and I decided it was time to change, and we went all out. We are now running, trying to get respectable enough times to do some 5k's, and we are now on whole-food, plant-based diets. Since September, I've gone from 248 to 223. I have knocked over 4 mins off my 2.5 mile time.

    If my lazy butt can do it, any one reading this rant can do it.