Stuffing my self to get net calories at 1200



  • laquita870
    laquita870 Posts: 13 Member
    Yes i wear a HRM and I always burn 1000-1100. I attend a very intense hip hop zumba class. So I am very sure the calorie burned are correct.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I wouldn't do it if I wanted to lose weight. I think the 1200 calorie threshold is bogus. I started in January lost 20 lbs so far. At first I tried to eat 1200 calories, but I realized I would never lose weight on that.

    That right 1200 cals is too low for most people. Here is a guide for setting weekly goals and on top of this you should eat back what you burn, provided you calculated it correctly:
    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal, and
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Zumba is a great workout but, as others have pointed out, that calorie burn seems high. I don't know what your current weight or fitness level is, but unless you are very heavy 1000 calories for one Zumba class seems too high.

    Your diary isn't open, but if your calorie burn is correct, rather than stuff yourself maybe take a look at the types of food you eat. Are you eating enough fat? Fat has more calories per gram so many people avoid when dieting, but it's an essential nutrient and healthy fats (nuts, vegetable oils, avacados) can add healthy calories and make your meals more satiating.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Yes i wear a HRM and I always burn 1000-1100. I attend a very intense hip hop zumba class. So I am very sure the calorie burned are correct.

    What type of HRM? (some brands tend to over estimate burn, from what I understand Garmin and Polar seem to be the most accurate)
    How long is the class? and
    Do you back out the cals you would have burned had you not done zumba? What I mean by this is HRM tell you total calories burned, some of those (maintenance cals) are already included in you MFP caloric intake so you should back those out.

    So what does this mean, it means that most likely you burn 1.5, cals give or take, while not working out, so if a class is 60 minutes you would have burned 90 had you not worked out and those should be backed out prior to entering the burn into MFP.
  • laquita870
    laquita870 Posts: 13 Member
    My class is 60 minutes. I'm not sure of the name of the watch, don't have it with me but it's the watch type not the strap. So, I guess I have been forcing my self to eat calories I didn't need. Wyay more than I needed. I thought I was helping my weight loss by eating those exercise calories! That sucks! I hope i havent gained weight from it! :( Should I get a different HRM? Any suggestions?
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I wear a HRM in my Zumba class and I burn between 480-550 calories in an hour. And I'm heavy and tall so you are overestimating your calorie burn. Be careful if you are eating back all of those calories.

    My thought as well. I'm still in the 190's and in 60 minutes of Zumba I burn 600 cals tops and I'm pushing myself hard to get to the 600.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    My class is 60 minutes. I'm not sure of the name of the watch, don't have it with me but it's the watch type not the strap. So, I guess I have been forcing my self to eat calories I didn't need. Wyay more than I needed. I thought I was helping my weight loss by eating those exercise calories! That sucks! I hope i havent gained weight from it! :( Should I get a different HRM? Any suggestions?

    Yes get a good HRM with a chest strap. Eating those exercise calories isn't worthless, you do need them to fuel yourself especially as much as you workout. You just need to get a HRM that is more accurate so you know how much to eat back. I eat 1800+ cals a day, have lost 103 lbs and still losing so it does work you just have to get the numbers that work for you. Don't beat yourself over it, just re adjust and move on. It's a learning process that even I'm still learning at times. Good luck!
  • laquita870
    laquita870 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for the positive feedback! Do you guys know of a good HRM?
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Thanks for the positive feedback! Do you guys know of a good HRM?

    I love my Polar FT4 it has chest strap and so far it is far more accurate then websites and machines. You can get it for around $90 at Target. I've heard of a few people getting theirs on for around $70.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Ohh those wrist watch types are horribly unpredictable and they either read too high or too low. I tried one before I bought a chest strap type HRM (Polar FT4 w/ chest strap) and I was on the treadmill almost 45 minutes and it said I burned 77 calories. Did the same workout for 45 minutes after buying the Polar FT4 and it was around 400 calories. :wink:
  • antihillmoby
    antihillmoby Posts: 131 Member
    An average Zumba class only burns between 300-600 calories an hour.
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    Hello Guys and Gals

    I have been using MFP since January and have lost 11 pounds. The last two months I have started eating my exercise calories back. Well this month I have began going to a Zumba class were I'm burning about 1100 calories per class. I want to continue working out but I am having to stuff myself when I am not hungry in order to have my net calories at least at 1200. I start with eating a big but healthy breakfast but adding a slim fast to it. I try to eat a large lunch and a large dinner after my workout but by dinner time I can eat anymore and I am literally forcing my self to eat and I am not hungry. Any suggestion on what I can due to get my net calories at 1200 without discontinuing my workout. Possibly higher calorie foods that are lower in fat? Can this eventually make me gain weight. It is still hard to fathom the concept of stuffing myself in order to lose weight.

    I CAN'T eat back my calories. i burn too many teaching HARDCORE SPIN 6 days a week and my regular workouts. I make sure I eat healthy and often.
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    My class is 60 minutes. I'm not sure of the name of the watch, don't have it with me but it's the watch type not the strap. So, I guess I have been forcing my self to eat calories I didn't need. Wyay more than I needed. I thought I was helping my weight loss by eating those exercise calories! That sucks! I hope i havent gained weight from it! :( Should I get a different HRM? Any suggestions?

    Your calorie burn is based on your weight and your movement. It's going to vary based on your class. Getting an HRM is a good idea however I am a trainer and have never had one. I base my calorie burns off my sweat
  • amyallenstockwell
    amyallenstockwell Posts: 26 Member
    When I did weight watchers, you didn't have to eat your exercise calories. You could "bank them" and use them for days of that same week that you go over your intake. I also agree that you may be over estimating. Make sure that you drink more than the8 glasses of water on the days that you exercise.
  • trixyj
    trixyj Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there, you need to check your zumba calories... unless you are doing it for 3-4 hours a day you will struggle to burn that much!

    i box in a high intensity class and burn around 700... and I know it! its hard.

    you really need to get an HRM. I dont every eat my exercise calories. on the days where I exercise I just always make sure I have 1400 and not 1200 that day. If I do double classes I sometimes have 1600.

    If you have ever seen the biggest loser, those guys exercise for 6-7 hours a day and only have 1600 cals a day.

    i would consider not eating your exercise cals, until what you are doing isnt working - eg hungry or plateau.

    good luck on your journey :)
  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    during my Zumba I burn between 320 and 400 cals. and that's for 45 mins.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I'd say you are overestimating how much you're burning at zumba -- Unless you're like 300lbs, you're probably not burning that much..... and try eating calorie dense foods -- almond/peanut butter, nuts, avocado, etc. get rid of the slim fast and have a real protein shake - add in some black beans, pumpkin, soy milk, protein powder, cocoa powder -- YUM! :)
  • wells0707
    wells0707 Posts: 251 Member
    I have been know to burn 1000 calories in a zumba class. Usually it is around 600-800 depending on the instructor, but that number could be accurate. I too have a hrm watch and when I emailed the company to find out how accurate it is they told me to make sure I was checking my heart rate quite often for the most accurate reading. During zumba I will check it after every song. Good luck to you.

    I am no expert, but I would suggest to stop eating when you are full. Your body knows when it needs more fuel. :)
  • laquita870
    laquita870 Posts: 13 Member
    So it looks like I have been overrating because my HRM was incorrect In the calories I was burning. That means if I only burned 500 on the days I thought I was burning 1000 my actual net was around 1800 and not 1200 as i thoughy. Could this cause me to gain weight!? I have been doin this 2-3 times a week for the last three weeks. I haven't gained on the scale i have actually lost two pounds in the last three weeks.

    I'm going to go ahead and buy a new monitor so my calories will be more accurate but now I'm worried that I'm
    gonna gain from what I have doing the last three weeks. :(
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    So it looks like I have been overrating because my HRM was incorrect In the calories I was burning. That means if I only burned 500 on the days I thought I was burning 1000 my actual net was around 1800 and not 1200 as i thoughy. Could this cause me to gain weight!? I have been doin this 2-3 times a week for the last three weeks. I haven't gained on the scale i have actually lost two pounds in the last three weeks.

    I'm going to go ahead and buy a new monitor so my calories will be more accurate but now I'm worried that I'm
    gonna gain from what I have doing the last three weeks. :(

    You can't change the past just work on the future so if you do have a gain it will be a small one but I would think you would have seen it by now. 500 over for 3 days/week for 3 weeks only equals to 4,500 cals so just over a lb. gain if lost over those 3 weeks so maybe you aren't to far off on your numbers. I know everyone is different but I eat 1800-2100 cals a day after exercise and net around 1300, I steadily lose 1-2 lbs a week. I also know how hard it is for most to believe but you really do have to fuel (eat) yourself in order to lose weight in a healthy, steady manner.