Please check my diary

This is what I am planning on eating today. I am looking for suggestions for a high protein food with little to no sodium. I was gonna have a protein shake but it would put me over on the sodium. I'm not sodium sensitive but just thought it would be best to not go over if I can help it. I guess if nothing else, I can cut out the beans and have more chicken. lol


  • mollydubs
    mollydubs Posts: 205 Member
    Replace the egg mcmuffin and the frozen lunch with similar foods you can make yourself...fresh things. The sodium will most likely be significantly lower.
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 562 Member
    Greek yogurt. Fage plain nonfat is 130 calories per cup, 85 mg sodium, and 23 g protein.
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    Replace the egg mcmuffin and the frozen lunch with similar foods you can make yourself...fresh things. The sodium will most likely be significantly lower.

    :) Yes I was thinking the same thing....and you can make something more filling than a lean cuisine. Getting rid of those two will drop your sodium a lot!
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    I would replace the Lean Cuisine, for sure.
  • fimary
    fimary Posts: 286 Member
    Tesco - Tuna Chunks In Spring Water (Drained), 140 g 140 0 1 33 0 0
    Fage - 0% Fat Free Greek Strained Yogurt, 50 g 26 2 0 5 0 0

    my lunch
    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
    already ate the egg mcmuffin (that's not an all the time thing. only on occassion). I work pretty far out so I can't go home for lunch or eat out so the frozen meal is basically a staple for my lunches. Wish lunch time was easier than that for me. I don't get much time to cook and freeze meals so grab and go lunches are pretty much the way I have to go. I'm thinking that I may just give up the beans for dinner and have a couple extra chicken tacos. That may solve my problem. Still would like some extra protein but I may just have to deal with it. lol
  • o_delaisse
    o_delaisse Posts: 193 Member
    I agree with the others - if you're able to, make your meals yourself instead of the processed foods. I understand you don't want to go over your sodium today, but on another day - the protein shake is a FAR better option than the Egg McMuffin! :)
  • Michele7091
    Michele7091 Posts: 256 Member
    Ditto what everyone else says. You can make a much heathlier Egg McMuffin at home.

    And I would replace the Lean Cuisine as well. I only eat them occasionally mainly because they are LOADED with sodium. Plus they don't fill me up at all...I always end up thinking "that was a serving?? I need two more just to feel full".

    Greek yogurt is a good snack choice...throw in some fresh fruit to make it even more filling.
  • sapalee
    sapalee Posts: 409 Member
    I've been making extra dinner servings and packing those for lunch for the following day. Will be much better than a TV dinner and won't take you any extra effort.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Extra chicken tacos, you're just adding more sodium because of the tortilla's. Not sure where you live but there is a brand called Tumaros low carb soft tortillas. I like 2 of their flavors, the salsa flavor which is 50 calories, 11g carbs, 6g fiber 5g protein, and 90mg sodium. Also their low carb multi-grain soft tortilla, 60 calories, 85mg sodium, 11g carb, 7g fiber, 6g protein.
  • marbit
    marbit Posts: 108
    I have two recipes I use routinely for lunch. One is Mulligatawny Soup. You can make it on a saturday or a sunday, double the recipe and you have enough to last you the entire week. 2 weeks if you freeze individual containers. Its lentilly and delicious (I can give you the recipe if you would like or you can google it). I also make black beans, quinoa, jalepenos and onions (mixed in with a little coriander and cumin powder) in huge amounts and put them in individual containers so I can take them on alternating days for variety.
  • Michele7091
    Michele7091 Posts: 256 Member
    I work pretty far out so I can't go home for lunch or eat out so the frozen meal is basically a staple for my lunches. Wish lunch time was easier than that for me. I don't get much time to cook and freeze meals so grab and go lunches are pretty much the way I have to go.

    Try making extra dinner and take leftovers for lunch the next day. Still easy to grab and much, much better for you than the frozen meals. I brown-bag pretty much every day and its always what I had the night before at dinner. Just a suggestion so that you don't have to eat the processed food every day for lunch.
  • Hopelessbird
    I suggest eggs for lean, cheap and low sodium source of protein. I eat 4-6 eggs almost everyday (hardboiled no yolk for breakfast and salads). Cook from scratch for sure. Prepackaged meals are not as satiating as the homemade dinners.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    Make a protein shake before you leave the house for breakfast --- Mine today (For example) had 1/4 cup black beans, 2tbsp canned pumpkin, 3tbsp egg whites, just under a cup organic unsweetened soy milk, chocolate protein powder, 3/4 tbsp cocoa powder, ice -- 266 Calories, 5g fat, 19g carbs, 6g Fiber, 36g protein, 199mg sodium....

    pack your lunch for work with something you fixed -- not a frozen lunch. You can get way more out of a meal you made yourself for similar calories - and way more protein - and way less sodium. if you find it hard to pack lunches -- cook a weeks' worth of food on the weekend and freeze it - then you have something to take every day. easy peasy.

    have black beans - drained & rinsed - instead of refried beans to cut sodium.

    have a high protein snack instead of a calorie laden banana. someone else suggested greek yogurt which is an excellent choice!

    sw 303.4 (1/1/11)
    cw 196.4 (down 107lbs)
    gw 160
    29 y/o, 5'6''
    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
    I agree with the others - if you're able to, make your meals yourself instead of the processed foods. I understand you don't want to go over your sodium today, but on another day - the protein shake is a FAR better option than the Egg McMuffin! :)

    I usually just have a protein shake in the morning but was craving something different. I know it sounds like an excuse but I honestly just don't have time to make stuff. I have twin 4 year olds I have to get up and ready for daycare and get myself ready for work and out the door by 715 am. I work about 20 or so miles from home so going home is not an option and there are zero places to eat or a grocery store anywhere near me. I hit the gym right after work and don't get home till almost 8pm every night then it's eat, baths and bed and start over again in the morning. So I just don't have the time to cook like I should. That's why I have the frozen meals at lunch. And if I don't have something in the crockpot for dinner then I have to find something quick to make or its eating out. This wasn't so much a problem until I joined the gym. But that was neccessary as I won't workout at home. Even though I have the stuff to do it with, I just won't and the girls pretty much won't let me when I do try. I would love to give up the frozen meals. It just doesn't seem possible for me if I want to eat. lol
    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
    Thank you for the suggestions. I suck at planning ahead. lol I will def try to make extra dinner servings and cook stuff on the weekends for my lunches. I honestly have NEVER had greek yogurt. I look at them and know they are good for me then put them back cuz of the calorie content. I usually end up with yogurts with 100 or less calories. I don't eat banana all that often. I will switch between an apple and a banana or a yogurt for my snacks usually. I also have some strawberries at home too. I'm not just a wonderful cook either. At least not the healthy stuff. I can make some mean green chili chicken enchiladas though. lol I'm gonna def give this a shot. Thanks again for the suggestions and if you have any easy healthy recipes that freeze well, I would love to have them.