100+ to Lose and only DAY 2 HELP!



  • namomma2
    namomma2 Posts: 5
    I'll tell you what helps me, especially in the beginning. First of all, the hardest part is making up your mind and starting, you've done that, GREAT job!! The second part is to either put up a picture of yourself when you were smaller, or if you don't have one, find someone that you would like to look like. Put it somewhere that you will see EVERDAY, and everyday tell yourself, I'm gonna do it! You may slip and have a bad day, or a bad week, BUT every time you see that picture it will bring you back. Once you have determined to do something, it's mind over matter. Set your surroundings up to help you, not bring you down. Good Luck and somehow I just know that you've got this in you and you CAN DO IT!!!!!
  • budgetko
    budgetko Posts: 1
    Set a lot of smaller goals so that the main goal is not so overwhelming. It's not going to come off all at once. You did the best thing by starting with the journalling your progress. Time flies when you have friends to help you lose the weight.
  • lorihalsted
    lorihalsted Posts: 326 Member
    Just keep telling yourself you didn't put it all on in one day and it won't come off in one day. Make this commitment for yourself and your health. You can do it. :smile:


    You can do it! It's a journey that will have it's ups and downs. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I writing to this message to anybody with words of encouragement! Somebody who is currently losing weight and has a lot to lose like me, please help motivate me! :-) Its day 2 and I'm already freaking about slipping up...
    Don't freak about slipping up - I've been logging my food on here for over a year now, and I still slip up and eat like a pig on some days.

    The thing is though, I'm never going to eat like a pig every day, every week, every month, every year. It is what you eat on average that counts. So if you eat more on one day, it's no big deal.

    This is the rest of your life we're talking about, not something you'll do for a few months. :)
  • als1210
    als1210 Posts: 8
    I'm on day 4 trying to lose 65-70 lbs. It's not quite 100 but still plenty. I think a positive outlook always helps. It's going to be hard but worth it in the end. Good luck! I know you can do it!
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    Don't freak out - just take it one day at a time. it gets easier, trust me.

    Start weight 303.4 (1/1/11)
    current weight 196.4 (down 107lbs)
    goal weight 160
    29 y/o (for another couple weeks - eek), 5'6''
  • notgivingup2012
    Hi, I was where you are today. My highest was 265 and my goal weight is 145.. Thats 120 lbs lost challenge!! Today, Im 200 (as of Feb 29th, im going a month without the scale), but I know Ive lost 65 lbs so far and about 55 to go. If you look at it as 100 lbs to go, that is too scary. Instead focus on only 5-10 lbs. Then when you lose that 5-10 lbs, then focus on another 5-10 lbs. Trust me, thats how I got my 65 off. Feel free to friend add me if you want.
  • k2charmed4u
    k2charmed4u Posts: 282
    The trick is don't give up, no matter what. We all have slip up's/doubts that will knock us back a bit but the key to loosing weight is finding the right balance of diet and exercise for you. Everyone is different so no one can tell you "do the same as me and you'll lose this then and that amount then" etc as chances are it won't happen that way.

    I lost 54lbs in 2010 (over about 8 months) and i've put a lot back on since Jan 2011 (about 33lbs) because i'd met my (now) husband (as of last tuesday) and became settled in a very loving relationship. He doesn't care because he loves me for me but now i'm ready to start losing again. The thing is now I know I won't be able to use the diet I did then because my lifestyle has changed so my challenge is finding a new receipe for weightloss (pun unintended :wink: ) stick at, you'll be fine. There are so many people on here that will stick with you until you reach your goal and beyond. If ever in doubt ask like you have today :happy: as someone will always be on here to help out.:flowerforyou:
  • beautifuldisaster37
    I slip all the time. main thing is to not give up and do it for you and your health. My momma always says "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels". Let me tell ya Cheese is pretty darn tasty. lol a lifestyle change is what your doing not a diet. Once I started this site and logging my food intake it really opens your eyes to what your consuming and the amount of calories that are in everything. I have about 100 pds to lose and i've dropped about 8 of them. it doesn't seem like alot but every pound that goes is like a one ound bag of sugar your no longer carrying around with you. I like visuals lol before you know it that 3 pounds you lost in a week turns into the twenty pounds you lost over a two month period. keep up the will and we will all show one another the way.
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    It totally ok if you slip up. The main point is that you get back on it the next day :)

    i could barely walk for 10 minutes when i first started trying to exercise or lose weight.
    but i did it for 10 mins each day, thats all that i could handle that made me feel comfortable. then i added 5 mins each week,
    and now im up to 40 mins a day.

    you get a brand new chance every day!! dont give up!!!
  • mwilke
    mwilke Posts: 378 Member
    You have been given a lot of good advice. What has worked for me is taking baby steps, not depriving myself of treats and cravings- because going on a "diet" generally means depravation and self destruction in my eyes, and not obsessing over if the scale moves or not. There are days where the scale won't move, and on those days you have to take a step back and look at yourself and ask if you are feeling differently than when you started, and if your clothes are fitting differently, and if you have more energy, etc. Break the big goal into mini goals and celebrate each accomplishment!
  • prettygirlhoward
    prettygirlhoward Posts: 338 Member
    Don't give up on yourself..... Keep positive that your goals will be meet! :flowerforyou:
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    I'm going to hit 100 pounds lost any day now. I won't say I've "slipped up" because I'm not on a diet...nothing to cheat on or fail. But I have had plenty of days where I haven't made the healthiest food choices.

    The point is not to be perfect. It's to start, and then refuse to stop.
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    I find that planning ahead really helps me. I doesn't worry me to eat the same stuff every day, which helps, so I normally make a big batch of something for my lunches, buy fruit and yoghurtsl for the week for my breakfasts, and make sure I know that there is something good for me to eat each night. In the mornings I input what I am planning to eat that day, and then I know whether there's anything left over for treats, or if I need to do a bit of exercise or just tweak something to make it work better. It gets easier to work out over time, as you get used to knowing the calories in the things that you normally eat, and what things are worth it, and what are not.

    I'm also generally more relaxed at the weekends. I know I'm in this for the long haul, it's going to take time for me to lose this weight, but I was fat for a lot longer than that, and I'll be healthy for an awful lot longer than that.

    Keep trying different things until you find out what works for you, and you will get there! :flowerforyou:
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Log in EVERY day, even when you have slipped up. Be honest on your food log, even when you slip up so badly you want to hide. Consider every day a learning experience. You don't have to be perfect, but you have to learn from your mistakes. My stupidest mistake? I used a "mug" for a measuring cup for about three months before discovering that the mug was actually 12 ounces not 8. Dumb as a box of rocks I was, but I learned and I fixed. (No, I did not go back and change my old food logs. I was honest in the sense that I didn't realize I was making a mistake, and I did not punish myself for it.)

    So, my advice is to just keep logging and let the information you log teach you what you need to change. You don't get a High School Diploma or a College Degree in one week, and you won't learn everything you need to change and be able to do so in one week either (let alone one day). This is a process. If you are feeling better and more confident in a couple of months, you are succeeding. And you WILL succeed. No, not necessarily by losing ___ pounds in ____ weeks, but by feeling better than you did a couple of months before.
  • Rockerchick77
    Keep your head up girl, you can do this! We are all here to help each other and it makes it so much easier to accomplish goals :-)
  • bojamashell
    bojamashell Posts: 61 Member
    Haha. I just wrote a blog about this yesterday. It's called "Got Knocked Down But Getting Back Up". I have slip ups and that's where I've failed in the past. I used to slip up and then get mad at myself, so mad that I'd just say well if I'm gonna blow it, I'm gonna blow it for sure! And do even more damage and quit. This time around, I'm trying to do meal planning, I'm walking more, setting smaller goals. When I started, I had 154lbs to my goal weight. Now I have 138lb left. Instead of focusing on what I have left, I focus on what I've accomplished. Also, as far as my goals are, I don't just set goals for the # on the scale. I set them for increasing my fitness (like setting a goal to walk every day for at least 15 minutes and then work up to a bigger goal). And I set them for my water too. I tend to forget to drink enough water, and when I do that, I'm dehydrated and crave sugar and tend to overeat. I've noticed drinking water when I start to feel hungry, will actually make the hunger go away. So I'm teaching my body (hopefully) to stop interpreting thirst signals for hunger signals- therefore it's easier to stay within my calories allowed. Sometimes it doesn't work, and rather sit there and think about "Man, I'm hungry" I eat a healthy snack. Since starting this journey just over 3 weeks ago, I've learned how people can say they lost weight by eating more. When I choose the right foods, I'm usually eating more often than when I was eating yucky food (not calorie-wise because the unhealthy foods are very high obviously).

    But the key is just to keep going. It's a journey and I have to recommitt to it everyday. I almost feel like I'm in AA or something, because I really am taking it one day at a time.
  • iloveboysthtsparkle88
    I too have more than a 100 pounds to loose, and one things for sure is that I did not gain this weight all at one time, and neither will it leave all at one time. I keep in front of me the little victories I have had along the way thus far ie: going to the Y has made me feel better about myself, I sleep better at nite, I got back into a no stretch pair of jeans, my energy level is better and my body is changing. I am still working on emotional eating but I remember the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome. Make little changes everyday: eating healthier, drinking more water, taking your vitamins, moving more, and learn to celebrate these just as much as you would with what you see on the scale. Keep moving forward one step at a time and be realistic and honest with yourself. Sure hope this helps. You can do this!!

    I think you worded this perfect!!!!! None of us gained all of this weight over night....and it will not come off overnight. I feel like i need to have a treat at least once a week. If i dont do that it will make it extremely hard to resist and i will over eat if given the oppurtunity. Just continue to do this day to day. You have already taken the first step in admitting you need to change and that takes a lot of courage. You will do awesome!!!
  • openskybeach
    openskybeach Posts: 294 Member
    Just breathe.. You can totally do this. I have more then that to lose still but it is one day at a time and this site has so many supportive and utterly awesome people. I'll send you a friend request if you'd like some support! :)