Anyone using p90x?



  • bazfitness
    bazfitness Posts: 275 Member
    I'm confused - the fitness and exercise world seems to be one where one person swears by the greatness of one diet or exercise program while someone else rubbishes it and says this other one is far better.

    I saw the ad for P90x about a month ago and I thought that sounds ideal for me. I read on another forum that it was a gimmick though with no scientific basis and that people have got injuries using it - so I got turned off it. Here though everybody on this thread at least seems a fan - so I'm thinking again.

    Any more opinions on this program - positive, negative or mixed feelings about it?
  • usc2626
    usc2626 Posts: 186
    I'm finishing up my 7th week, first round of p90x classic. I love it and I'm getting good results. I've lost close to 12 lbs and for the first time since high school starting to see my abs. The only workout (due all the sports injuries I've had in my lifetime) I still can't fully complete is plyo x. It is just to hard on my knees with all the jump moves. I have to modify most all of them. I've been trying to wait it out to see if it gets any better but they seem to be getting worse. I'm really thinking of switching plyo with something else, maybe cardio X. Other than that it's the best workout program I have ever been through.
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    I'm confused - the fitness and exercise world seems to be one where one person swears by the greatness of one diet or exercise program while someone else rubbishes it and says this other one is far better.

    I saw the ad for P90x about a month ago and I thought that sounds ideal for me. I read on another forum that it was a gimmick though with no scientific basis and that people have got injuries using it - so I got turned off it. Here though everybody on this thread at least seems a fan - so I'm thinking again.

    Any more opinions on this program - positive, negative or mixed feelings about it?

    P90X is not a gimmick. Look at my results and then decide. I not only lost and toned with P90X once but easily dropped another 10 pounds when I started a serious round on Jan 1st. Also, if you look around at the before and afters in the beachbody message board, you will see that I am not an exeption to the rule.

    The pictures compare my starting point in May 2010, 90 days later and a pic I took this past Sunday. I didn't take a pic on Jan 1s because I looked pretty close to the July 2010 pic (only a pound or 2 heavier and less tone). To me is better than anything out there. This replaced my gym membership close to 2 years ago.

    About injuries: anything that you do fitness wise has a risk for injuries but if you follow proper form you should be OK. And you are given ways to modify too.

    I think that most people that complain about it not working is because they didn't commit to doing the program the right way. Even if you don't follow the nutrition to the letter (I tried but was way off from perfect) you will get results.

    A few things: I did the classic version on both rounds and only missed 3 workouts on my first round and about a week total this time around. The nutrition I followed was the portion control (macro ratios). My goal was to stay as close as possible to the ratios for each phase and didn't get discourage if I was off on some days.
  • bazfitness
    bazfitness Posts: 275 Member
    Thanks a lot for the replies guys.
    I'm finishing up my 7th week, first round of p90x classic. I love it and I'm getting good results. I've lost close to 12 lbs and for the first time since high school starting to see my abs. The only workout (due all the sports injuries I've had in my lifetime) I still can't fully complete is plyo x. It is just to hard on my knees with all the jump moves. I have to modify most all of them. I've been trying to wait it out to see if it gets any better but they seem to be getting worse. I'm really thinking of switching plyo with something else, maybe cardio X. Other than that it's the best workout program I have ever been through.

    Sounds like it's working well for you. I've got problems with my knees as well - so I'd have to be careful with anything that put them under too much pressure.
    P90X is not a gimmick. Look at my results and then decide. I not only lost and toned with P90X once but easily dropped another 10 pounds when I started a serious round on Jan 1st. Also, if you look around at the before and afters in the beachbody message board, you will see that I am not an exeption to the rule.

    Big difference. Glad to see it worked so well for you. :smile:
    About injuries: anything that you do fitness wise has a risk for injuries but if you follow proper form you should be OK. And you are given ways to modify too.

    Yeah I guess to just realise what your own body's limits are and not to do stuff it's not ready for.

    I'm probably not going to get P90x straight away as
    a. I'm short of money right now.
    b. I'm probably not quite fit enough. I have started calisthenics, jogging and karate. So if I'm in better shape in a few months physically and financially I might very well get this.
  • mtbVegan
    mtbVegan Posts: 3 Member
    I love P90x, I use it each winter to help build up my muscle strength. I ride/race bikes all spring, summer, and fall, so P90x is a great winter workout and it amazes me how strong I've gotten by the end of it.
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    Thanks a lot for the replies guys.
    I'm finishing up my 7th week, first round of p90x classic. I love it and I'm getting good results. I've lost close to 12 lbs and for the first time since high school starting to see my abs. The only workout (due all the sports injuries I've had in my lifetime) I still can't fully complete is plyo x. It is just to hard on my knees with all the jump moves. I have to modify most all of them. I've been trying to wait it out to see if it gets any better but they seem to be getting worse. I'm really thinking of switching plyo with something else, maybe cardio X. Other than that it's the best workout program I have ever been through.

    Sounds like it's working well for you. I've got problems with my knees as well - so I'd have to be careful with anything that put them under too much pressure.
    P90X is not a gimmick. Look at my results and then decide. I not only lost and toned with P90X once but easily dropped another 10 pounds when I started a serious round on Jan 1st. Also, if you look around at the before and afters in the beachbody message board, you will see that I am not an exeption to the rule.

    Big difference. Glad to see it worked so well for you. :smile:
    About injuries: anything that you do fitness wise has a risk for injuries but if you follow proper form you should be OK. And you are given ways to modify too.

    Yeah I guess to just realise what your own body's limits are and not to do stuff it's not ready for.

    I'm probably not going to get P90x straight away as
    a. I'm short of money right now.
    b. I'm probably not quite fit enough. I have started calisthenics, jogging and karate. So if I'm in better shape in a few months physically and financially I might very well get this.

    I think that is very important. To know your body. Good luck with what you decide to do.
  • SilkyHotspur
    SilkyHotspur Posts: 233 Member
    I've exported my P90X worksheets into portable 6x9 size for a clipboard...modified some exercises to match what is in the, added the smith machine for some squats and chest work. Now I have a custom routine that I work with 3 days a week....I add in cardio on days i'm in the gym, and that's all I do....3 days a week is enough.
  • kallisto208
    I'm on week 8 and have definitely seen results but more so, the people around me are seeing my results which is just pumping me up even more. I've been doing the lean version but found that starting out I just wasn't strong enough and had the balance for the yoga so I swapped it for the plyo and will come back to it maybe next month or maybe when I do a second cycle and better prepared for it, I just love that there are so many options.

    I've been slow about getting into message boards and groups thinking I can make it through by myself, but after getting my butt whooped by a trainer going through a boot camp thing at a Relay for Life event I realized I need some more motivation to keep myself on track to make it through the last few weeks.
  • savlov30
    savlov30 Posts: 233 Member
    I have a support group on facebook for p90x users if anyone would like to join.
    The link is

    I will be doing the p90x/Insanity Hybrid starting June 25th. If you like to join me, let me know.
