Dieting on VLCD and PCOS

Hello! I am VERY new to this site as in.... today I just joined. I have a LOT of health problems including Mixed Connective Tissue Disease, PCOS among others. My Primary Care suggested that I try to the HCG diet. I looked at the cost of it and decided to try the Very Low Calorie Diet First with doing only liquids diet starting with 4 of the protein drinks per day with lots of water in between. I have hypoglycemia so I will have to really watch that. Has anyone else tried this successfully?


  • ting1789
    ting1789 Posts: 11 Member
    When I was first given metformin I was down to a 900 calorie diet and walking 3 miles 5 days a week. Dropped 50lbs over a month and a half. I was also miserable and gained it all back within 2 years. So far I'm having luck cutting carbs and upping protein even if I'm a bit over the sat fat just because after a little "detox" period I'm not as hungry as I was.

    At least in the beginning I'm keep calories/fat up a bit as I cut carbs to under 150, 100 or so as ideal until I get over that little hump.
  • I am doing a 2 week liquid diet and then adding food back. The doctor said it should curb my appetite, make my stomach smaller and extremely watch portions and carbs. I am SOOOO hoping this works!!!! I had lost 30 lbs when my PCOS decided to rear its ugly head and my Mixed Connective Tissue Disease flared.
  • chaceanne
    chaceanne Posts: 3 Member
    I too have PCOS, along with Insulin Resistance and HypoThyroid. I also did two different VLCD programs, both of which consisted of 6 meals per day, 5 shakes/bars plus 1 healthy meal with all totally somewhere around 900 cal. per day. The 1st one, I lost 53lbs in 6mos., gained back 55lbs, just a quickly. The 2nd one, it took me over a year to lose 26 lbs and you guessed it, gained back that plus. Two problems for me, 1st was the cost, the cost became too much for my budget to handle, so I never got to the part where they teach you to maintain the loss, so I went back to eating the way I always did and the 2nd issue, was boredom, I got tired of eating the same things over and over again. I'm sure there are people out there that these plans have worked wonders for, however, I'm not one of them.

    I started making overall changes to our diet a few months back, eliminating all carbs, other than those found in veggies and upping my protein and water intake, it was a slow go. About a month ago, I started using a meal replacement shake for my breakfast and lunches, snacking on healthy foods, like Greek Yogurt (no fruit added), low fat string cheese or cottage cheese and almonds and having a healthy dinner, with lean meats or fish, lots of fresh veggies and if we have a carb, it's things like sweet potatoes, brown rice (not instant or quick cooking) and quinoa (google it if you don't know of it, I found a lot of great recipes). But I must say, using and tracking my food here on MFP, has probably been the biggest help of all for me, I've lost over 9lbs in a month, it's coming off much slower, but I'm hoping this, for me, will be a lifestyle change, rather than a quick fix that didn't work. I'm so tired of going up and down, up and down.

    Now, I'm not a Dr. and don't know your entire situation, I just know the VLCD didn't work for me.
  • I started a somewhat variation of a VLCD program today. I have eased into it over the past few days but started it full force today. Then when I work on coming off of it, I will add only small amounts of food and such to my diet with very few carbs and just complex carbs when I come off of it. I am HOPING that it works.... it doesn't hurt to try though! The cost of the protein meal replacements is actually cheaper than our food costs for 2 weeks!
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    VLCDs are not something to just do without a lot of research, knowledge, and medical supervision. They are not for people who don't have a lot of weight to lose. They are not a long term sort of diet. You have to be very careful with them to make sure you meet your nutrient needs. They do not always work and can lead to long term medical and psychological issues (thus why you should be under medical supervision).

    As for HCG, there is no scientific evidence that the chemical does anything. People lose weight because of the VLCD they are also on.

    I, honestly, would not do one unless under medical supervision AND in a situation where weight loss could be life or death. Before trying something so drastic and potentially dangerous, I would make other changes to my lifestyle.