The New Rules of Lifting for Women or Body For Life

Hello All,

This is my first time posting here on MFP. I have enjoyed reading the support and motivation the MFP community gives to everyone and i am hoping to get some thoughts and motivation from you all.

I am considering doing one of the following:
- The New Rules of Lifting for Women
-Body For Life
Has anyone heard of or done any of these programs?

I wanted to get input, thoughts, pros and cons from you all to help me with my decision.

Thank you in advance for you help.


  • CassieLeigh86
    CassieLeigh86 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm currently doing the New Rules...I love it! There is a group for it here on MFP, which I found very helpful when I was thinking of starting it. As for Body for Life, I've never heard of it, so I can't comment!

    Good luck with whichever program you decide to do!
  • wady24
    wady24 Posts: 75
    I have heard of both and done NROLW. I think they both work but have a little different way of looking at things. I recommend NROLW since its more slow paced and something you can stick with.
  • hotmama1174
    hotmama1174 Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks Ladies-I have heard good things about NRLW-I am leaning towards that one.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I tried body for life for a while. Didn't really like it. Too easy! Jillian Michaels is more my style. I'm going to be trying out New Rules of Lifting this summer!