Its getting hard!!

I have been doing my healthy lifestyle now for almost 2 weeks. I don't want to call it a diet because im not doing it to lose weight. I mean i NEED to lose but my main goal is to be healthy. Of course i have cheated a tiny bit but not like a full meal or anything. Today and yesterday I have wanted fast food soooo bad!! What do you do during these times? I eat my healthy meal but still crave mcdonalds! UGH!! What are some things you do when you are feeling like this? And feel free to add me I have no friends. Thanks for the feedback!


  • nebulinda
    nebulinda Posts: 120 Member
    Cheating every once in a while is ok, as long as you still try to stay within your calorie goal for the day. If you deprive yourself of the things you want you will be more likely to give up. If you want McDonalds you should get it, but plan out the rest of your meals for the day to make sure you don't go over your calories and the rest of your meals are healthy
  • I still eat out which I know some people say is bad but like the person above me said "If you dprive yourself of the things you want you will be more likely to give up." I find this true with me. WHat I do try, and ususally succeed, is that I opt for the kids meals at my favorite fast food places. It curbs my craving plus I usually get a toy LOL
  • Tanya_IP
    Tanya_IP Posts: 62 Member
    LOL a toy for my kids to steal! Thanks thats a great idea!
  • Tanya_IP
    Tanya_IP Posts: 62 Member
    I try hard to just cheat a little. I have a problem where if I cheat it gets hard for me not to over due it. This has been my downfall. Im doing surprisingly well so i like to reward myself with those naughty cravings lol
  • I'm totally understand I have a hard time not going full blown. Hang in there and on here nobody is in it alone! Feel free to add me if you'd like :)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    My body won't allow me to eat fast food anymore. After I didn't eat it for 3 months, my body started to reject it. In fact, I can barely even have a soda after eating clean for so long.

    Here is something to think about with McDonalds that might scare you away. My brother-in-law is doing an experiment where he bought a McD's happy meal and put it on top of his frig. After a year, the burger still has not grown mold or even attracts bugs. The patty shrank a little but other than that, it looks brand new. Scary isn't it, lol
  • Tanya_IP
    Tanya_IP Posts: 62 Member
    omg lol gross! There went that craving thank you i needed that lol
  • I understand EXACTLY how you feel. Some days are SOOOO hard! But I have to agree with the others... if you deprive yourself of all the things you enjoy you are more likely to give up. Portion control is everything of course so I make sure I stay within my calorie limit. Another thing I do if I am "bad" is I just work out harder at the gym the following day. Best of luck to you!!! You are not alone! :)
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    My body won't allow me to eat fast food anymore. After I didn't eat it for 3 months, my body started to reject it. In fact, I can barely even have a soda after eating clean for so long.

    Here is something to think about with McDonalds that might scare you away. My brother-in-law is doing an experiment where he bought a McD's happy meal and put it on top of his frig. After a year, the burger still has not grown mold or even attracts bugs. The patty shrank a little but other than that, it looks brand new. Scary isn't it, lol

    You're kidding right????? OMG. I was just going to suggest that the OP have a McDouble with half the bun and no fries... that always kills my cravings for McD, for only 315 calories.

    But really?
  • RLeighP
    RLeighP Posts: 232 Member
    I always look at it as "how long will it take me to burn those calories?" That has stopped me many times from giving in to a craving. But there are times when you just HAVE to satisfy a craving, and there isn't anything wrong with that. I just always upped my exercise for the day.
  • personally, I plan a whole day every now and then (generally once a week if I've been reallllly good) and just eat whatever I want and as much as want on that day. That way, you've got something to look forward to and you can plan towards it, and I find that I don't put on weight from that one day. It really helps curb cravings!!
  • Kattarra
    Kattarra Posts: 190 Member
    A life without the Burgerville Rosemay Chicken sandwich and Rosemary French Fries is not a life with living.
  • Raddichio
    Raddichio Posts: 163 Member
    I think the idea of allowing an occasional splurge can be a good one, IF you know it won't lead to increased cravings or eating too much when you indulge in your splurge. If you generally do fine eating healthy, nourishing foods, but once in a while you really, really want a particular item from McDonald's (and will be satisfied with just one), then I'd say go ahead. But if you know that it will just make it harder to stay away from McDonald's later, maybe not. For some people, knowing that they can indulge on a set day helps them to resist temptations on the other days. For others, indulging in certain foods triggers the desire to indulge in more and more high-calorie, unhealthy foods. Only you know which you would be.

    I personally don't like the idea of forbidden foods or never giving in to a craving, because I want the changes I'm making in my eating pattern to stick and become a part of my lifestyle. But each of us has to find what works for us, sometimes by trial-and-error. For me, I eat carefully through the week, allowing some extra calories for the weekend. On the weekend I usually meet with friends and family for a meal (brunch, lunch, or dinner) at a restaurant. We take turns choosing where to go, so I usually don't know where we're going until that day. Therefore, I like to have some extra calories available for that meal so that I can eat and enjoy my meal with everyone else. I often end up only eating half my meal, but I still get to eat normally with everyone else. And if someone orders a dessert and offers me a bite, I feel free to take a bite, if it appeals to me. For an everyday (or nearly everyday treat), I allow myself one square of Lindt dark chocolate. I usually enjoy it with a cup of coffee after my child has gone to bed and I can relax. It feels so luxurious.
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    My body won't allow me to eat fast food anymore. After I didn't eat it for 3 months, my body started to reject it. In fact, I can barely even have a soda after eating clean for so long.

    Here is something to think about with McDonalds that might scare you away. My brother-in-law is doing an experiment where he bought a McD's happy meal and put it on top of his frig. After a year, the burger still has not grown mold or even attracts bugs. The patty shrank a little but other than that, it looks brand new. Scary isn't it, lol

    lol my friends uncle did a similar experiment but with the fries...they were on his fridge for 3 months and still exactly the same just a little hard.

    oh and one time i found a blood clot in my chick nugget. thats what killed it for me ><
  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    make your own version of fast food , baked sweet potatoe fries, turkey burger.... U can friend me as well
  • jennys11
    jennys11 Posts: 118 Member
    I have been doing my healthy lifestyle now for almost 2 weeks. I don't want to call it a diet because im not doing it to lose weight. I mean i NEED to lose but my main goal is to be healthy. Of course i have cheated a tiny bit but not like a full meal or anything. Today and yesterday I have wanted fast food soooo bad!! What do you do during these times? I eat my healthy meal but still crave mcdonalds! UGH!! What are some things you do when you are feeling like this? And feel free to add me I have no friends. Thanks for the feedback!

    Hi! I understand the cravings. I suggest staying away from McDonald's - I'm vegan so I know a lot of background knowledge on where McDonald's gets it's meat from etc, and if you knew, you'd never want it again! But anyway, I suggest making your own homemade "McDonalds" at home. Make your own hamburger and fries - or whatever it is you order from McDonalds. I have some amazing delicious black bean burger recipes (only 116 calories/serving) and a really delicious roasted red potato recipe. You could also make homemade french fries and homemade turkey burgers with veggies on it, etc. Whenever I want something "fast" or "unhealthy" I just make it homemade so I know exactly how many calories are in it.
  • thekarens
    thekarens Posts: 254 Member
    For me I don't believe in giving in to the cravings. Maybe once I reach my goal I'll feel different, but for now they are a no-no period. Instead I think of alternatives. One day I craved a burger so bad I couldn't hardly stand it, so I went home and had a turkey burger on a whole grain bun with no calorie dill pickles. Same with pizza, you can make a healthy pizza with chicken and a boatload of veggies.
  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    I try to find healthier alternatives for my cravings, like fat free strawberry frozen yogurt (made with real strawberries...yum!) mixed with chocolate chips, crushed graham crackers, and more strawberries (from a local yogurt bar type place where you make your own) instead of having a container of strawberry cheesecake Ben and Jerry's ice cream, or having baked fries instead of fast food fried ones. And yesterday I made baked breaded popcorn shrimp, that were actually quite delicious. I also buy natural peanut butter (I get Arrowhead Mills and the only ingredient is peanuts) to mix with chocolate protein shakes for when I want something sweet. It's also really good with a frozen banana...hmmm I'm going to make one now :happy:
  • bugbeenz
    bugbeenz Posts: 31
    If you're craving mcdonalds why not make yummy burgers at home. I make them as I prefer homemade. Also usually buy frozen french fries and bake them,

    And if that doesn't do the trick, then go and have Mcds.. plan it before hand so you don't feel guilty about it. I still go out generally once a fortnight for pizza and beer/wine and have no regrets. Remember once you've lost the weight, are you really going to obstain from fast-foods forever? If not, then eating it once in a while, whilst losing weight isn't going to hurt :)
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    This is not at all what I thought this topic was going to be about.....:noway:

    That said....If you really have a craving have some but less.....My wife and I took the kids to Mc D's the other day.....We split a Mc Chicken......I ate the kids fries from one of the Happy Meals (my son doesnt like them) and then we went and got some frozen yogurt.....I honestly didnt even want the Mc D's .(But the fries were really good)