Any new moms out there? Need to loose my baby weight!

My baby girl is 5 months old and I want to loose my baby weight. Anyone else in a similar position? Hard enough to find time to wash bottles, let alone meal plan and exercise!


  • TashaS
    TashaS Posts: 199 Member
    I'm right there with you! I have 2 little girls - almost 2 years & 8 months. So life is busy!

    I used MFP before I got pregnant with my first and successfully lost 47lbs. After DD1 came I was good about getting my motivation back and lost all my baby weight +5lbs by the time she was 6 months old. Now that DD2 is here I seem to have lost my motivation again... I know I don't like what I see and I know that I CAN loose the weight but just don't seem to have the drive to stay within my calories and exercise.

    Anyone else suffer from apparent lack of motivation after baby#2?
  • shylad
    shylad Posts: 1
    Just here to give a little motivation. You both can do it, especially if you've done it before. Remember it may take a little time, but once you start it will get easier to keep going. Good luck to you! Also what is MFP you mentioned?
  • kvivirito
    kvivirito Posts: 1 Member
    Hi All! I also have a 5 month old and have been lacking in motivation. He is my fourth child and it seems to have gotten hard to lose as well as get motivated with each one. I lost all of it and then some after my first but i've been holding onto weight with each successive pregnancy and now find myself 50lbs from where my goal is and where i was after having my first child. My husband has also put on weight with each of my pregnancies and so we're both struggling. We are completely different in terms of what we like to each and how we like to exercise so we're not good at doing it together. In order to get motivated, my hubby and i signed up for a 5K obstacle course race in september and are using that as a short term goal. Starting to prepare for that is what got me to I'm hoping that this will help keep me on track and help to prepare me for the 5K. We'll see how it goes. If you have any additional ideas on getting motivated i'd love to hear them. Good luck to you guys!
  • Needtolose3
    Needtolose3 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey all

    My 3rd child is 7months old and I feel as it's harder to lose this time round, wat r u other ladies trying to do to shift the weight
  • michellebsn
    michellebsn Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, I have a 1 yr old. And, it has been a struggle. My schedule is crazy, but I have stopped eating all snacks not even a mint - and it is working slowly but surely.
  • Apresner
    Apresner Posts: 32
    I have a 7 week old but I also have plenty of pre-baby weight to lose too! LOL.
  • MaryMangan31
    MaryMangan31 Posts: 7 Member
    Not a mom, but I've been working with kids for 10+ years and own a childcare service. I've seen many moms use their babies' growth to their advantage! As baby grows - that's gradually increasing weight for you to lift! You can incorporate exercise into playtime.
    *Hold him/her at almost arms' length, lift high (gently!) and say something like "upsy daisy!" and repeat.
    *Lie on your back with your knees above your stomach, rest him/her on your shins belly-down, and while gently holding his/her arms (for his/her safety) do crunches. As you bring him/her near and far -- you're doing crunches. Make it playful -- "Here I come!" and back again.
    There are lots of exercises like this - it's interactive, engaging, delightful - and you're working out. :)
  • MJluvtorun
    MJluvtorun Posts: 2 Member
    My third child is 1 now and i figured it was time to kick things in gear. I just ordered Turbo Fire because a friend of my told me that it made her feel like she was having fun while she was working out. And you can do it at home...I am still waiting for it to get here but I hope it works. It's a 90 day program.

  • ngressman
    ngressman Posts: 229 Member
    I exercise when I get 10-15 min. free. If my baby is sleeping, and for some reason I am not tired, I put in an exercise video and see how far I can get before she wakes up. Now that it is warmer I take her for walks in the stroller. When she was a newborn I kept lots of low calorie snacks on hand. Sometimes I didn't have time to prepare a meal, but I made sure there was fruit, cheese and veggies available. That way you aren't starving yourself. My doctor gave me lots of weight loss tips. Don't know if this is you are planning on more, but the best advice he gave me was during the pregnancy of my last baby. Remember you are eating for two, but the second person weighs less than 1 pound. It helps if you can keep your weight gain in the recommended range. I am back to pre-baby weight from my last, but am now working on getting back to my weight before baby #1. Don't get discouraged, you can do it.
  • capttucker
    capttucker Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all! I'm a mommy to 3 the youngest being 5 months. I too am having the worst time losing the baby weight. With the first 2 it seemed to come right off with breastfeeding, but it sure isn't this time. I started using MFP about a week ago and have lost 8 pounds. I have about 37 to go, so I have a lot of work to do and would love support. I want to run a 5K in May, but have been struggling with that too. I look forward to meeting you all!
  • s_martin210
    s_martin210 Posts: 12 Member
    MFP=My Fitness Pal
  • araxiedyck
    araxiedyck Posts: 127 Member
    Hi, I am a mom of a 5 year old daughter and 1 year old son (surprise baby at 40!). I am now back to work FT. I find between kids, kindergarten, work, ect... when is there ever time for me and to exercise. I want to lose all my baby fat, plus get to my goal weight that I have been striving for the last 15 years or so. For once MFP has actually started that. Tracking everything and seeing my potential results if I keep doing what I am doing has motivated me. I have finally lost 5 pounds (my starting weight with my son). I have been losing the same 2 pounds for the last 6 months, but have gotten past that and want to keep going to my goal weight!
  • Hi! I am a 23 year old new mommy to a beautiful 5 month old baby girl, Natalie. I am working hard to get back to my pre-college body. HaHa. I've lost 9 pounds so far and would love to lost another 10 - get down to 125ish. I would love some new friends to keep me motivated! I find that I am great on fitness pal for a week, then take a few days off and indulge in not-so-healthy habits. I think a few friends on this ap would be wonderful for me! Yay to mommies and losing that baby weight! Summer is so soon and I know we all dream of wearing bikinis -- a mommy can only hope.
  • TashaS
    TashaS Posts: 199 Member
    Not a mom, but I've been working with kids for 10+ years and own a childcare service. I've seen many moms use their babies' growth to their advantage! As baby grows - that's gradually increasing weight for you to lift! You can incorporate exercise into playtime.
    *Hold him/her at almost arms' length, lift high (gently!) and say something like "upsy daisy!" and repeat.
    *Lie on your back with your knees above your stomach, rest him/her on your shins belly-down, and while gently holding his/her arms (for his/her safety) do crunches. As you bring him/her near and far -- you're doing crunches. Make it playful -- "Here I come!" and back again.
    There are lots of exercises like this - it's interactive, engaging, delightful - and you're working out. :)

    Thanks for this! Something that's so totally easy to do - and with 2 babies (one 30lbs & the other 20lbs) I have varying weights! :-)
  • valkuikman
    valkuikman Posts: 29 Member
    Hey Ladies I started on my fitness journey after having my son too! I did it with the help of my fitness pal to log my workouts and calories. It is great for accountability too! I have lost 17lbs and 9 inches on my waist! i actually look better than I did before the baby! You can do this too! I work full-time, am a mother, wife, daughter and I own my own business! You can find the time to do a workout too! I do mine at home everyday to avoid the gym fees and it is nice to stay home and do it in case you are really strapped for time! I am a fitness coach and have a blog too some come visity and check out my blog and website! Come join the Team and lose the baby weight and subscribe to my blog for some useful advice and support!!!
  • divinexheirocity
    divinexheirocity Posts: 22 Member
    I've got some baby weight to lose as well, maybe another 10lbs total. I just ordered an elliptical for my house, to add to the resistence band, medicine ball, and next will be some free weights. I've experienced the best weight loss from reducing my carbs and lots of cardio/water!!!! Add me if any of you like :) The support from friends on MFP is amazing. Although I use the app on my phone more than the site itself!
  • davery1985
    davery1985 Posts: 142 Member
    I have a 14 month old daughter, i know how you feel about having no time! I try and exercise when shes gone to bed on an evening. I do exercise dvds. Kettlebells, aerobics. Its good to do those when you cant get to a class. xx
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    My second baby just turned 6 months. I am below my pre - pregnancy weight now, but had about 20 lbs to lose when I got pregnant. So here I am! My biggest struggle finding enough time in a day! I work FT and have an 8 year old son too. We walk/jog 3 miles each eveneing usually 5 times a week. I still haven't managed things well enough to fit anything else in yet. I need about 10 hours in each day!!!
  • toez79
    toez79 Posts: 63 Member
    I have a son who will be 6 months on September 1. I had 50 lbs to lose before baby and now am looking at 100 lbs total! Two years ago, I lost 50 lbs, then gained it back when pregnant. I'm breastfeeding so I'm just taking it slow. I feel so good when I exercise, now I'm just trying to make it a priority and make time for it.
    I plan to have at least one more baby and I am so committed to not gaining too much weight the second time around! I really did not do myself any favors by not eating right and exercising the first time around.
    Add me if you like, I love to have other mommy friends to share motivation and tips with!
  • My daughter is 26 months old and I'm heavier than I was at 9 months pregnant! I breastfed her until she was 20 months old and felt so hungry during this period... not saying that breastfeeding isn't good - I will do the same with baby 2, but I think I was hoping that I was going to lose all the weight just by breastfeeding...

    I'm now using my fitness pal + trying Diet Chef (I work full time and don't really like to cook and don't have the time to) + exercises twice or three times a week. I've lost 8 pounds in 3 weeks but it is SO SO SO hard.

    I was also diagnosed with post-natal depression when my daughter was 6 months old and I am still taking anti-depressants - I don't think I would have the will to even think about losing weight before that.

    I know I can do it though, just need some patience.