Exercise isnt my thing



  • Tranquil_Miche
    Zumba. I too do not like exercise. I actually like anything cumputer, video game, or cell phone related. Those usually do not require much movement. I find that Zumba Rush for the xbox has got me moving. I look forward to it, which is surprising. I never thought I would like to do anything dance realted, but it is lots of fun. I highly recommend it.
  • pixlamarque
    pixlamarque Posts: 312 Member
    Kinect for Xbox. I hate to exercise. I did c25k for a while, and it was fine, but I was sooooo bored on the treadmill and outside isn't an option for me between the South Louisiana heat and a toddler. My sweetie bought me a Kinect and Your Shape Fitness Evolved. It is so much better than Wii because you don't need controllers. The games that come with the Kinect (Adventures) are fun and a couple of them will get your heart rate up. At first I didn't like the Your Shape Fitness Evolved, but now I love it. The cardio boxing is fun and there are lots of additional things you can download for not much money, like a Bollywood dance game, etc. I do advise you to wear a heart rate monitor, though because the game underestimates mine pretty consistently by at least 100 calories. It really is fun though. I doubt I would exercise at all without it.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I used to hate anything exercise related! I thought that I'd better start making an effort seen as I'd hit a bit of a plateau so I started doing zumba three times a week on the wii for 20 mins and now (about 6 months later) I do at least an hour 6 days a week and can't stand it when I cant fit my workout in for any reason! Its just a matter of trial and error and finding something you like.

    Good luck x

    I get bored easily. I like to lift weights, but knew I needed to do cardio and I hate treadmills, running, ellipticals....I think I might be ADD. Our gym had a Zumba class...LOVED it. They also had a Crunk Class (basically a hip hop dance class) Loved it too. I did not mind doing any sort of dancing...it just did not feel like "working out"

    Now, a year later, I teach classes there 8X/week!! I combine Zumba, crunk, and some muscle work into my class.

    So, I say find something fun that you like and you will stick to it!!
  • Tanya_IP
    Tanya_IP Posts: 62 Member
    i do have the kinect :) and i want to buy one of those dancing games...maybe thats what i can get my significant other for his bday next week lol im sure he will hate it and let me have it :) I do have the biggest loser game that i did once......i should find that!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Wii Just Dance is more like a fun game then a workout but you burn them calories :D I love it... I've never been a fan of being sore all week long, but I've learned to love it. Now I crave it. I have a new found love for Yoga, its relaxing and yet you get a good workout.
  • blazergrad
    blazergrad Posts: 603 Member
    I always HATED exercise, with passion. I have found certain "exercises" that I love. Yoga, dancing, kickboxing and tai chi. All of them are great workouts too. I was the girl who looked for any reason possible to skip gym class. Took the bare minimum in college too. Now, I LOVE a good workout. I've started running and going to be doing a lifting program soon too. I love the endorphin rush following a great workout. Trust me, it's worth it!

    I would agree with this post in that I never liked exercise at all. I would try it for a little while, eventually lose interest and then just quit altogether. I started back up again last year, but this time I made an investment in a weight bench and weight set and I stuck with it until I got past that point of wanting to quit and now, I absolutely love and look forward to my weight training days ... and I actually hate it when something interferes and I have to miss a day. :)

    I think maybe it's like others have said in that you have to find something that you enjoy. I had tried different kinds of exercises before weight training and seemed to always lose interest, but once I got my own equipment and started weight training, I was hooked. Don't give up ... find your niche ... and before long you'll be hooked. Best of luck!! :)
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    The key is really finding an activity you enjoy and not thinking about it as exercise. I do primarily oriental dance, and then throw in a bunch of other stuff like yoga, ballet, pilates, biking, walking, and weights...I like to have variety because I get bored easily...so I have a lot of workout DVDs and go to a few classes...I look forward to my classes each week because they are things I love to do, and the rest of the time I just do whatever I'm in the mood for...I do try to balance it out with weights/cardio, and I do set specific time aside for working out, but I don't stick to a strict schedule of WHAT TO DO. And for me, the variety works well.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I used to hate exercise too. It's OK to start off small; you don't have to kill yourself to get started. Just put exercise on your schedule, and keep scheduling it. After awhile it becomes part of your routine.

    Start with a small goal this week. Then make your goal a little bigger next week.

    Find something you like. I used to rent Netflix DVDs. I tried DOZENS. Your local library will have DVDs too. There are instructors that I dislike, or find boring, and others I love. Find someone that you "click" with. I don't understand when people say they "love" a workout .... but they have to mute it. Expect more than this ..... keep looking.

    Collagevideo.com has video clips & reviews. Professionals have done the workouts & rated them for fitness level, impact level, choreoraphy level.

    Good luck!
  • stouffers3
    I've gone back and forth of the years trying to find the right things for me. I've tried dvds and Wii Fit and Just Dance and such. What I have found is that to get any exercise in I HAVE to leave the house. Even going for a walk doesn't work for me. The home can be very distracting and you will think of other things to do.

    Whether it's a yoga class or "scheduling" a workout for myself at the gym, I find that if it's something I have to drive to then I will be motivated to do it and finish. Right now I go straight to the gym in the morning before I do anything else (except feed my kids). Then it's out of the way and there will be nothing to interfere the rest of the day.

    Oh and definitely find some good workout music. It really helps the time go by and motivates you.
  • SweetJoanne
    SweetJoanne Posts: 106 Member
    aquasize to dance it is great and the hour goes by so fast
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I hated exercise until I found something I was passionate about and looked forward to doing (martial arts). Once I got used to moving, I found that I enjoyed and was more motivated to do other exercises as well!
    And now that I am working out regularly and seeing how great it makes me look and having all this extra energy and getting to eat more foods because I've earned all these exercise calories...I am completely addicted.
  • Daphnemomof9
    Daphnemomof9 Posts: 130 Member
    I totally resisted exercise. If my heart rate was going up, I wanted to stop whatever I was doing to get it there. I didn't really put it all together, heart rate rising, good thing!

    I got myself a heart rate monitor and found that realistically tracking it gave me more control. It kind of feels like putting money in the bank of life. But the big thing that has motivated me is finding activity I can do with my kids. Dancing with the xbox is great, I've also started taking the kids on hikes. They love it and I really do burn a lot of calories. I don't know if you have a dog, but I always used to resist taking the dog for a walk, hey we live in the country, no big deal if I don't, but the dog loves it. I just like finding ways to be active that aren't like pretend, if you know what I mean. Since the weather has been so nice, I've been gardening all week and my yard is looking good. I used to hate that chore and now it's money in the bank of life and a beautiful yard and productive garden.

    I started out just walking to Leslie Sansone dvds and they were great, but when I started getting outside with the kids, it was even better. Good luck!
  • Tanya_IP
    Tanya_IP Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks everyone so much! All the tips really help!
  • millikenhomeschool
    I was the same as many people responding. I hated the thought of exercise. Then, I started walking. FOund I liked it. Started picking up my speed. Boughta Leslie Sansone video. And found I liked that. I have tried bootcamp as well. Really liked that. Now I am doing Jilliian. Like that too. Tried zumba on the wii and just couldn't figure out the steps. Never went back. But, i sure do get bummed out when I have to miss exercise for a day. Two days in a row are pretty rough.
  • justaspringhaze
    I'm going echo the comments about Zumba. I cannot speak highly enough about it! I burn over 500 calories in an hour, and it never feels like a workout; it feels like I'm dancing with my friends. I strongly recommend it for anyone who wants a workout that doesn't feel like a workout!
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    kettlebells! :happy:
  • kyt1206
    kyt1206 Posts: 101
    I'll be honest, I've tried:

    water aerobics
    karate (2 yrs w/private dojo - wow that was like Kill Bill minus the bloody knuckles)
    roller blading

    The list goes on. I don't like exercise but I just keep trying. I ended up being a bellydance instructor for 3 years. :) But then I got back to school and the weight went piling back on and then some.

    So, ya know, Keep Trying. You might just find something that you like and never thought about.
  • Tanya_IP
    Tanya_IP Posts: 62 Member
    I'll be honest, I've tried:

    water aerobics
    karate (2 yrs w/private dojo - wow that was like Kill Bill minus the bloody knuckles)
    roller blading

    The list goes on. I don't like exercise but I just keep trying. I ended up being a bellydance instructor for 3 years. :) But then I got back to school and the weight went piling back on and then some.

    So, ya know, Keep Trying. You might just find something that you like and never thought about.

    bellydance sounds fun!! Not that i would look good doing it lol yet!
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    Also, you can just increase active...activities. Shopping at a megamall, nature photography, going to the park with pets/dogs/other things,etc.
  • kyt1206
    kyt1206 Posts: 101
    I'll be honest, I've tried:

    water aerobics
    karate (2 yrs w/private dojo - wow that was like Kill Bill minus the bloody knuckles)
    roller blading

    The list goes on. I don't like exercise but I just keep trying. I ended up being a bellydance instructor for 3 years. :) But then I got back to school and the weight went piling back on and then some.

    So, ya know, Keep Trying. You might just find something that you like and never thought about.

    bellydance sounds fun!! Not that i would look good doing it lol yet!

    My teacher *started* at 32 after 4 kids. She turned professional and eventually became a cultural ambassador to Egypt for the UN! I went to her when she was 68, she had 2 car accidents that had broken every bone in her body and she's put on some weight in her older years, but she still moves like an 18 years old! She trained me and made me lose 20 lbs in my first summer with her. All the women in my class were at least 160-250 lbs. They do it because they want to, for themselves. Bellydance is a dance for women to show off to other women. And if you don't like something, move on, there's TONS of stuff to do that might be fun for you.