
BabyWeight2009 Posts: 3
edited September 19 in Food and Nutrition
I was wondering what people's experiences with slim-fast have been like? I am not big on meal replacements...i LOVE food and would rather just try to make healthier choices but I have heard something about using them as a "replacement food" like instead of having a capuccino with whipped cream in the afternoon have a slim-fast? it would have less calorie intake and more vitamins...would this actually be helpful or hurtful because it's supposed to replace a meal?


  • :noway:
    I did slimfast a long time ago
    do you remember the cambridge diet? Well slim fast is very similar.
    It is difficult to get used to only having shakes and no meals and many people end up taking in even more calories because they have the shakes then are so hungry they eat on top!

    BUT.. if you do stick to it. initially make sure you take lots of water as you do get headaches to start with. next - your breath smells as your calorie intake is low (something about ketones).

    finally when you are happy you are at your goal weight you will stop the slimfast and go back to your normal pre-slimfast intake and hey presto within a wekk or two you will be back to where you were before (except your purse will be a bit lighter!)

    Stick to calorie reduction and excercise. No other way I dont think - and I dont think there is one i have not tried over the years. But - as you can see i am not an expert. today is my day ONE!

  • I would say there are healthier options. Check ingredients and don't put anything in your body you can't pronounce. There are all natural shakes or yogurt smoothies out there which I would opt for if I were wanting to replace a capuccino (which actually is not all that bad for you...:indifferent: ), but I would definitely NOT pour artificial flavors and preservatives and colors and chemically-altered crap down my throat rather than using natural whole foods to fuel my body in an effort to lose weight. :noway: Nope nope nope never again.
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Goodness gracious, if you get a fruity breath, aka ketoacidosis, eat something!! Anorexics get ketoacidosis because their body is using alternate sources of energy (ketones) to keep itself going. The body does not like this; it needs glucose! This is a very dangerous body are harming yourself.

    I do think replacing your afternoon cappuccino with a slim fast would be beneficial; a protein shake would probably be even better. Orrrr you could always have a snack like fruit and yogurt! :)
  • swtally80
    swtally80 Posts: 278 Member
    BOO! Slimfast has as many calories as a cappacino. Its around 200 cals each. It makes your pee and breath stink. It will not fill or satisfy you. Making healthier food choices within your calories range will train you for how to eat once your goal is reached. You will be satisfied and you will be more successful for life. Please don't give into gimicks make this your new lifestyle and you will be much happier and healthier!
  • estherguas
    estherguas Posts: 113 Member
    I really can't stand the taste of slim fast, I prefer Atkins shakes they taste better and keep you fuller longer.
    As for using the shakes in place of a cappucino, I would stick with the cappucino I would just change the way I make or order it....use skim milk to make the foam or just have a small dolop of whipped cream and use splenda to sweeten it...I personally can not live without my espresso I have a large cup every weekday morning with 2 tbs of powdered creamer or low fat sugarfree liquid creamer.

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  • MissGorgeous
    MissGorgeous Posts: 394 Member
    170calories in a slim fast

    I sometimes have one with gronolA for lunch or breakfast
  • Kristi82
    Kristi82 Posts: 80 Member
    I have a slim fast sometimes when I'm in a hurry in the mornings. Or when I haven't done my grocery shopping. I like to put it in a blender with some ice and a banana to make it more filling.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Goodness gracious, if you get a fruity breath, aka ketoacidosis, eat something!! Anorexics get ketoacidosis because their body is using alternate sources of energy (ketones) to keep itself going. The body does not like this; it needs glucose! This is a very dangerous body are harming yourself.

    I do think replacing your afternoon cappuccino with a slim fast would be beneficial; a protein shake would probably be even better. Orrrr you could always have a snack like fruit and yogurt! :)

    There is a BIG, BIG, BIG difference between Ketosis and Ketoacidosis. Please don't confuse the two as most people often do. Please do research before stating things.

    There is nothing wrong with Ketosis (other than the BO, bad breath) from your body turning into a fat burning machine.............

    Ketoacidosis on the other hand is a very serious medical condition.
    Although it may sound like they mean the same thing, there is a big difference between ketosis and ketoacidosis. Still, these two terms are often confused with each other. Aside from possessing the same root word, the misunderstanding is likely due to the fact that ketosis and ketoacidosis are both metabolic processes that involve the breakdown of fats in the body. However, ketosis is a normal metobolic function. Ketoacidosis, on the other hand, is a life-threatening medical condition of particular concern to those with diabetes type I.

    Ketoacidosis is a state of toxicity in which there are elevated levels of acids called ketones in the blood. This condition occurs when insulin levels are too low and the liver attempts to restore energy by metabolizing fats and proteins due to a lack of available carbohydrates. Since ketone acids slowly degrade into acetone, the breath often smells fruity or similar to nail polish remover. Without immediate medical attention, this condition can induce a diabetic coma and, possibly, death.

    Ketosis also occurs as the result of the liver burning fat for energy and producing ketone acids as a by-product. However, this state is often facilitated by the intentional withdrawal of carbohydrates as a primary fuel source in favor of proteins. In fact, many members of the medical community refer to diet-induced ketosis as an act of willful starvation. If a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet sounds familiar, it’s because this is the basis of a very popular weight loss program known as the Atkins Diet. Such diets call for 30-50 percent of the total calorie intake to come from protein in order to kick the metabolism into gear to burn fat.
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