Gallbladder problems?



  • I had my gallbladder removed at 24. Same problems. At one point I had a stone lodged in a bile duct (excuciating pain) the Dr. had to put a tube down my throat to dislodge the stone. I felt better for awhile then the pains started again. Finally I had it removed. Having gallbladder disease can run in families. Most of my father's side has had theirs removed. Does anyone else in your family have this problem. Did the dr. give you pain medicine. If the pain is unbearable go back to the emergency room. They can give you medicine to help. Also I was told not to eat over 15 grams of fat when having attacks. I know the feeling so hopefully you can get it reolved soon!
  • When I had gallstones and suffered fromo the attacks there was nothing really I could do to stop them until my gallbladder was removed as mine were so big.

    My attacks got so bad that the hospital came out and accused me of faking the pain just to get pain meds, so not true.

    The one thing that did seem to relieve the pain aside from meds was throwing up, sadly.

    I hope you feel better soon and that you get the results back from the ultrasound very soon.

    Take care

    i know how you feel my doctor called me a hypochondriac when i kept getting taken into hospital with severe pains, they kept saying i was constipated and giving me tablets, eventually they did a scan and said it was the worst they had seen in a long time,
    if i ate anything with the slightest bit of fat the pains would be terrible, for me it felt like someone stabbing me with a knife.

    My thoughts exactly I used to say that I'd rather be in labor than to have those pains.. I was probably exaggerating but I felt that bad..
  • Shellza
    Shellza Posts: 38 Member
    I am going through this at the moment, been suffering for 2 weeks with pain and have been put on Tramadol as it is the only thing that has helped the pain, I have an infection in my gallbladder but they suspect that I know have more stones forming and need to have another ultrasound. The pain is unbearable and I cannot wit for them to remove it! They will not remove it however as I have an infection so need to wait for that the clear first. at the mo I am also taking paracetemol, ibuprofen and buscopan as well as the tramadol, also on antibiotics.

    Wishing you better soon and hope it gets sorted for you
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    @Jaderabbit08 I have personally seen that to be true, I agree!

    Yeah I get really distressed when I see the pain people experience with gallstones. I know it is more than just low calories diets and fast weight loss that can also cause it but I don't think many people are aware there is a risk when they choose a low cal intake. If they knew at least then they can make a more informed decision as to their weight loss program.

    I wonder how many of those diet programs taking peoples money and encouraging 1200 a day or lower bother to mention that risk? I'd say zero.

    Anyway anyone who is starting to experience mild/ moderate gallbladder pain after recently starting a ultra low calorie diet apart from seeing your doctor consider upping your calories to at least cover your daily BMR. It worked for me. While I of course still have the stones they have reverted back to being asymptomatic.
  • Bevigal
    Bevigal Posts: 66 Member
    Very Painful, had my gallbladder removed yrs ago. Best to avoid banannas, corn bread, cabbage, gas producing foods. Try to eat very little fat or should I say grease. EAT AS BLAND AS POSSIBLE. I wish you well. I was so releived to get mine removed. Bev
  • leamatthew
    leamatthew Posts: 162
    Yep just went and checked your diary and you are often netting way under 1200 cal a day.

    Editing to add went and checked more of your diary..Seriously? 600 net, 800 net , 900 net.

    Please look at upping your cal to above your BMR you will still lose weight and if your can avoid too many fats it might be bearable until you can get something done. Once it gets to the fainting with pain stage I guess its a matter of getting the op?

    I no, but when i have an attack im scared to eat, hence the low cals..... I usually eat between 1200 and 1700
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    I only had 2 attacks before I had mine out that ish was horrible
  • arickim
    arickim Posts: 137
    Everything you mentioned is everything that happened to me. Will be better off to have it removed. I waited to long and a surgery that was suppose to take 1 hour, it took 4 instead. My gall bladder was embedded in my liver, so had to separate those 2. This was 12 years ago and is the best thing I ever did.
  • arickim
    arickim Posts: 137
    I didn't change the way I ate, but made sure I ate and went straight home after. Things that trigger my belly problems are grease, salad fixings, and spicy.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    if you have your gallbladder removed you'll have to cut out fat anyway so might as well start now. Look at your food journal & see if there's a pattern (higher fat or trigger foods) but a friend of mine had gallbladder probs & had to cut fat. I think you pretty much have to eat NO or very low fat.

    good luck, feel better!
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    Yep just went and checked your diary and you are often netting way under 1200 cal a day.

    Editing to add went and checked more of your diary..Seriously? 600 net, 800 net , 900 net.

    Please look at upping your cal to above your BMR you will still lose weight and if your can avoid too many fats it might be bearable until you can get something done. Once it gets to the fainting with pain stage I guess its a matter of getting the op?

    I no, but when i have an attack im scared to eat, hence the low cals..... I usually eat between 1200 and 1700

    : (
  • hollyberry2012
    hollyberry2012 Posts: 239 Member
    I've had gallstones for at least 9 years...last attack I had was 8 years ago...from one lousy bite of ice cream. Haven't eaten ice cream since. LOL...pain is great deterrent for me! I was diagnosed when I was trying to get weight loss surgery, and the ultrasound tech said they were 'nice sized' lol...nothing nice about screaming in the back of an ambulance while everyone is standing around trying to figure out what is WRONG with you.

    anything HIGH in milk going to set me off..that's the gallbladder's function, breaking those that I am on a diet, I hope that eating lowfat doesn't change anything 'in there'.....awful pain, just horrible!!!
  • quintala4
    quintala4 Posts: 1 Member
    When I was 18 I was in hospital with all those symptoms, they found I had a very large stone obstructing the bile duct as well as severe pancreatits. I was too scared to get it out then and after the big stone passed (utter agony!!) I went home. I actually had chinese medicines (absolutely vile herb tea) to dissolve the stones . this worked for a couple of years, but I wound up back in hospital where I needed emergency surgery to remove it.

    Before my surgery i couldn't eat any fatty things like full strength milk, butter and odd things like coffee and fish. I still can't eat butter or full cream milk, but I can now have fish and coffee. My belly is is very quick to tell me if I've eaten something it disagrees with, but I find that I can eat pretty much anything that has a fat content of <5g/100g. I was on a 0 fat diet for 2 weeks after my surgery.

    I also find that I do need to eat more little meals and quite regularly, especially breakfast. If I don't have breakfast almost as soon as I get up I'm sick for a lot of the day. It sometimes gets hard and I sometimes forget, but it helps me to eat healthier :)
  • kerriberry74
    kerriberry74 Posts: 62 Member
    I really feel for you- i've been there, although I never actually passed out from the pain, I spent a lot of time with my head hanging over the toilet. Usually if I had issues, i'd figure out the trigger and cut it out of my diet. When it was at its worst, I lived on bagels and whole grain toast. I was told to avoid things like dairy, caffeine, acidic foods, nothing fatty or greasy, basically a very bland, spice-less diet up until I had my surgery. Luckily it was only 2 mos. from the start of my problems that I got my gallbladder removed- I had 3 huge stones (considering what I had to pay out of pocket, I kept them. Gotta have something to show for it).

    Hang in there, avoid those foods that set off the pain. One thing that seemed to helped me, was to curl up with a heating pad on my stomach when that squeezing feeling started/was mild. No guarantees, it may have had more to do with it just being a comfort thing more than anything else, but it doesn't hurt to give it a try. Good luck!