An ideal grocery list: What's on yours?

I'm going to the grocery store tomorrow and I'm putting together a grocery list. I'm looking for really healthy options with variety.

So, I'm just going to ask, when you go to the supermarket what do you buy?

P.S. I'm not a big fruit eater (I love my veggies). :)


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  • abbigail_r
    abbigail_r Posts: 283 Member
    we just had killer brussel sprouts tonight!! I also always make sure honey greek yogurt is in my fridge cuz I love it!
  • coolez
    coolez Posts: 1
    This is our list we used on Sunday for this week. Some of our meals are made from foods that we already have in the pantry. Pretty healthy.

    Roma tomato
    Sweet potato (5)
    Red potatoes
    Red onion
    Baby carrots
    Chicken - breast (2 x 1.5 lbs)
    Turkey (99% lean ground)
    Spanish rice
    Wild rice
    Taco shells
    Canned chicken (10)
    Eggs (24)
    Yougurt (10)
    Cheese - cheddar
    Sliced turkey breast
    Bread thins
  • liegeygirl
    liegeygirl Posts: 20 Member
    I usually get stuff for the hubby to have for lunch like Lean Cuisines or Smart Ones. I then get snack stuff like fruit, special k crisps, protein bars, and granola bars. I get thin sliced chicken breast, canned goods, fresh veggies, and tilapia for dinner. Usually we have a hard time too but I guess we have to find stuff that works for us.

    Let me know how your list comes out because I can use some help too!! Lol!!
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 741 Member
    I always have frozen veggies in my freezer (carrots, broccoli, sweetcorn, peas, diced onions and diced mixed peppers), chicken (portioned and frozen), apples, bananas, sweet potatoes, quorn mince, eggs, herbs and spices and anything else I fancy along with 'husband' food. Lol.
  • we just had killer brussel sprouts tonight!! I also always make sure honey greek yogurt is in my fridge cuz I love it!

    I never got into brussel sprouts. lol. Greek yogurt sounds yummy. :)
  • This is our list we used on Sunday for this week. Some of our meals are made from foods that we already have in the pantry. Pretty healthy.

    Roma tomato
    Sweet potato (5)
    Red potatoes
    Red onion
    Baby carrots
    Chicken - breast (2 x 1.5 lbs)
    Turkey (99% lean ground)
    Spanish rice
    Wild rice
    Taco shells
    Canned chicken (10)
    Eggs (24)
    Yougurt (10)
    Cheese - cheddar
    Sliced turkey breast
    Bread thins

    Great list! Thanks. :)
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    Our staples:
    Bananas (One a day, please)
    Strawberries and blueberries (moreso for the kids, but I enjoy them too)
    Sweet peppers
    Greek yogurt with the fruit on the bottom
    Chicken breast
    Oatmeal (the stuff in the cylinder, not the instant)
    Frosted Mini-Wheats (Hooray for no sodium on almost all of them)
    Ice Cream (Usually the Edy's slow-churned stuff, it's lower fat and lower sugar)
    Milk (skim for the big kids, whole for the 18-month old)

    Then it's whatever we need for the menu we've got planned for the week. Lunches tend to be left-overs from the night before, so that makes it easy.
  • I usually get stuff for the hubby to have for lunch like Lean Cuisines or Smart Ones. I then get snack stuff like fruit, special k crisps, protein bars, and granola bars. I get thin sliced chicken breast, canned goods, fresh veggies, and tilapia for dinner. Usually we have a hard time too but I guess we have to find stuff that works for us.

    Let me know how your list comes out because I can use some help too!! Lol!!

    I try to avoid anything prepackaged just because if it's convenient, I'll probably indulge. :(
  • These are all wonderful ideas! Thanks. :)
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    red peppers
    green peppers
    bok choy
    feta cheese
    ezekial bread
    rye bread
    unsweetened almond milk
    turkey breast
    ground bison
    Peter Gillhams Natural Calm Magnesium
    peanut butter
    grandessa 100% fruit frozen strawberry fruit bars

    I'm sure I missed a few things, but that is mostly my shopping list. I get groceries at least 3 times a week to keep the fruit and veg fresh. I try and buy fresh fish, but if it's cheaper frozen, I'm not proud.
  • carolemack
    carolemack Posts: 1,276 Member
    I always make sure that I have:

    lots of Chicken breasts (you can do so many things with it),
    cans of Sockeye Salmon,
    lots of celery,
    baby carrots,
    bags of Shreds (shredded lettuce),
    fat free puddings,
    Can of real Whipping cream
    bottled water
    diet coke (but I am thing of giving this up)
    Pork Tenderloin
    lean steak
    peanut butter

    That is pretty much my staples. I don`t buy any frozen or prepared dinners (too much sodium). I am learning to cook for myself again.

    Oops...I forgot the Oatmeal (not instant) and the little potatoes.
  • shanahtehya
    shanahtehya Posts: 50 Member
    bump.. love new food ideas
  • spinach, celery, carrots, tofu, spices, mustard, oatmeal, soy/almond/hemp milk, dark chocolate
  • PixelTreason
    PixelTreason Posts: 226 Member
    Some of my regulars;

    Plain Greek Yogurt
    Unsweetened Almond Milk
    Fresh Fruits & Veggies
    (Bananas, Strawberries, Blueberries, Blackberries, Watermelon, Spinach, Butternut Squash, Avocado, Carrots, Asparagus, Cauliflower, Edamame, Kale, Peas, Sweet Potatoes)
    Black Beans
    Almond Butter
    Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts
    Fish (Salmon, mostly)
    Lean Meat (Top Round Steak, Lean Pork Chops)
    Brown Rice
    Unsweetened Apple Sauce
    Chunk Light Tuna
    100% Whole Wheat Bread / Ezekiel Sprouted Bread
  • Y'all are amazing... you've really helped. :)
  • NatashaK29
    NatashaK29 Posts: 137
    Lots of fruit for smoothies (sorry :wink: )
    spinach and any other green high in iron
    Lots of veggies
    Peanut butter
    whole wheat breads and pastas
    Beans ( black are my fav)
    Rice, brown and white
    ground turkey
    Boneless skinless chicken breast
    Steaks (again for the iron and also protein)
    Low fat milk ( my kids won't drink soy or skim)

    These are all staples on my list
    Hope this helps!
  • afavrow
    afavrow Posts: 1
    Great topic, I am working on Dr. Oz's 99 healthy food list. I buy lots of canned beans, cans of tomatoes- we use them for just about everything. Lot's of fruit, healthy breakfast bars for lunch for the kids and I, whole wheat tortillas, shredded cheese, chicken breasts, eggs and 2% milk. Those are our true staples the rest depends on the week and the cravings of the family.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Walk the outside:
    - Fresh fruits and veggies
    - Meat (especially chicken, turkey and fish, but avoid the processes lunch/deli styles, cook it yourself).
    - Greek yogurt
    - Eggs
    - Lowfat milk
    - Water (if you're not drinking from a tap, make sure you have a ready supply).

    If you venture inside:
    - Frozen fruits and veggies (potatoes don't count here, think peas, carrots, blueberries).
    - Skinny Cow icecream sandwiches (for those times you just have to have a treat)
    - Peanut butter or almond butter (if there isn't oil on the top, don't buy it, you want peanuts and maybe salt as the only ingredients).
    - Canned fish (Tuna, salmon, oysters: for those times when you just need a fish fix but don't have time to cook).
    - If you need pasta or cereal, look at the fiber content.
    - Protein bars (protein exceeds carbs and fat).

    That is a typical shopping trip for me.
  • jenseye
    jenseye Posts: 166 Member
    Greek yogurt, shrimp, quinoa, asparagus, wheat pitas, hummus, zuchinni, squash, mixed greens, romaine, spinach...