Body by Vi vs. Store Bought ??

mstaser Posts: 657 Member
I have been researching the Body by Vi fad for a little while and having a hard time pulling the trigger as it sounds like just another quick fix. I was wondering if there are any product that would compare to it that I can just walk in a store and pick up? Taste is the big part with me. I tried shakeology and didn't think it was all that great flavor wise.


  • mstaser
    mstaser Posts: 657 Member
  • losingthisweight
    I tried shakeology before Body by Vi and didn't like it either. I, personally, like the way Body by Vi tastes and even like it plain. You can add fruit and even mix it with OJ and water.

    I don't think it really compares health and nutrition wise to anything store bought that I have seen. I'm not using this as a quick fix either. Right now I'm on the shape kit but plan to go to the balance kit to maintain and have that extra nutrition in the morning when I need it.
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    I made a spreadsheet comparing them all at one point and I was floored at how little nutrients were really in some of the shakes. I've been using the Lean 15 from EAS and I like the taste. I mix it with almond milk and typically some type of fruit and blend it. I wish they came in individual serving packets to shove in my purse for emergencies.
  • msracefan
    msracefan Posts: 55 Member
    I love the taste of the Body by Vi shakes! I couldn't begin to tell you how many containers of protein powder I've thrown away because they tasted gross!
  • lifestylechallenge
    lifestylechallenge Posts: 19 Member
    Hi I have started the body by vi in November and I already have one 90 day challenge completed and now onto the second round. During my first challenge I lost 25lbs and 15 1/2 inches. I fine it amazing. I feel so much more confident and more outgoing. If you have any questions please ask.
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    My sister in law is now a "rep" for Body by Vi and she is going to let me try it, I'm pretty curious, but it's expensive. She said it's $99/month!
  • knottymaid
    I have tried everything!! I love the Body by Vi system and it really works! I know $99 a month sounds like a lot but it's less than $2 a meal and you get 60 meals in the $99 shape kit. It works so well I even have my mother on it just to help get her diabetes under control and in 1 week her sugar is better than its been in a year! I started out as a customer but after I saw how well it worked I signed up as a promoter. I would be happy to answer any questions anyone has.
  • estherpab
    estherpab Posts: 59 Member
    I got a sample of the shape shake and I immediately felt full for hours so I started the program. Well the first day I had a shake for breakfast and was starving for lunch! So disappointed, and on Sunday- the same thing! Did anyone experience the same thing?
  • lannna17
    lannna17 Posts: 19
    Maybe you need to add something to it? When I feel that way, sometimes I'll just add some extra fruit just to fill me up, that, or they suggest you eat a small salad, nuts, snacks like that in between meals if you still feel hungry.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Marketing at it's best.

    Why not get yourself a good multi-vitamin and protein supplement?

    Or better yet, eat some real food. Chewing is much more satisfying than drinking in my opinion.
  • angelasmith230
    angelasmith230 Posts: 70 Member
    My husband started the body by vi challenge but never really followed through with the program. The monthly auto ships kept coming and now we have like 10 bags of it in our pantry.

    I don't use it everyday but maybe a few times a week I'll make a protein shake with it.. the shakes are very yummy. I found a post on here a few days back with like 100 different recipes using the body by vi shake powder and so far I have loved all the ones that I have tried :smile:
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    I think its fine to once in awhile drink a shake but that it is not good as a meal replacement . That is why all these fad diets fail, its not a consistant way of life, not sustainable. People need to teach themselves how to eat properly, well rounded/healthy foods and they need to get out there and move. Shakes are ok as a snack and the body by VI is very expensive!
  • estherpab
    estherpab Posts: 59 Member
    Marketing at it's best.

    Why not get yourself a good multi-vitamin and protein supplement?

    Or better yet, eat some real food. Chewing is much more satisfying than drinking in my opinion.

    Do you even know why I am taking the shakes? Maybe you should get more information beside throwing in your unsolicited two cents worth! If our don't have anything supportive say stay off the message boards!
  • LaurenGetsFit2
    LaurenGetsFit2 Posts: 35 Member
    I drink Eas Lean 15 (Vanilla Cream, which clocks in at 100 Calories for a serving) with ice, water, and frozen fruit (usually a peach or blueberries) with the occasional handful of spinach.

    I LOVE the Eas Lean 15 with a peach--it tastes just like an Orange creamsicle to me. Or a vanilla shake topped with fruit, when you get the consistency right.

    I use them as post-workout refuel or for a replacement for lunch when I don't feel like figuring out what to eat haha. But for meals I add in a bit more, like 1/8-1/4 cup old fashioned oatmeal, for more "staying power".

    But, finally, I don't think they ViSalus Body junk is worth it. Anything claiming to make you lose weight like that in that amount of time without following through with a healthy diet and exercise plan is a hack. But of course, if you cut your lunch down to 90 Calories, you'd lose weight, too. But once you start eating normally again, you're probably just going to gain it back again.