Anyone ever do the HcG diet?

lolabunny Posts: 15
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm curious!


  • hlawson4
    hlawson4 Posts: 14
    Never heard of it ?!
  • Shanta1983
    Shanta1983 Posts: 1,228 Member
    Never heard of it ?!
    me either:noway:
  • kdblev
    kdblev Posts: 18
    We have a friend who just did it actually. BAD is all I can say. Now he has lost a decent amount of weight (19 lbs), but he was miserable the whole time and had lost similar on other diets before. Since he plans on returning to normal eating I am assuming that his weight wil creep back up pretty quickly, but I will try to remember to report back in a couple weeks to update. (He is just finishing the plan part)

    I dont know a lot about it, but for those who haven't heard of it, you must go to your doctor for it and they basically inject you with HcG which is supposed to help keep you from going into starvation mode while you reset your metabolism. You are also restricted to a 500 calorie diet/day of very limited food choices for 26 days.
  • SamiRose
    SamiRose Posts: 118 Member
    I've never tried...nor will I try it. This is a VERY contraversial diet. Both the Journal of the American Medical Association, and the Journal of Clinical Nutrition have studied this fairly in depth. This is not a safe technique to weight-loss.

    There is some debate on weather this is even an effective method. In my opinion, it is effective no doubt, but just not safe and very unhealthy for the body. I encourage people to draw their own conclusions on this topic. I'd also advice people to be very cautious if attempting this. Because of the extreme low calories that this "diet" encourages the body can be depleted of necessary energy that it needs to properly function. The man who "invented" or started this diet mysteriously died...interesting huh? One of the original ideas that this diet was based on was to rid of late-in life, male obesity. hCG physiologically promotes testosterone to be released, and males late in life lose testosterone, and have increases in the amount of estrogen, which assists in fat storage (Sorry women ). hCG can "train" the Hypothalamus protection system to consume excess adipose tissue (fat). Well although this sounds all well and good, in theory; this is not how it truly works.

    There is no proven benefit thats scholarly been studied, and supported to this diet; or ANY ultra low-calorie diet.
  • VeganGal
    VeganGal Posts: 26
    I had never heard of this before either. Just found this info...

    What is hCG?

    hCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, a hormone produced by the placenta during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the substance almost completely controls the woman's metabolic functions. Generally, the hCG used in the diet protocols, is synthetic.

    Is the use of hCG injections for weight loss legal?

    A medical doctor may prefer not to use hCG for weight loss due to the FDA's lack of recommendation, however he is legally able to do so in the US. It is advised that you check your country's laws to be certain, however, for most countries, importing hCG diet shots or having pre-filled hCG syringes shipped via mail are considered safe and perfectly legal. If importing hCG from abroad, be sure to check your local laws and follow whatever restrictions are called for.

    It sounds really scary to me! Not to mention, unhealthy. I am not a fan of putting anything unnatural in my body, plus this website suggests following a diet of 500 calories a day in conjunction with the shots! No chance I could survive on this.
  • Thanks for the info. I have a few friends at church that have done & are doing this again. They've had great success with it but I wondered if it was more of the low-calorie diet that was making them lose weight than the Hcg itself. I wondered if anyone on here had done it because my curiousity gets the better of me with seeing their success.
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