Feeling down.....just binged and mad.

lolabunny Posts: 15
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
I did good ALL day long. Like, I don't even feel deprived. But all of a sudden I had this overwhelming urge to stuff my face with cookies. And I did. :sick: Why do I do this to myself? I am the BIGGEST cheerleader. Everyone I know will come to me for support and I know the right things to say and am so good at helping others. However, I KNEW better than to give into the temptation but I did and couldn't stop. That's a lot of my problem, I just can't stop once I start. If I stay away from it, I'm good. It's when I allow myself a little that it goes too far.

So me? I had 4 kids in 3 years and my oldest is now 5. So, it's busy, chaotic and loud at my house. I think it's stressing me out and I'm not finding a good outlet and even when I take time for just "me", it's not enough these days. Ugh.....ANWAY, just venting to help keep me from going to dig into the potato chips...... :noway:


  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    aw, it happens, try sprinting around the block next time instead! if i absolutely have to keep cookies in my place, and you have kids so i know you will, i have been portioning them into single serving bags, that way i don't eat like 10 or 15...and god forbid, 20!

    don't sweat it, it's one slip up.
  • Yes, definitely try to find a way to relax!!! I know that when I'm stressed or depressed, it can be really difficult to not take comfort in the form of junky foods. That's why I never keep the junky food in my house. :laugh: But that doesn't seem practical for you with all those kids. If you know you won't be able to stop, don't start at all. Keep busy. Do something you like. Go to a quiet place in your house when you feel the need for those foods. Listen to music, mediate, dance around, exercise, watch tv, read a book, play with the kids, or w/e to help with the stress. Tell yourself that you KNOW that you don't want these foods. You're not craving them, but trying to use them to feel better. But in the end it makes you feel like crap and guilty/angry at yourself. So it's NOT worth it!
  • jklevco
    jklevco Posts: 1
    I understand exactly how you feel. I have often written your exact words in a journal (when I am keeping one). I have struggled for years with the same thing. I can be very disciplined and keep eating healthy foods, but one false move (usually related to an emotion) and I undo all the healthy eating I have done. I guess my only suggestion is to not give up - forgive yourself and start right away to get back to healthy eating. No waiting "til Monday" - obvioulsy in my dieting career I have often decided to binge for the rest of the week and just start Monday !!

    I am currently having success with eating properly . I have finally realized that I am not on a diet until I lose the weight I want and then I can go back to my mindless eating - this is a lifelong process. So, if I eat badly for a day or so, I know that I will be healthier, feel better, if I eat mindfully.

    Good luck - don't beat yourself up. You will have more energy and your kids will appreciate that you teach them good eating habits.

  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Sweetie, if I even KNOW I'm going to be in the same house with cookies, I instantly modify my plans to eat 10 of them. lol It's sad, but I know I'm going to do it. I just can't have them in the house.
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    There is a great thread from TWEBER0976 , called "Make a U turn" it is so inspiring! I think it will help you get out of the slump and feel better! If I can find it I will edit and add the link!


    hope this helps, I read it a long time ago and it made so much sense! Good luck!
  • Dalya
    Dalya Posts: 11
  • jesp1216
    jesp1216 Posts: 100
    wow i just binged to, had rice w/ beans then sunchips, all after i cooked my whole family a healthy meal of stir fry veggies and brown rice (i just didnt feel like eating any) , im now regreting it n feeling horrible i think i hve to go run now :grumble: but dont beat yourself up, just like me you will get rite back on track tomarow :smile:
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    I completely understand what your going through!
    Its real hard this journey we are going through...

    I have the same problem.. Im so disciplined during the week. But when the weekend rolls around and I get a little sample of cake or cookies.. I cant stop with just one!! something in my head takes over and I immediately want to eat the whole packet. Or i feel I NEED to have desert when I am eating with friends or at a dinner function. I even get angry if my boyfriend doesnt want desert with me!! It seems like there is something else inside me thats taken over! I hate when I get like that!!

    This weekend was another bad example I couldn't even log my food intake because I ate way too much!!! I dont even want to weigh myself today because I just know I have undone all my good work over the last couple of weeks!!

    This is hard!!!

    But you know.. im going to stop kicking myself over it.. Im just going try again.. Im not going to give up.. I will control this sweet tooth of mine.. I know I love myself more than that piece of cake and Im going to keep going...

    We all slip, fall off the wagon, make mistakes.. thats part of the journey..

    but you just have to keep trying :flowerforyou:
  • Thank you everyone! I know that every day (or every hour!) is a choice and that making a less than healthy choice does not have to be the fast-track to complete unraveling. I ate what did last night and resolved that today would be a better day. I've limited the snack-y type things in the house, as I don't want my kids to eat only those things as well, but do have a few "treats" for them. However, it's the evenings that get me.

    Thanks so much for taking the time to share and support me!!!!
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