8 Years Weight Loss Industry Guru and I use MyfitnessPal

Dalya Posts: 11
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
:flowerforyou: I have 8 years experience in the weight loss industry have helped hundreds of wonderful people and my fitness pal is a wonderful way to get yourself under control by being able to monitor yourself. Self monitoring is key, and even though i work for a "brand" weight loss company, i find that when maintaining after a weight loss myfitnesspal is a wonderful way to learn your "maintenance mojo".


  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    My Fitness Pal is great because it teaches you how to make changes for life. It doesn't offer any pills, gimmicks, or prepackaged food. You have to learn what's good for you and how to cook it.

    I've tried lots of different plans and diets, but this is the only one that has ever made practical sense.

    Welcome! I have a feeling that even a Weight Loss Industry Guru can learn a thing or two here. :-)
  • Dalya
    Dalya Posts: 11
    Well i have been here for a while, i dont get a chance to log in, im always helping people, this is an excellent way to keep track of my sodium, im wearing a bikini for my bday party in vegas, so i have to regulate so i can make sure i have my lady 4 pack! ;-)
  • Dalya
    Dalya Posts: 11
    Im on my own quest to aggressively manage my salt content not because of me overdoing my salt but I HAVE A BDAY PARTY IN VEGAS IN ONE MONTH. AND GIRLS FROM HIGH SCHOOL ARE GONNA BE THERE WHO I HAVE NOT SEEN IN 10 YEARS. Ive been living out of state, and i have been working in the weight loss business for 8 years now, ONE THE SPONSOR OF THE BIGGEST LOSER, 24 HOUR FITNESS. over the years ive learned the tricks to get a bikini body AND THEN SOME in 30 days.

    This morn, I was 6 lbs lighter than i was last night, i weighed at night to see how much a full day of food weighs in my stomach. this is my own assesment i have been doing over the last several years from client to client and the body loses and gains weight thoughout a 24 hour period, as meals are consumed, and as you eliminate. And of course activity helps it along the way. Food is 80% of the game. Tried and true. When desired weight is achieved building muscle works for you when you fall off your exercise occasiionally, (like during holidays and events or stressful work seasons)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • I am thrilled I found this site- it has helped he so much
  • Dalya
    Dalya Posts: 11
    Good Diane you go lady! you can do it, just stay in the ring!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Im on my own quest to aggressively manage my salt content not because of me overdoing my salt but I HAVE A BDAY PARTY IN VEGAS IN ONE MONTH. AND GIRLS FROM HIGH SCHOOL ARE GONNA BE THERE WHO I HAVE NOT SEEN IN 10 YEARS. Ive been living out of state, and i have been working in the weight loss business for 8 years now, ONE THE SPONSOR OF THE BIGGEST LOSER, 24 HOUR FITNESS. over the years ive learned the tricks to get a bikini body AND THEN SOME in 30 days.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    I have a question for you then. I have flab as a result of two pregnancies and 2 c-sections. I know there are abs under there how do I get rid of that damn fat or flab, flap whatever someone wants to call it. I have been working very hard or so I like to think. I would love some advice from you. Even if that means a personal message.
  • Dalya
    Dalya Posts: 11
    To be honest with you the c section is what is to blame, they cut your skin, and your ab muscle, which leaves it like a broken rubber band. the only answer at that point is corrective surgery, and to keep upper abs that are still connected tight and firm. i hope you dont mind me answering that question in the forum, but there are alot of women in that position, and they all deserve to know the truth about that. THAT IS ONE OF FEW INSTANCES WHERE I WOULD SUGGEST CORRECTIVE SURGERY, BECAUSE ITS SIMPLY THE AFTER EFFECT FROM SURGERY:noway:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Hi Dalya.... Thank you for all your help so far for all of us... I too have a question.....

    Ok what about the flabby frop from just fat? I have hanging skin around my tummy.....
    ewwwww.... what can I do?
  • Dalya
    Dalya Posts: 11
    :wink: oh yes, id love to share my feedback on that; thats common when you lose alot of weight, or gain and lose, have a baby and so on, stretch marks happen when skin is dry, as does saggy skin when not loaded with the right stuff to keep it tight. also losing weight too fast can produce this effect as well. try to take plenty of antioxidents during weight loss, the vitamin shop has plenty of high anti-oxident formulas that will give your skin back its elasticity, also essential fatty acids help as well, make sure to incorporate those as they keep your skin moist through the changes it will endure.
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    To be honest with you the c section is what is to blame, they cut your skin, and your ab muscle, which leaves it like a broken rubber band. the only answer at that point is corrective surgery, and to keep upper abs that are still connected tight and firm. i hope you dont mind me answering that question in the forum, but there are alot of women in that position, and they all deserve to know the truth about that. THAT IS ONE OF FEW INSTANCES WHERE I WOULD SUGGEST CORRECTIVE SURGERY, BECAUSE ITS SIMPLY THE AFTER EFFECT FROM SURGERY:noway:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    I don't mind that you answered on the forum I know lots of people need to know. I have been talking to my husband about the corrective surgery and he has agreed that if I can't get it all off that he would be ok with it. I have lost alot of it but I kinda figured since I had the surgreys that is what was really holding me back. Thank you again.
  • To be honest with you the c section is what is to blame, they cut your skin, and your ab muscle, which leaves it like a broken rubber band. the only answer at that point is corrective surgery, and to keep upper abs that are still connected tight and firm. i hope you dont mind me answering that question in the forum, but there are alot of women in that position, and they all deserve to know the truth about that. THAT IS ONE OF FEW INSTANCES WHERE I WOULD SUGGEST CORRECTIVE SURGERY, BECAUSE ITS SIMPLY THE AFTER EFFECT FROM SURGERY:noway:

    Seriously? I"m in the same boat...2 kids...2 c sections...and a tummy tuck really is the only answer?? I'm working my *ss off trying to get my tummy toned...and I know many people who've had c sections...and they don't have that flabby over hang that I do...Im a bit bummed to hear that my only choice is corrective surgery....:sad:
  • Thank you Dayla!!

    I will research for foods that conatin both! :happy:
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    I have a question, what about the bat wing arms? I do tricep curls, skull crushers, tricep kick backs, anything else to get it lookin good? I've tried everything!
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