Suggestions for Breakfast

First, I just decide to give this a try starting yesterday, so this is my first post. Does anyone have any suggestions for a quick, healthy breakfast that will hold me over until lunch. Breakfast is the most frustrating meal of the day for me. I appreciate any and all suggestions. Thanks.


  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    Why don't you skip it? I never eat breakfast and most of the bodybuilders and strength athletes I'm friends with don't either. If it frustrates you then don't eat it. You can wait to eat at lunch.

    If you insist on eating breakfast then eat something simple. I prefer a fattier, low-carb breakfast. It's much more satiating for me, so I go bacon and eggs. Also, just because it's called breakfast doesn't mean you have to eat specific foods. You can have tacos in the morning if you want to.
  • TeddyBear47
    TeddyBear47 Posts: 200 Member
    High Fiber cereal and low fat milk.
  • EmmyLou1253
    EmmyLou1253 Posts: 17 Member
    It's smoothie season for me. Never ending possibilities and additives for extra nutrition.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    my rotate breakfast ideas depending on my mood:

    3 eggs scrambled with a little yogurt+side salad
    2 eggs over easy + baked sweet potato
    2 eggs over easy+ salmon + fruit
    protein smoothie with fruit

    if im really hungry then i'll have the smoothie and the eggs
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    I love breakfast so much! Best meal of the day. I usually have either banana on toast, oatmeal with cut up banana or yoghurt and weetbix :)
  • Unsweetened almond milk 35 cals a cup. I have two cups
    1 packet of carnation instant breakfast (non sweetened) 60 cals. (The rich chocolate milk)

    Good and very filling. I think it's because of the protein in it.. i don't know, but being that I'm a binge eater it's hard to find anything that fills me up.. This does.
  • tanga_gurl
    tanga_gurl Posts: 66 Member
    I never eat breakfast, so breakfast for me is usually a cup of coffee and a "up & go" I dont know if you have them there, but its just a liquid breakfast in a carton full of good stuff!
  • katiej122
    katiej122 Posts: 125 Member
    I always used to get hungry so fast after breakfast, now I have 2/3 cup of oats, 1 cup of almond milk, cooked on the stove and then a tablespoon of peanut butter on top and it usually keeps me full till lunchtime. I've been having it every day for weeks, I love it . Or, two boiled eggs and two slices of multigrain toast is good for me :)
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    I used to have 2 Organic Weetbix with full fat milk, organic high fibre sourdough toast with flaxseed and a banana.

    Trying something different which started today which is high protein, low carb breakfast. Went down well, was definitely tastier and I felt fuller for longer :) 2 whole egg omelette with tomato, mushroom, mixed herbs and some shaved turkey. Yum!
  • lovefool63
    lovefool63 Posts: 35 Member
    My breakfasts varies but my main staples are:

    Oatmeal with berries;
    Eggs with spinach and other veggies;
    Ezekiel bread, banana and natural peanut butter;
    Kashi Go lean cereals with milk;
    Protein smoothies.
  • capperboy
    capperboy Posts: 99 Member
    All Bran
    shredded wheat
    wholemeal toast no butter or margarine
  • jj3120
    jj3120 Posts: 358
    I could eat all my calories at breakfast!!

    I used find a large bowl of porridge (60g oats) + nuts, fruit etc got me through til lunch, now I'm eating more calories I make sure I have a snack mid morning as well.
  • cue_chik
    cue_chik Posts: 63 Member
    I used to skip breakfast too... couldnt stand to eat early in the morning, but I noticed the LBS. melted off faster when I started eating in the morning. some of the things I eat are...

    1/2 a whole wheat English Muffin with 2 TBS cottage cheese.
    1/2 Whole Wheat English Muffin with 1 TBS peanut butter and a few slices of banana
    1 packet of instant oatmeal (variety of flavors) and 1 slice whole wheat or multi-grain toast with peanutbutter or low sugar jam.
    1/2 cup of Fiber One cereal with 1/2 cup milk and 1 banana.
    1/2 whole wheat bagel, with FF cream cheese and thin slices of apple.

    I try yo keep it simple since I'm not use to big breakfasts in the morning, plus, I eat 5 times a day so i need to spread my calories over 5 small meals.

    But I see a few breakfast ideas I might have to try, they all look so yummy!!!
  • Moana41
    Moana41 Posts: 35
    I like to have Easy Eggs Benedict, 2 poached eggs with a quick sauce consisting of 2 tbsp of lite mayonnaise, 1 tsp dijon mustard and a few drops of squeezed lemon, mix together and pour over eggs on wholegrain toast or bread. Add a bit of sliced ham or smoked salmon, whatever you prefer. Although this is once a week for me, I'd much prefer wholegrain oats with trim milk and a bit of low fat yoghurt or sliced banana. Lasts me til well after lunch. Good luck with your breakfast choices! :)
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    I try to get a fair amount of protein and slow burning carbs into my breakfasts... those seem to keep me the fullest for longest, but I can rarely last until lunch.

    wholemeal toast with eggs; savoury biscuits with ham, cheese and tomato; or high fibre cereal with milk and yoghurt.

    I also always try to have a piece of fruit, usually banana or grapes.

    If i have high protein i just get hungry... it's not so much stomach hunger (until 11am, anyway)... it's more a need for carbs for my brain to function properly.

    If I have only carbs it doesn't fill me enough.

    If i have only fruit the sugar rush becomes a sugar crash.

    I can usually make it through until 11:30 if i can combine all three. If i miss one group i have to dash for morning tea.

    Edit: oh, and eating more does not help, lol. my body seems to think 'it's going to be a hard day, better keep eating' if i eat a big breakfast and i get hungrier sooner, lol.
  • I always eat breakfast, usually 1 cup of oatmeal before I workout, then soon after a protein shake
  • cjhart81
    cjhart81 Posts: 200 Member
    0.1% fat natural fromage frais with a tea spoon of honey mixed in with a small sprinkling of granola..

    At the weekends I have eggs and bacon on one slice of wholemeal brown bread or porridge!

    nom nommm
  • Hi I am not one for eating breakfast and i am always in a rush, but once i am at work at 7am i have a stay fuller longer yoghurt, which see's me though until 12 o clock lunch.. good luck think thin :wink:
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    I ate Special K with fruit on top for breakfast for years as it's advertised as this great diet food, but the recommended serving size of Special K is a pathetic 30g! Plus it tastes like cardboard and is no way filling. Soooo, when I started MFP, I switched to instant porridge ('Oats So Simple') - at first I was worried that oatmeal would be high in calories, but made with skimmed milk it's actually about the same as Special K with fruit. It tastes way better, it's really filling and warming and I don't start to get hungry until *almost* lunch time.
    I tend to have this porridge every week day (there are lots of different flavours available so it doesn't get borning and only takes 2 minutes in the mircrowave) and then at weekends I'll have brown toast with low fat spread and marmite, or even a cheeky grilled bacon sandwich if I have been good!
  • mickyjd
    mickyjd Posts: 97
    Porridge or scrambled eggs with cheese, depends on what I feel like :)