Really dissapointed

Good Morning,
My name is Cindy. I'm 57. All of my life I have been very thin, almost too thin. Then life happened. You would think that the weight came after my 2 children, but it didn't. I didn't start gaining weight until after I stopped smoking (approx 20 yrs ago) and had a hysterectomy. I went from 105 lbs to a whopping 160
I'd give excercising a try every now and then, but give up on it, until last year. My daughter inspired me to start excercising again and go to the gym with her as trained fora mini maraton.

I went from 160 # to 152#. I was so pleased with loss.Then I started having medical issues. I have diverdiculitis and very strict on what I eat (I read lables all of the time). From the end of October 2011 to the middle of January, I'd been in the hospital 3 times, resulting in a major surgery, having 2 feet of my colon removed because of diverticulitis and years of constipation problems.

With this type of surgery, you life on liquids and soft foods for a while. My weight dropped to 141 lbs ( I wasn;t crazy about how I had to lose it, but it was gone). I started feelding better everyday. I was off from my stressfull job for 9 weeks.

I finally go the ok from my doctor to go back to work ( I work in a nursing home and have a desk job, but always out on the floors or around in the building somewhere). i was only back to work 2 weeks and I gained 4 lbs back :grumble:

I've gone back to the gym, slowly, but I'm already getting burned out with that, I just don't have the energy to make myself go in the mornings (evenings are too busy for me and too many "jocks" and noisey at night). My weight today is 151#. I am not happy with myself. I'm hoping that with the warmer weather, I can get outside and start being more active to loss the weight.

I try and eat healthy and track my food intake on Myfitness Pal, my problem is at night, while I'm at home. I get this uncontrolable hunger after dinner that is crazy. I try to eat something light, eg: yogurt, pudding, but that doesn't seem to do it.

I need ideas, help, support, inspiration. I don't want to go back to 160# plus, but I don't want to live in a hot sweaty stinky gym either.

I hope I make lots of new friends here. Thanks for letting me ramble....:happy:

I need some inspiration, ideas


  • Shines01
    Shines01 Posts: 26 Member
    Are you a person who can work out at home? There are SOOO many great workout videos. The 4 lbs is honestly probably your body gaining some of it's muscle back. I know it's hard but if you make exercise a habit you will begin to gain your energy back. Just a short walk around the block one time a day will do wonders over a week or two.
  • awsangel
    awsangel Posts: 1
    : Hi.....Im just starting logging on here as well. I lost a stone end of last year just by counting calories and low carbing and although my weight has remained stable I now want to lose more. I dont eat carbs much because they hurt my stomach. Suffer from ibs if Im not careful what I eat. bum is....huge!!!! :blushing: