
I seem to be getting nowhere with my weightloss and I've read so much different advice that I've confused myself!

I'm 5' 5" and started at 180lbs 4 weeks ago.

Lost 6lbs the first week and then nothing since so stuck at 174lbs.

I have my fitness pal set to 1300 cals per day with 50% protein, 25% Carbs and 25% fat.

I have a VERY sedentary job and only manage to work out twice a week - I do circuits and boxercise.

So, where am I going wrong? Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance!!


  • twiztedgrl69
    twiztedgrl69 Posts: 191 Member
    Are you netting at least 1200/day?? Are you eating any of your workout calories back?? You should open your dairy so we can look more
  • MrsSamwich
    MrsSamwich Posts: 6 Member

    Yes , I usually do net more than 1200 and I mostly but not always eat my exercise cals back. I've opened up my diary too - in case it helps!
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    looks like your BMR is 1520

    you should be eating at least that much every day

    try to get some strength training in like squats and push ups

    wall push ups if you are not strong enough...(like me):laugh:

    give it 2 weeks and see what happens
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member

    Yes , I usually do net more than 1200 and I mostly but not always eat my exercise cals back. I've opened up my diary too - in case it helps!

    what is your goal weight???

    use this link to see what your calorie goals should be
  • fitnoflab
    fitnoflab Posts: 100
    Looks like you are not eating enough most days. Makes a huge difference. I stopped losing at 1200 eating all exercise calories back then I bumped it up to 1320 with exercise calories and the pounds started to come off again.
  • MrsSamwich
    MrsSamwich Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for your help peeps.

    Ok - I'll bump my cals to 1500 to match my BMR.

    Presumably I still need to eat my exercise cals as well at that rate?