Share your daily menu with me?

Hi everyone,

I'm looking to change my menu around for next week. I know it needs improvement. Would any of you mind sharing a sample of what you eat in a day so that I can get ideas of what my menu SHOULD look like? I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks so much!


  • fimary
    fimary Posts: 286 Member
    My diary is open, pls feel free to look, i like looking at diaries as its so easy to get bored with the same foods, and we all need new ideas.
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    Yep, mine's open too.. feel free to peek!
  • Hopelessbird
    breakfast: 2 hardboiled eggs (only 1 yolk), 1 laughing cow cheese wedge, a whole mango/fresh mixed berries and coffee with a splash of skim milk
    snack 1: banana
    lunch: loaded salad with balsamic vinegar
    snack 2: orange
    snack 3: 100 calories almond snack pack
    dinner: baked lemon pepper salmon and tomatoes, on a bed of fresh baby spinach
    late night: tea

    *I try to avoid simple carbohydrates like rice, breads or pasta. The fruits and veg provides enough carbohydrates for the day with added fiber so you feel satiated

    Still under 1500 calories/day
  • rachcamp88
    rachcamp88 Posts: 88 Member
    Breakfast: fruit and a special K bar OR porridge OR scrambled eggs and one small slice of seeded bread
    Lunch: chicken salad wrap OR soup with oatcakes. Usually have fruit with both and sometimes a packet of low fat crisps
    Dinner: mackerel with baked potato OR chicken with veg/salad
    Evening snack: cup of tea with a weightwatchers cake or biscuit
  • salxtai
    salxtai Posts: 341 Member
    My diary's open.

    Although my cals are set for bulking up muscle-wise rather than sheer weight loss, so I can get away with a bit more than I could on a 1400 diet.
  • yarinathan
    yarinathan Posts: 36 Member
    Lately I have not been eating well. However I am getting back into the grove. I used to do the following.
    5:30am (before work) Coffee
    9am (work) oatmeal and a banana
    12pm (preworkout) luna bar
    Lunch- SALAD filled with a lean protein and VEGGIES or Tilapia with loads of VEGGIES
    Dinner- RANDOM however mostly of veggies. typically with carbs...I know I am not really supposed to have HIGH carb foods at night but my culture is BIG on RICE while my husband is HUGE on Tortillas!!! I am getting better with my eating habits. Which is why I am here on MFP, so I can see my mistakes and ask for necessary help without judgement.

    With the above I am typically under 1300 a day/
  • prettythinlove
    prettythinlove Posts: 127 Member
    Breakfast: oatmeal (1/4c of rolled oats, 1/2c almond milk, 1/4c frozen blueberries) with coffee

    Snack: 20 almonds and one of my homemade walnut and fruit cookies(46 cals)

    Lunch: rye cruskits with 'always fresh sandwich fillers- veg and feta'

    Snack: low fat yogurt with blueberries or celery and carrot sticks

    Dinner: vegetable stir fry with marinated tofu and brown rice

    Snack: 2 cups of airpoped popcorn without salt or butter

    That's just what I had the other day
  • healthycurves2012
    My diary is open, but here is a short summary of a typical day:

    BREAKFAST: oatmeal w/dried cherries, walnuts, and stevia (almost every day)

    LUNCH: leftovers from dinner the night before, or some healthy takeout like Chipotle or Panera

    DINNER: chicken breast, green beans, potatoes, cottage cheese

    DESSERT: soft serve made with 1 banana, 1 cup frozen strawberries, and 1/2 cup almond milk

    SNACKS: Larabar, string cheese, whole grain crackers, or hummus w/baby carrots (usually 200 calories or so total)
  • brighteyedbelle
    Thanks everyone! This was really helpful. I'm going to plan out my week and hopefully I'll do a better job this time with all these new ideas.
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    My diary is open but a little messy for today/yesterday, due to post-binge shame suppressing my appetite today, and yesterday's incomplete log.

    But generally I have:
    Breakfast: Oatmeal with soy milk, 1/4 cup strawberries, 1/4 cup pineapple, 5 almonds and a scoop of protein powder, and a green tea. (sometimes a coffee, but I'm a former addict lol, and that stuff realllllly messes with my body in terms of sugar cravings -.-). On Sunday mornings my dad buys bagels, so I normally slice them to resemble bagel thins, with 50g smoked salmon, cream cheese & egg whites

    Lunch: sandwich on wholegrain bread with hummus, salad and either chicken, tuna, or smoked salmon

    Snacks: Roasted chickpeas, Roasted soy nuts, fruit, Spelt muesli crackers, < 100 cal protein bars, small protein shakes or yoghurt.

    Dinner: A huge bowl of veggies with either chicken breast, prawns, tuna, salmon or tofu.
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm looking to change my menu around for next week. I know it needs improvement. Would any of you mind sharing a sample of what you eat in a day so that I can get ideas of what my menu SHOULD look like? I'd really appreciate it.

    Thanks so much!

    You really want to eat like the people here? If you eat within your calories and macronutrients while applying moderation then you will be much happier.

    I just started logging recently on here (I switched over from Fitday) but my diary is open. I prefer a much more diverse range of foods. I'm not going to force myself into pre-existing ideals of what "healthy" is.

    Eat often or not. I like eating 2-3 meals a day. No need to eat miniature, unsatisfying meals. I eat 1700 calories a day. Imagine if I tried to eat 5-6 meals a day. I'd be eating the world's smallest meals.
  • DaBossLady24
    DaBossLady24 Posts: 556 Member
    Feel free to check out mine! I like to change it up everyday (unless I have leftovers from my homemade recipes) and if you want those, just let me know!

    hope this helps :drinker:
  • cazwillis99
    cazwillis99 Posts: 238 Member
    My diary is open so feel free to have a nose! :-)
  • marcenepea
    marcenepea Posts: 364 Member
    My diary is also open so feel free to look. I check out diaries for new ideas. I have learned of new foods this way. Good Luck