Suggestions for Breakfast



  • 05suu
    05suu Posts: 90 Member
    Fruit and fibre + weight watcher low fat yogurt + splash of soy milk
    If I'm on the run
    A package of Belvita Breakfast biscuits...
  • ting1789
    ting1789 Posts: 11 Member
    Protein shake with whole milk and half a banana and I sometimes throw in a couple strawberries.
    Bacon, fruit, and yogurt sometimes with a low carb piece of toast
    cook a serving's worth of couscous in milk and mix in fruit and top with a dab of greek yogurt occasionally with just a dash of honey for an extra kick
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Sometimes I have cereal, but I much prefer protein

    Scrambled aggs on toast,
    eggs and bacon
    Mackerel/sardines on toast
    beans & cheese on toast
  • llee1024
    llee1024 Posts: 16
    I eat at work around 7:30/8, so most mornings it's an english muffin (usually whole grain, but sometimes I'll splurge on a cinnamon raisin :)), a tablespoon of peanut butter, and then I cut up a banana and make it into a sandwich. If I get hungry before lunch, I will have an apple, clementine, or other serving of fruit.
  • 20g of porridge and 10g of syrup = 105 cals
    takes 2-3 mins in the microwave with 125ml of water.
    The syrup melts so it all lastes yummy :)
  • Jezebel_Barbie
    Jezebel_Barbie Posts: 198 Member
    I've never been a breakfast person; I just don't really like breakfast foods and I never have an appetite first thing in the morning. Since I started working from home I make myself a fruit salad; just chop up two or three kinds of fruit and put them in a bowl then I can just pick at it while I'm at my desk. This is the first time in my life I've found something I like to eat in the morning and I'm surprised at how well it fills me up.