divid Posts: 68 Member
Just wondering if anyone is doing any of these programs, and if so...how do you enter your workouts on here for the exercises to determine calories burned?
Also, just wondering how everyone is doing if theyre on the program and how soon after starting it theyve noticed results.
Thanks! =)


  • skward04
    skward04 Posts: 81 Member
    I just started p90x this week! I am doing the Lean program first, then going back and doing the Classic (well, that's the plan!) Feel free to add me!

    I actually use a HRM during my workouts. If you can afford one (mine was about $60 online), I highly recommend one! I think you can google a 'calories burned' calculator that's specifically for p90x.
  • divid
    divid Posts: 68 Member
    I just started P90 this week but my brother has P90x so i was looking at that nutrition plan as well, which seems alot more complicated. I'm going to complete p90 first and then move on to p90x once im in better shape and lose some weight. Its definitly a big change from doing no exercise at all. I'll check out the HRM online! Thanks!
  • bettermomma28
    bettermomma28 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I am doing P90X now. I am seven weeks in. I bought a HRM, but it isn't accurate. I would suggest that if you are going to purchase one, get one with a chest strap. I use the online P90x calorie calculator. www.p90xcalories.com I hope you enjoy the program. It is challenging but when you finish each workout you will really feel like you accomplished something. Feel free to add me, and we can go through this together!