Need to Loose 175 + lbs and need help

To all my fellow weight loss/healthy lifestyle people:

I'm 355 right now and I've never been small, active or out doorsy. It's time for a change, but I have no idea where to start excersice wise. I've read a ton about the food changes I need to make and found some great meals to make, shopping lists to help buy healthy foods, and the psychology behind weight loss. What I don't have is the knowledge or skill to start excersizing, and I don't have the cash to hire a personal fitness guru.

I need your help Everything I've found on the web don't take my bulk into consideration and many excersize palns are killer on my joints, endurance or sheer lack of knowledge to do the excersie correctly.

Any help would be great. Thanks guys :happy:


  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 567 Member
    If you would like some support and some advice that has worked for me (I need to lose 120 lbs) then feel free to *kitten* me. :)
  • aliric
    aliric Posts: 69
    Just start logging your food and watch your calorie intake. Sodium is important so add that to your food diary. I have alot to lose to but just taking it one day at a time. I bought a exercise bike off Craigs list and started 10 min. now up to 20 min. Take it slow and add more exercise every week. You can do this. Just stick to the plan and it will work. Remember, Some exercise is better then none. And portion control is important. Get a food scale and weigh your food at first. You will be amazed just how much a portion really is. Good Luck:))
  • merrylea
    merrylea Posts: 34 Member
    Start with the small changes, don't go gung-ho or it won't stick. I agree with above to just start logging your food and watching your calories. Sooner or later you'll get the exercise bug... but you don't need it to start losing weight. Good luck!
  • tenas
    tenas Posts: 121
    I started out at 380 and am now down to 351.6. When I started to add exercise to my lifestyle change I started out slow by just taking walks a few days a week. Now I take walks about 4-5 times a week and do strength training 2 time a week. Feel free to add me.
  • aliric
    aliric Posts: 69
    The exercise bike is easy on your joints too. I had a knee replaced last year and it hasn't bothered me at all. Look on Craigs list and get one that has a back to the seat. Most of them will acomodate up to 400 lbs. I got mine for 100.00 in good shape.
  • Well, nutrition is super important in the weightloss journey so that is great that you have that figured out! As far as exercise, I would just start slow. I walked on the treadmill when I began or walked out side. Just for like 20 to 30 minutes. You can also do shadow boxing (which can be done sitting, standing or in a squat type position) and that gets the heart rate going for a good cardio workout. I would recommend getting a few free weights or resistance bands to help with strength resistance training. Just start slow! I watch youtube videos of people doing certain exercises to make sure my form is correct and I don't injure myself. I wish you luck!
  • First of all, welcome to the site!! :smile:

    I started with 150 to lose myself and it seems like a very daunting task. Just take one day at a time and start slowly. If you try and push yourself to hard, you could end up with an injury that will hinder you from wanting to do more. I would start with walking ... you will be amazed how good you will start to feel!

    Feel free to add me ... but just a warning, I am a very happy and chipper person that is always looking for the silver lining in every situation. It is too much for some people and I'm totally okay with that ... :laugh: :laugh:
  • First of all, congratulations on setting your mind to changing your lifestyle. Please feel free to add me as a friend. All I can say is its the small changes that count. Concentrate on parking the car further away, taking the steps instead of the stairs. These things add up tremendously.
  • jtheiss
    jtheiss Posts: 14
    I would recommend that you start by taking short walks. Today, just walk around the block. Do that every day until it becomes easy, then walk around two blocks. Keep increasing the time/distance until you can do 30-45 minutes a day. An exercise bike or elliptical are also great if walking is too hard on your joints.
  • I have just started too and need to lose around a hundred...the most important thing is to start every day fresh...don't punish yourself if you mess up the day before. Be careful about so called "diet food" sometimes it has more junk in it that food we think of as unhealthy. I bought a Biggest Loser DVD at Walmart on clearance for 4 bucks and I do it every morning. The people on the DVD have a lot to lose as well and they do modified versions of the exercises. You can do it at your own pace and then as you get stronger you can move to the regular excercises. I have also found that renting and doing the Just Dance game on WII is a lot of exercise but also a lot of fun....especially with my kids. Good Luck :)
  • bcw660816
    bcw660816 Posts: 326 Member
    Hello! I started at 399 pounds last April and am at 246 today. I didn't/couldn't exercise at the beginning.... no energy - couldn't get my breath - back hurt. So I concentrated on improving my diet. I lost weight relatively fast. After about 50 pounds lost I started taking short walks at work, parking further away, and just generally getting up from my desk and moving more. It wasn't until I lost 100 pounds that I really felt like I could start exercising. So I joined a gym. With spring here I am also starting to walk in the park (so much more enjoyable than a treadmill). To me, I even consider going to the mall exercise as it is something I used to wouldn't do. At the beginning I needed the benches occassionally, but now I can walk the entire mall without a break. Start slowly and listen to your body.... it will tell you when you need a break or when you can do more.
  • TZE731
    TZE731 Posts: 18
    I started out at 418 lbs and have lost 70 lbs since last November. I would start with short walks like other people have said. Also, a DVD like P90 (the pre P90X dvd's) would be good. They are around 30 minutes and you can modify the moves. It also includes a diet plan that would be helpful. Good Luck!!
  • mheightchew
    mheightchew Posts: 334
    Welcome! I am so proud of you for taking.the right steps and coming on here for support. Those steps can sometimes be the hardest. If you are new to exercise, I suggest taking it first. One of the things that always caused me to lose motivation was coming on too strong in the beginning. I started out with Leslie sansone walk at home videos. They don't have any complicated moves and cane be done a little at a time until you build up to the full version. Good luck!