For Women only

Good Morning,

I was wondering if others have experienced their bodies demonstrating the stress as we lose weight.

I have gone pretty slowly, 9 lbs. in 13 weeks, and have had 2 problems in those 3 months.

I have seen mostly positive things i.e. better digestion, more energy, endurance, smaller waist, etc., but I have also had my body show it was stressed.

It is a strain on our systems, so I was just wondering, from our Women out there who have been doing this for a while, have you had any problems along the way?

I don't think we discuss how hard it is for Women with our monthly cycle and all the stress our bodies already endure.

What have you experienced?

Connie Lynn


  • ConnieLynn
    ConnieLynn Posts: 242 Member
    Good Morning,

    I was wondering if others have experienced their bodies demonstrating the stress as we lose weight.

    I have gone pretty slowly, 9 lbs. in 13 weeks, and have had 2 problems in those 3 months.

    I have seen mostly positive things i.e. better digestion, more energy, endurance, smaller waist, etc., but I have also had my body show it was stressed.

    It is a strain on our systems, so I was just wondering, from our Women out there who have been doing this for a while, have you had any problems along the way?

    I don't think we discuss how hard it is for Women with our monthly cycle and all the stress our bodies already endure.

    What have you experienced?

    Connie Lynn
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member

    I have not really experienced anything negative, only all the positive things you mentioned. The only problem is that I am losing my motivation and I have not lost any weight in weeks now. It has been my fault, I have been "weaker" when I go out to eat and I have been snacking mindlessly at home. BUT having said that, this week I have told myself, "why throw away all my hard work?", so I am starting to get serious again!! With the help of another member I am getting back my motivation!!!!!!!!!

    Keep up the good work!!!!
  • carrierella
    carrierella Posts: 109 Member
    I do not know if this is something in connection with "dieting" or not...

    I have only been changing the way I *live* for a week, now. I have not done this nearly as long as you have.
    But, I was actually coming online to post a question similar to yours.

    IS it possible that dieting stresses the body???

    I do not have sick children and I homeschool... so they aren't carrying "cold bugs" for me to catch. My husband is not ill. Yet... I have come down with the beginnings of an icky cold. I have sore throat, etc...

    I cannot imagine where this came from!

    One would think eating healthier, exercising, etc... would cause the body to be HEALTHIER, not weakened!?

    I'll be looking for others' responses to your question!!!

  • xmimikinsx
    xmimikinsx Posts: 191

    What negative things? What do you mean by "stress on the body" ? I'm just feeling pretty far!!!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    i actually started thread about this topic yesterday as well, So i can feel your pain.
    I think the excess water has alot to do with bogging us down, therefore making it twice as hard to get motivated to actually DO anything.
    I also feel the positive changes so far, however during that particular week of the month, my motivation goes waaay downhill, along with my self esteem. As soon as it is over, its like a weight has been lifted, I get my energy and motivation back...
    Im interested to see others comment on this subject.
  • xmimikinsx
    xmimikinsx Posts: 191
    Does that have anything to do with weightloss? Isn't that just the normal thing we feel during that time of the month due a hormone imbalance...I'm not sure it will be connected to weightloss. :flowerforyou:
  • ConnieLynn
    ConnieLynn Posts: 242 Member
    I do not know if this is something in connection with "dieting" or not...

    I have only been changing the way I *live* for a week, now. I have not done this nearly as long as you have.
    But, I was actually coming online to post a question similar to yours.

    IS it possible that dieting stresses the body???

    I do not have sick children and I homeschool... so they aren't carrying "cold bugs" for me to catch. My husband is not ill. Yet... I have come down with the beginnings of an icky cold. I have sore throat, etc...

    I cannot imagine where this came from!

    One would think eating healthier, exercising, etc... would cause the body to be HEALTHIER, not weakened!?

    I'll be looking for others' responses to your question!!!


    I think we are putting a stress on our bodies and we should be aware of that so that we go slowly. It is good for us to compare notes so that we know to make sure we get all of those vitamins, and good food as we lose the weight.

    I think it is better when we know what to expect.

    I am sorry about your cold.

    The changes we are making are still good, but we have to stay informed.

    Thank you for sharing,

    Connie Lynn
  • ConnieLynn
    ConnieLynn Posts: 242 Member

    I have not really experienced anything negative, only all the positive things you mentioned. The only problem is that I am losing my motivation and I have not lost any weight in weeks now. It has been my fault, I have been "weaker" when I go out to eat and I have been snacking mindlessly at home. BUT having said that, this week I have told myself, "why throw away all my hard work?", so I am starting to get serious again!! With the help of another member I am getting back my motivation!!!!!!!!!

    Keep up the good work!!!!

    Sometimes it is good to have a break. You probably needed one and now can get back to it with renewed energy. I know after I took off 2 weeks for vacation, I am now excited to get back on track.

    Hope that helps,

    Connie Lynn
  • ConnieLynn
    ConnieLynn Posts: 242 Member
    i actually started thread about this topic yesterday as well, So i can feel your pain.
    I think the excess water has alot to do with bogging us down, therefore making it twice as hard to get motivated to actually DO anything.
    I also feel the positive changes so far, however during that particular week of the month, my motivation goes waaay downhill, along with my self esteem. As soon as it is over, its like a weight has been lifted, I get my energy and motivation back...
    Im interested to see others comment on this subject.

    I too experience problems with motivation the week of my period. Because I have had it for 30 years now, I just give myself a break for a couple days, because I think our bodies need that. I eat a little more those days and I think that is beneficial and what our bodies need.

    I think that because our bodies go through our monthly cycle, they are more stessed and when we add weight-loss, we can stress ourselves out further. Now this does not mean that our weight-loss is not good for us in the long run, but I think it helps to know what to expect as Women.

    Thank you for sharing,

    Connie Lynn
  • strongmom
    strongmom Posts: 72
    Here's my deal, I completely skipped my cycle due to my calorie changes. Honestly, I ate ALOT prior to tracking calories...and I think it shocked my body to all of a sudden get about 1400 calories when my guess is I was doing 3000 a day (I know, bad!) so I did stress my body. It will take sometime for me to adjust to "dieting"
  • DianneLynn
    DianneLynn Posts: 156 Member
    Eating a healthy well balanced diet and getting exercise daily should not be stressing you out!!! :laugh:

    This endeavour should be a lifestyle change not merely calorie restriction ~ unhealthy "fad dieting" would indeed stress a body out...:glasses:
  • ConnieLynn
    ConnieLynn Posts: 242 Member
    Does that have anything to do with weightloss? Isn't that just the normal thing we feel during that time of the month due a hormone imbalance...I'm not sure it will be connected to weightloss. :flowerforyou:

    My point is that because we already have the stress of our monthly cycle, we may experience illnesses when our bodies become over stressed. It may not happen to everyone, but I have had 2 illnesses in the 3 months that I know are directly related to my body being over stressed.

    I am looking to see if others have had this happen to them over the long haul. It may not happen to everyone and that is good!

    Thank you for sharing.

    Connie Lynn
  • xmimikinsx
    xmimikinsx Posts: 191

    Maybe because you are dieting and eating less you aren't eating enough of the right nutrients or vitamins so your immune system is low and your iron levels are probably low too which can cause illness. I suggest taking a multi vitamin :wink:
  • ConnieLynn
    ConnieLynn Posts: 242 Member
    Here's my deal, I completely skipped my cycle due to my calorie changes. Honestly, I ate ALOT prior to tracking calories...and I think it shocked my body to all of a sudden get about 1400 calories when my guess is I was doing 3000 a day (I know, bad!) so I did stress my body. It will take sometime for me to adjust to "dieting"


    I use to eat what ever I wanted for years. I had reached a point in my life where I had decided that I didn't care if I was over weight and I used the weight to protect myself for various personal reasons.

    Now that I am older, I realized that it is hurting my health to be overweight and that if I want to be around for my children and enjoy my life more, I need to eat the correct amount each day and lose weight.

    You are right. It takes time for our bodies to adjust to eating less and eating better. They are good changes, but still a stress for Women because our bodies like to store the food for the monthly cycle!

    I did not stop my monthly cycle, but I have heard others that have had that happen to them. I am learning that it is important to stay as informed as possible as we take on this huge challenge.

    Thank you for sharing,

    Connie Lynn
  • DianneLynn
    DianneLynn Posts: 156 Member
    Honestly, if you have a period or are menopausal such as in my case, if it's that stressful it's time to seek medical attention...there is something compromising your immune system and if a natural occurrence such as menstruation is causing should see a doctor.

    Granted it might be more difficult during those days due to emotional eating or bloat/cramps or cravings however; again, a healthy balanced food intake with quality exercise on a daily basis usually results in a body feeling better and working more efficiently, not getting sick.
  • ConnieLynn
    ConnieLynn Posts: 242 Member
    Eating a healthy well balanced diet and getting exercise daily should not be stressing you out!!! :laugh:

    This endeavour should be a lifestyle change not merely calorie restriction ~ unhealthy "fad dieting" would indeed stress a body out...:glasses:

    I really have been eating very healthy and taking a multiple vitamin. I am 45 years old, so I may experience more stress as a result of my age and my monthly friend.:laugh:

    Since I have been doing it for 3 months now, it is a life style change and I see myself doing it for the next year or more.

    Thank you for sharing,

    Connie Lynn
  • xmimikinsx
    xmimikinsx Posts: 191
    Well I just don't know what to suggest, maybe go to the Dr's and see if it's "the change" or something, please don't take that as being rude!!! :flowerforyou:
  • ConnieLynn
    ConnieLynn Posts: 242 Member
    This Thread is about sharing if we have experienced illnesses, while we are reducing calories. Being Women, we have more stress on our bodies and therefore the weight-loss may stress us further and I wanted to know if this has happened to anyone else.

    Thank you,

    Connie Lynn
  • ConnieLynn
    ConnieLynn Posts: 242 Member
    Honestly, if you have a period or are menopausal such as in my case, if it's that stressful it's time to seek medical attention...there is something compromising your immune system and if a natural occurrence such as menstruation is causing should see a doctor.

    Granted it might be more difficult during those days due to emotional eating or bloat/cramps or cravings however; again, a healthy balanced food intake with quality exercise on a daily basis usually results in a body feeling better and working more efficiently, not getting sick.

    Good point. I think it is important to check with the Doc.

    I still think that it is more of a stress on Women to lose weight. As I go through the next few months, time and info. from my Doctor will tell.

    Connie Lynn
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    My personal experience has been, when I'm eating properly and getting semi-reg. exercise, I never get sick. In the almost month that I've been at this now, EVERYONE in my immediate family that I see and interact with everyday has been sick with three different illnesses. Even my mom, who gets sick like once a decade, succumbed to a nasty chest cold. I've been the only one who's avoided it all. When I'm not eating properly, I'm the first to get whatever.

    As for the cycle, mine had all but stopped due to PCOS. 2 weeks after I changed my eating habits, which includes reducing my sugar intake, I had a period. Not only that, but the cramps that would almost put me in bed for three days during those twice yearly cycles never showed up this time. That to me is enough motivation!! :bigsmile:

    So just in my case, and remember, I am morbidly obese, my weight is a much larger stress on my body than dieting.:smile: