How important is Protein in a diet?

Not really a diet, but in general how good is protein for you? As a former anorexic who was put into recovery and gained a mass amount of weight, I never really cared about nutritional value. It was always about restriction and guilt. It's like learning to eat for the first time for me. I'm committed to doing this the healthy way and I'm stronger than ever!

I am eating the calories required but not nearly coming close to my required protein intake because I rarely eat meat. I take a daily vitamin to make up for the loss and recently just added "New Whey Liquid Protein" into my daily consumption which contains 42 grams of protein.

My question is, what are the benefits of protein? How exactly does it contribute to a healthy diet and weight loss? What's the best time of day to consume it? Is there a certain time frame I should drink it before or after exercise?

I really appreciate everybody's time to explain it to me.

Have a wonderful day!



  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    This page gives quite a good summary
  • gatorgirlyyy
    BTW- that's got to be the most god awful stuff I've tasted in my life! lol
  • gatorgirlyyy

    Thank you so much! I'm going to read it as soon as I get out of class. ;) hehe
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Protein is essential to help build and maintain muscle. How much depends on you. I try to get ~30% of my daily calories as protein at a minimum. I'm doing a moderate lifting routing, training for a 5k, doing yoga (daily) and some other cardio daily. Exercise, it's my new addiction. :wink: I find ~90g-115g a day of protein keeps me from getting too sore and helps me keep up the insane workout schedule I have. I feel good most of the time, as I've also dropped my starch intake. I get carbs, but mostly from fruit and vegetable sources.

    I hope this helps, at least a little!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    BTW- that's got to be the most god awful stuff I've tasted in my life! lol

    Protein is great. It helps you retain lean muscle as you lose weight, and build muscle during weight gain.

    You don't have to take supplements if you don't want to, just try to get enough protein from regular food 20-35% of total cals should suffice (the lower your caloric intake the higher the % protein should be) so if you are on 1200 cal I would suggest 35%, if you eat 2000 cals you could get away with 20%.
  • Quickster34
    Quickster34 Posts: 209 Member
    While you should try and get most of your protein from whole foods, powders and protein supplements are a great way to aid in your goals, if you dont like the taste of what you have get something else, in this day and asge prtein tastes excellent, try optimum nutrition 100% gold standard whey , tons of great flavors and a very very good protein powder
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    i thin the others have answered your questions, but i will jump in to say that you dont have to eat meat to get protein. Nuts and cheeses and greek yogurt are other good sources as well :) Just check the labels.

    Edited to add: kudos to you for doing things a more healthy way and trying to educate yourself! Thats awesome.
  • DocGu
    DocGu Posts: 51 Member
    As a former anorexic, your Protein intake is critical in helping you regain the muscle mass that you lost. You don't have to go crazy and have a super, super high protein intake but I would strongly, strongly recommend that you reach the level recommended on the myfitness pal calculator, i.e. 30%

    As far as getting good quality protein without meat, a whey protein supplement is really a good way to go - some of them taste much much better then others. I personally like Optimum nutrition 100% Whey protein.

    Some health food stores will have sample bottles of protein open so you can try some in the store before you buy a tub of it (nothing worse then spending a lot of money on a tub of protein and finding that you hate it).
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    Protein also helps keep you fuller longer!
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    do you eat fish?

    lot's of protein in fish, and eggs.
    Not really a diet, but in general how good is protein for you? As a former anorexic who was put into recovery and gained a mass amount of weight, I never really cared about nutritional value. It was always about restriction and guilt. It's like learning to eat for the first time for me. I'm committed to doing this the healthy way and I'm stronger than ever!

    I am eating the calories required but not nearly coming close to my required protein intake because I rarely eat meat. I take a daily vitamin to make up for the loss and recently just added "New Whey Liquid Protein" into my daily consumption which contains 42 grams of protein.

    My question is, what are the benefits of protein? How exactly does it contribute to a healthy diet and weight loss? What's the best time of day to consume it? Is there a certain time frame I should drink it before or after exercise?

    I really appreciate everybody's time to explain it to me.

    Have a wonderful day!

  • bellefille
    bellefille Posts: 50 Member
    To add to what everyone else has said, protein is one of the nutrients your body cannot manufacture for itself, though it is needed for the manufacture of any new cells. It has to be consumed whether from plant products, meat products or supplements. The body converts excess protein and excess carbs into fat for storage for future energy needs. BTW, this is why low carb diets can work as they rely on the body converting the excess protein and fat into the required carbs.
  • jrodx2
    jrodx2 Posts: 203 Member
    One, congratulations on taking the steps to losing weight in a healthy way! I know it's a huge task and at times may be overwhelming but trust me, this is the best way to do it.

    As for protein, I can't say enough about it... I love it! It helps me feel fuller longer and I never feel deprived for food with it. There are also many non-meat ways to get your protein intake in. Quinoa, eggs, almonds, peanut butter and greek yogurt are a few I use often. If you like fish, there is also great amounts of protein there as well.

    Best of luck on your journey! You can do this! Just stick with it and you WILL see results :)

    Follow my FB Fitness Page!
    Be stronger than your excuses: Recipes and inspiration for a healthier life
  • gatorgirlyyy
    Protein also helps keep you fuller longer!

    No joke! I feel so full and bloated. Lol. I also have mad energy. Is that normal?
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    Protein dense meals WILL tend to make you feel fuller longer, yes, and protein does burn longer in your body than sugars and carbs do.

    And, also, a suggestion.....I have protein shakes as my snacks or sometimes meals. Odwalla makes some really great protein shakes that are around 200 calories each, but it's also really easy to buy some protein powder and experiment with making your own fruit smoothies. Super yummy. :)
  • siouxsie212
    For flavor: Try ProGrade protein. They have a few different types, it's the absolute best on the market. Tastes amazing, dissolves FAST. I put it in the blender sometimes with berries or 1/2 banana, or put the vanilla in a Fuze Slenderize drink. Delish!