To jog or not to jog....that is the question!

TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
Ok, so I have been getting an "urge" to MAYBE start picking up jogging. I have always been afraid of this form of exercise for several reasons. One is the knowledge that bad knees run in my family and my knees have had a tendency to crack and hurt a little. BUT, my theory is that my higher weight (like say 270, which I started in Sept), has probably been a good culprit in hurting my knees too!! LOL!

I have this fear of looking like a dork too. I don't know what it is. I mean, jogging is probably one of the best forms of exercise! It burns calories fast and it's free if you can run outside! I guess, I just have thought I would look like I didn't know what I was doing. Also, my higher weight produced a massive chest that I didn't want knocking me in the face as I ran!! LOL!!!

Anyway, I am down to 195 now (still have plenty of weight to lose), but having worked out these last few months, I am not just 195 lbs of fat anymore...I am strong and have a lot of energy and and have plenty of endurance. And, as we all know, the chest is usually the first thing to it's not going to knock me out if I start jogging.

SO, how do I get started???? Also, are there certain shoes that are great and have worked for you? Any help you pros can give me would be appreciated!



  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Ok, so I have been getting an "urge" to MAYBE start picking up jogging. I have always been afraid of this form of exercise for several reasons. One is the knowledge that bad knees run in my family and my knees have had a tendency to crack and hurt a little. BUT, my theory is that my higher weight (like say 270, which I started in Sept), has probably been a good culprit in hurting my knees too!! LOL!

    I have this fear of looking like a dork too. I don't know what it is. I mean, jogging is probably one of the best forms of exercise! It burns calories fast and it's free if you can run outside! I guess, I just have thought I would look like I didn't know what I was doing. Also, my higher weight produced a massive chest that I didn't want knocking me in the face as I ran!! LOL!!!

    Anyway, I am down to 195 now (still have plenty of weight to lose), but having worked out these last few months, I am not just 195 lbs of fat anymore...I am strong and have a lot of energy and and have plenty of endurance. And, as we all know, the chest is usually the first thing to it's not going to knock me out if I start jogging.

    SO, how do I get started???? Also, are there certain shoes that are great and have worked for you? Any help you pros can give me would be appreciated!

  • jayme03
    jayme03 Posts: 64 Member
    So I'm pretty sure that my body is not made to run, and this is probably due to my short stubby legs and bad knees...but I've started doing it again because as you said it is free and it burns some crazy calories. I don't think there is any other exercise (well besides a really long hike) that matches the adrenaline rush I get after a nice hard run. I started up again a few weeks ago after not doing it for 6-8 months, and believe it or not I'm actually making progress!! I can run 2 miles now without stopping compared to not even making it a mile the first week :)

    The whole point of that story is that you CAN run! The hardest thing is finding your stride and once you get that you're golden ;) You don't have to start out running a marathon, just do what you can do and you'll progressively get better with every run. And don't worry about what you look least you're being active right and no one should judge you for trying to improve your health!

    I absolutely love my New Balance sneakers, but everyone's different. I would suggest going to a sports store where they sell sneakers and getting fitted. Hope this helps and good luck :flowerforyou:
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Hi Tam. I applaude you in your efforts. Here is a great place to start.
    Runners world is a HIGHLY repspected publication that runners all
    over the world use for tips, techniques, and advice.

    This link is to a beginners guide to running. Hope it works for you.,7146,s6-238-277-278-0,00.html

    FYI, if money isn't a big concern, Asics and Saucony are two of the best running shoe companies
    around. Most local sports stores have them, I would try to find a place
    that specializes in running as opposed to a megastore shoe department,
    even though it might cost an extra 5 or 10 bucks. Because they train their
    employees better, and with running, shoes can make or break your workout!
  • dossie
    dossie Posts: 1
    I was also scared of the jogging thing. I quit smoking after 20 years and also had a hysterectomy, needless to say an added 20 pounds to an already slightly overweight body. Start out really slow, jog
    an 1/8th of mile, then walk an 1/8 th, jog then walk. you will be surprised how quickly your endurance builds. I highly reccomend good runnning shoes, I made that mistake and it took a week to recover from shin splints. Good Luck
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    I joined a running clinic a few years ago with the running room and they taught us 1 and 1's. Which mean you run for a minute and then walk for a minute. You keep alternating until you've reached 20 minutes. We did this for the first 2 or 3 weeks and then we started increasing the run's every week by 1 minute but kept the walking at 1 minute (it was always 20 minutes in total). At the end of the program, we were running 10minutes straight with the 1 minute walks in between.
    I truly enjoyed it.
    There is no better feeling after jogging. I feel so clean from the fresh air and energized!
    Congratulations on taking this challenge!
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • REB89
    REB89 Posts: 493 Member
    i started joggin about a month ago, i was really nervous to start with and took it easy (i have bad knees too) with doing mostly speed walking and then small amounts of jogging. I'm now up to being able to do aroun 30 minutes of jogging. Good luck!
  • prettyinpink
    prettyinpink Posts: 94 Member
    I heard about the 1 and 1's as well! Just start jogging at a semi-fast pace and then after one minute, walk for one minute and repeat! I heard this works very well. I have not tried it yet! I can't wait to now that it is much warmer out!! :o)

    Take care and keep it up!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    jogging is a newfound activity for me as well.
    Ive always had pretty fit legs, but my top heavyness has always kept me from jogging. I too was very conscious about people 'watching' me, even if they are not. I guess that comes from being in middle school and the boys picking on me in gym bc i was the only girl with boobs.

    Anyway, Ive found that speed walking with bursts of jogging (by making visual goals i force myself to jog to that sign or to the end of this fence...) I have gained endurance, and tho I cant jog a whole mile, i can walk/jog 3 whole miles! (a good sports bra is key to reduce pain and annoyingness!)
  • sonia2
    sonia2 Posts: 154
    After New Balance and super bad knees, almost having surgery, Asics took my 5-5, 140 lb body to all new running strides. If no t the right shoes, no one can run. I wear Asics 2120's about $100, and they last me about 4-5 months. Pretty good i think. I have not had one single knee problem since the switch to Asics. No more Ortho docs!!! Try running for 1 on and 1 offf. or 2min run- 1min walk. As you get stronger, increase running time. It works well. Also, you will see as you get lighter in weight, it will be easier to run. Good luck!!1
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Another great website/resource for beginners is Jeff Galloway's site. He has a very simple plan that will have you running a 5K in no time.
    he has lists of cities where there are training groups. In my town they have a walking/running club that meets for all experience levels. Do a search in your town, i bet there is one out there.

    also read the great stuff on

    lots of great tips, ideas, resources
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    I've started "wogging" a little - very little!! You're down about 20 more lbs than I am. Google beginning running too and there are a lot of "charts" and beginning programs that will help you start out slow and decrease the chance for injury. I ran in High School some and Saucony shoes are awesome! I'm hoping to get some again later this month. I took the time to make my own schedule, because I wanted to go even slower than they did on the ones I found on-line - because of my weight mostly :blushing: I could even e-mail you a copy of what I came up with for me if you wanted. Good luck - for me it's strange to "want" to run -jog - wog whatever. But I have that bizarre desire too!! :laugh:
  • kelpie06
    kelpie06 Posts: 93 Member
    A great book to read too is "The Courage to Start" by John (the penguin) Bingham. It's lighthearted and informative.

    I had taken a lot of time off from running and last fall when I decided to get back into it this book got me the jump-start I needed.
  • kimmerlyjo
    kimmerlyjo Posts: 134 Member
    Good running shoes is definately key to running ESPECIALLY if you haven't ran in a while.... I suggest going to they have a thing on there called The Shoe Dog where you can input all sorts of info on yourself and it will tell what shoes are best for you... I did it and just went to a local store and tried on the different shoes and got the ones that felt best for me! But it made such a difference on my shins and knees
  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    hi there,

    i have that strange desire to pick up running too, but i know that i dont have the fitness level for it yet.
    and i do have the same boob problem. and i took up roppe skipping and fix my problem,
    a sport bra was not enough, no mater how much you pay for it, it just doesnt do it for me, so i got a scarf that i tie up around my chest quite tight, and that just ciments them in place, i suggest you put a loose t-shirt on top so not too look too silly running down the street !

    Let me know how you do with the running, hoping to get inspired to do the same :smile:

  • meme2018
    meme2018 Posts: 241 Member
    I'm not a jogger yet. I'm trying to become one . I've never heard of 1 and 1 I'm going to try it. I hope that it will jump start my weight loss.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Thanks everyone! That is a lot of great ideas and advice. I think I will just start little by little. Do what I can and work up, hopefully to the point of jogging to the finish line of weight loss! LOL! (Yes, corny!!)

    I will start looking into a good sports bra and shoes. Both should help me a lot. Wow, can't believe I actually WANT to do this!! Craziness! What's in a marathon one day?? Teeheeheee!
  • cobra1368
    cobra1368 Posts: 90 Member
    FYI, if money isn't a big concern, Asics and Saucony are two of the best running shoe companies

    I have Saucony shoes, and they have been terrific, although I need new ones! What makes these cool is that they have shoes especially designed for the way you put weight on your foot. For instance, whether your ankle rolls inward when you put weight on it, or whether it rolls outward, or doesn't roll.

    Mine roll inward, and I got shoes that took that into account. I have been running for about a year now about 2-3 times a week, and haven't had so much as a leg cramp. And I have bad knees from falling down too many hills as a wildlife biologist. :bigsmile:
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member

    I just found this site - lots of good info!!
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member

    This one is stellar - tons of info. Pics for core training exercises, common injuries and streatches to prevent them and cures. :love: Lots of pictures :love:
  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    Thanks everyone! That is a lot of great ideas and advice. I think I will just start little by little. Do what I can and work up, hopefully to the point of jogging to the finish line of weight loss! LOL! (Yes, corny!!)

    I will start looking into a good sports bra and shoes. Both should help me a lot. Wow, can't believe I actually WANT to do this!! Craziness! What's in a marathon one day?? Teeheeheee!

    Don't count it out!! I of course didn't really have a choice in running somewhat... being military and all. But all they care about is that we can run 1.5 miles in a certian time. I passed my test last fall by the skin of my teeth! I have always HATED running. And yet... for some unknown reason... I decided several weeks ago that I am going to do the AF 1/2 marathon in September. YIKES :noway: I have begun training towards that... so far the furthest I have gone is 5.4 miles... I run SLOW... but I run the whole time. So don't count it out. Running is possible and dare I say even enjoyable. I am at 191 right now. And as for the looking like a dork part, it passes. I always feel stupid till I hit about 3/4 mile, then I just don't care what people think anymore!! Guess I am too distracted by the running to worry about it then!

    Good luck!! I have the Nike + system for my Ipod and it is a huge motivator because it charts your runs and gives you your pace and everything.