how do YOU stop yourself from bingeing?



  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Do you have your meals planned out? Is it giving you your needs?

    My guys never snack when dieting because they never get to the stage where they are hungry enough to binge. Seems to me you're diet is not set up right...

    Just checked. Its your meals you eat. Lots of sugary or simple carbs or refined flour. You are getting blood glucose crashes followed by massive hunger issues due to insulin release.

    I try to have oatmeal for brekkie with pb, sometimes with yogurt and banana. sometimes not. lunch is chicken and veg. dinner is turkey and veg. I try to have a protein shake for morning tea and fruit for arvo tea. Never happens though :/

    It's always emotional. I'm trying to overcome a very severe depression and my boyfriend only broke up with me last week and a friend passed away last week as well so doesn't help :/
  • mrscampbell318
    It's all a mind game. You just have to go against anything you've ever did. Great advice above to just not take the first bite. And that's hard, I know!!! But loosing weight and becoming healthy is about changing the way you THINK. And going against everything you ever did before. I find that it helps to have something else to do. Like crafting or something at home.
  • Linbo93
    Linbo93 Posts: 229 Member
    Bump for later!
  • jammasterduggs
    My advice ? Low calorie protein source and lots of water - remember the "20 minute until your brain knows your full rule", if you can occupy yourself for 20 minutes after eating high protein and a large glass of water -( washing, cleaning , having a shower, walk to the shop) youl lose the crave (not completely) but a great deal ...
  • sbrBirdy
    sbrBirdy Posts: 224 Member
    The best way to stop binging for me is to not start.

    Be aware of your triggers - things that start the binge. Get them out of the house. Don't buy them ever again.

    Things that you can't get rid of (like bread), don't take that first bite. If I ever have that first unplanned bite of something then it gets easier to take the second, third, and hundredth bite.

    Examine what you are feeling - think about it, don't just react. Acknowledge that you feel bad. Say out loud - "Food is not the answer to my problems" (or some similar statement). Think about what is really bothering you and try to do something that will resolve that issue. Find something else to do that will occupy your mind - read a book, take a walk, write in a journal.

    For me, binging is about a loss of control. So create some control. Tell yourself you are strong, you don't have to eat that thing. PLAN a treat or other reward - "If I make good food choices all day, I can have one piece of dark chocolate tonight." It's easier for me to resist if I know there's something good coming later.

    Drink some water, have a piece of fruit - IF you are really hungry.

    When you mess up, don't wait to get back on the wagon. Do it RIGHT NOW.

    It makes a HUGE difference in my control to stay away from sugar. I know there's a lot of debate on carbs, but personally if I stick to low carb foods I feel so much better. It takes 3-4 days to get the cravings out of my system, but it gets easier.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    For example, in the last 2 days you had:

    Goulburn Valley Dairy Co - Milk Chocolate, 600 ml
    Red Rooster - Rippa Sub - Chilli & Garlic Aioli, 246 g
    Kraft - Light Philadelphia Cheese & Ritz Crackers, 50 g
    Generic - Homemade - Nachos, 1/3 cup microwaved

    These are very poor choices and will lead to snacking. I'm not trying to be funny hun, just not trying to sugar coat it. You're diet is quite weak.

    The thing to remember IS your past is behind you. No point worrying, sort your diet, sort the binging. I've just gone thro a split, my ex is moving out etc but I'm not using this as a reason to binge. I could, but what does eating and making myself worse (as this thread being posted shows) accomplish?
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I have what ever I want but, the correct portion.
  • nazashi
    nazashi Posts: 93 Member
    I find having only healthy food options to binge on helps..there's not much guilt involved if you cleaned out the whole fruit basket! Anyways who does binge on healthy food? And I try to eat before I get hungry, this seems to tame the cravings a bit!
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    I plan every day in advance, and then before I eat something extra, I log it and "complete" the day. If what I want to eat isn't worth the difference in the "If every day was like today...", I don't eat it. Sometimes it is (homemade chocolate zucchini cake) and sometimes it isn't (crappy quality donut).

    Good idea!
  • Tatyanne
    Tatyanne Posts: 471 Member

    Don't see this as an agressive reply please, but you are sabotaging yourself....
    I just went to see what were your meals for today...
    I noticed one BIG problem. You should try to take your calories and spread them along the day.., today for example, you consummed half of your daily goal at lunch.
    PEANUT BUTTER for breakfast? You do have more correct choices, like chiken hamb, light cheese, or there is arround 'cause your mom always have it at home also, like bread???

    I know is difficult...when i lived with my parents there were always cookies, bread, less correct choices arround 'cause they like it and my father and sister can eat them with no regreats (lol)
    I had one strategy at time, that were THEIR stuff, so i couldn't eat them, i thought as if i consume some of that stuff, I was stealing...It worked for me!!! Think in all those things as if they are not yours. If they are and your mom doesn't eat them regularly TROW them in the garbage!!

    Chocolate Mousse With Caramel Fudge Sauce at lunch? I ate a kiwi as desert... Rather eaten yours, believe me!

    I know it's not easy...if it were everybody was skiny lol

  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I hung up a pair of my favorite pants (that I could fit into before I had the baby) by the kitchen and taped a note to them that says, 'WEAR ME in 10 LBS' and I dated it and I update it every week. Now when I want to go into the kitchen and eat everything in sight, my pants are there to remind me how much further I have before I can get out of my maternity pants PERMANENTLY!!!
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    I'm not sure if this would help everyone, but now that I am eating 30% of my cals in protein, I've been SO FULL all the time. Try upping your protein? If you're too full you won't be able to binge right? Maybe?
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    I think of my husband's ex wife and how thin she is...and I stop eating!!! LOL!!! True story.
  • mick_02
    mick_02 Posts: 27
    I would love the help too. I am recovering from bulimia and still relapse often. When I do binge, I always have to purge afterwards so I would love help in preventing the binge in the first place
  • lifeisadancefloor
    lifeisadancefloor Posts: 91 Member
    When I think about eating at night, I log onto here and enter what I would eat if I just walked into the kitchen first. After seeing the amount of calories it will put me over I rethink it!
  • gurganuss
    gurganuss Posts: 78 Member
    I eat less when I am at home. On the weekend when I dont have to work I manage to eat less and not want to eat as much because I am busy.

    At work, I try to keep lots of veggies because I have a desk job and there are always snacks around and when you get bored a lot of people eat to pass the time. Thats why so many people are fighting to drop a few pounds.

    We all have triggers. I need to keep myself in a mind frame where I eat the healthy stuff, or at least make sure I dont eat too much of the bad stuff. One of the biggest problems with diets is that when we constantly tell ourselves we cannot have something, we always want it more. Last night I had a little bit of ice cream in a cone with my daughter, it was delicious, but I made sure I stayed within my calorie count.
  • minadeathclutch
    minadeathclutch Posts: 375 Member
    keep busy.. eat REALLY well during the day.. if you want chocolate have a piece..

    save some calories for night time.. and maybe have some oatmeal with bananas and peanut butter?

    play video games or maybe shower? to keep yourself occupied?

    the key is never starve yourself (not saying you do) and dont deprive yourself of anything..
  • JenaePavlak
    JenaePavlak Posts: 350 Member
    Yes.. Eat all day! Don't let yourself get hungry. Plan your meals accordingly. If you know what your going to be eating and when, your mind wont really have those cravings any more. Chicken and Veggies (Cook the Veggies, I feel they are way more satisfying then raw) can be a 200 cal meal that is delicious! Play with different seasonings such as Cajun, yum!
  • gurganuss
    gurganuss Posts: 78 Member
    I think of my husband's ex wife and how thin she is...and I stop eating!!! LOL!!! True story.

    This is great. My ex-husbands new wife is chubbier than me, but still something to keep in mind. My boyfriends ex-wife is an aerobics instructor. WOW thanks for the motivation!!!!!
  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    Your food diary is all over the place!

    The days I binge is when I haven't eaten enough calories the day before.

    You may be putting your body in a yo-yo situation.