Ex Weight Watchers Member

I am an ex Weight Watchers Member stuck in a rut. Looking for something new and it looks like this website is it. Have tried it for a couple of weeks and I really like it.:happy: Would love any suggestions or hints on how to use this site to my advantage.


  • yummummum
    Hi! I was a chronic weight watchers member! 8 years in fact!! Joined here in Sept, started Low-carbing and viola! It was what I needed! I am down 17.5 pounds since then and I am taking it all the way to goal. No monthly fees! Goodbye WW !!! If only you could give me all that money back !! ha!

    Good luck! You will find your niche here if you seek it out. So many helpful people (and some not so helpful LOL!!- but just ignore them!!)
  • dpawlus
    I'm an ex-WW member as well. I do miss this idea of "0 point" fruits and veggies, but I follow that a little bit on here. I do enjoy learning more about the food I eat. Although, I learned to eat healthy on WW, I like how this MFP breaks down all the nutrients and I actually learn about what foods are worth. I do miss meetings a bit, but have recruited some friends to write on my wall or post comments so I can feel a sense of support. I've also set up my phone to remind me to log my meals which helps w/ accountability. Good luck!
  • ybodwen
    ybodwen Posts: 342 Member
    I did WW for a while- had success then gained the weight back, then they changed the plan on me and it was all over!
    I like this so much better- almost feels like I'm being trusted enough with actually knowing how many calories etc. instead of the whole mysterious points thing. Good Luck!!
  • Finndi
    I too am an ex WW online member. Had trouble following their new plan and sticking with it online. I am starting mfp and need support and encouragement. Have a lot of weight and inches to lose to fit back into my clothes. Hoping that this system of keeping track of my calories will be better for me. One day down and hoping for thinner days to come. Wasted lots of money on ww without results, so here I go. Good luck to all!
  • liveinthemix
    liveinthemix Posts: 360 Member
    Welcome to the site!!
  • msShari1
    I too have given Weight Watchers too much of my money over the years!
  • keg619
    keg619 Posts: 356 Member
    Hi! I'm a fellow ex ww member. In the four months that I was a member, I lost 60 pounds. But once I stopped going I gained it back, and then some. A total of 115.5 to be exact. I love this site, and I hope you do too! It's easier than figuring out points, and it really fits in with a busy life. Best of luck to you!
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    The community here is one of the best things MFP offers because the people are so supportive and knowledgeable. My advice, because it's worked for me, is find a challenge or two that interests you. These will push you further and keep you accountable. I'm in a few that have got me trying new things and doing more than I would otherwise.

    Good luck, glad you found the site!
  • samandlucysmum
    The community here is one of the best things MFP offers because the people are so supportive and knowledgeable. My advice, because it's worked for me, is find a challenge or two that interests you. These will push you further and keep you accountable. I'm in a few that have got me trying new things and doing more than I would otherwise.

    Good luck, glad you found the site!

    Totally agree, I did WW many times, got fed up in the end, doing this website is much better as it gives you an insight into what is in your food instead of just having a points value. The support is great too, as it is more 1 on 1, rather than in a group in a crowded cold hall!!
  • aNEWuNme
    My advice is to find lots of MFP friends that have similar goals as you do. They keep you motivated and it's so nice to have friends that go through similar struggles. And it's even better to see some of your friends succeed in losing weight, because if they can do it, so can you! And MFP friends offer so many tips and ideas.... and this site is free!!!! I'm glad you decided to boycott WW and go with MFP!
  • SOthebomb
    SOthebomb Posts: 9 Member
    Ladies, I completely agree!
  • Loislaine61

    I went to WW too for three years and I kinda miss it, but then I found MFP and I like it a lot.

    I lost 30 pounds with WW and they taught me how to make wise food choices and portion control. I got to goal and became a Lifetime member. I was faithful for two years and then my life spun out of control and I gained some back. My plan was to be on this site long enough to get back to goal so I wouldn't have to pay again when I returned, but I like MFP so much I don't think I'll go back to WW. I still use what I learned from WW.

  • vsay215
    vsay215 Posts: 44 Member
    I have also done ww in the past and succeeded. Now I am giving this a try. Even though I eat healthy most of the time and exercise, my weight has slowly increased and figured out that I am not eating enough. Good luck
  • tbetts23
    tbetts23 Posts: 303 Member
    Have done ww a couple of times. I think this site is more for me. No money no questions asked. If I do get derailed, I don't think I will feel bad about wasting money while I get back on track.
  • ChaosMoosie
    ChaosMoosie Posts: 77 Member
    I am an ex Weight Watchers Member stuck in a rut. Looking for something new and it looks like this website is it. Have tried it for a couple of weeks and I really like it.:happy: Would love any suggestions or hints on how to use this site to my advantage.

    Join the community. Participate in the discussion. Pick people who inspire you and ask them to be your friend. Encourage others and let them encourage you.

    Do things you haven't done. TEST drive what you're going to eat (enter the foods you're considering). See what they do to your goal for the day. Do the check and see what you'll weigh in 5 weeks if every day was like today. Eat what you feel comfortable with and what you can live with relative to your goals.

    DON"T MISS A SINGLE DAY IF AT ALL POSSIBLE! If you do have to miss entering your day, write it down and enter it when you do log in.

    If you bite it you write it. Don't cheat yourself and don't fool yourself.

    Yesterday is history. Not only that, what I wrote is history as soon as my finger hit the key. We live in the present. We can change the present by our actions. We change the future by the actions we perform in the present. Live in the NOW to change your future tomorrow.

    You can do it and you WILL do it! You can make yourself new here.
  • Shannota
    Shannota Posts: 312 Member
    I never had much luck on WW. I did the plan about 4-5 different times. I like this MUCH better. Instead of spending over an hour getting to a meeting, standing in line to weigh in, sitting through a meeting that may or may not be interesting to me, and then driving all the way home, I can log in and review posts that DO interest me. Much better!