Counting macros

Today is day 1 of counting macro nutrients, and I messed up this morning! I consumed too little, ate some more, and then consumed too much! Grrrr! Trial and error! Anyone else doing this? Any tips/advice would be greatly appreciated :)


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I don't get too crazy about them. I try and always come under in carbs, always exceed MFP's protein and fiber limits and that's about it. Is there any particular macro you are trying to hit?
  • yconstante
    yconstante Posts: 3 Member
    5 meals
    Daily intake-
    170g protein
    165 grams carbs
    60 grams fats

    HIIT Days 50 grams dropped
    115g Carbs for the day
    Fiber 35 g per day no more than 60 per day