It’s time…38 year old female, finally taking charge

Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
Hi all,

Just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m 38 (heading toward 39 in July) and have finally decided to take control of my health/body. I’ve struggled with my weight my whole life – no, struggle isn’t the right word. I’ve just accepted it, in the most passive and defeatist of ways. When I was younger my mother would comment that I should lose weight (the old – you’d look so much cuter if you shed a few – thing), but the food in the house never really reflected this. My dad was very much a meat and potatoes, chips and ice cream kind of guy – and the food bought and served definitely reflected that. I’m totally not doing the “blame my mother” thing. She did the best she could, and I’ve been a grown up for quite some time now. It’s just a little background of how I didn’t really grow up with healthy food habits. As a side note, I was recently looking back at some photos and videos from high school and wish to hell someone had told me how fabulous I looked. I was curvy, and weighed more than my peers, but I had a great shape (not the too big stomach and thighs I have now) and was very proportionate. I’d kill to have that figure and be that weight now. Reminded me of lyrics from the “Everyone’s Free to Wear Sunscreen” song: “Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth; oh nevermind; you will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded. But trust me, in 20 years you’ll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can’t grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked….You’re not as fat as you imagine.”

About 5 years ago I tried to lose weight. I’d joined a gym and was going regularly and had lost 12 pounds before I was stopped cold by the crippling pain of the endometriosis I didn’t know I had. It was bad, and completely derailed my gym going. I probably would have felt better had I continued to go, but the pain just completely drained me. By the time I finally had it under control (through surgery) 8 months had passed and my newly accomplished good habits were gone (apparently not to be seen again for a long time). Around the same time I met the man I’ve since married. He’s completely fabulous and part of the reason I’m here. He absolutely loves me the way I am, so I have no worries in that regard, but he’s super active, and hard to keep up with. We travel a lot, and I inevitably end up cranky because I can’t really be on the go in the same way he can. I also end up self-conscious about my body. All of this leads to anxiety and puts a damper on my enjoyment of travel and life. I’ve finally decided enough is enough.

I’m not sure why, but last month I decided I was going to give up soda. I would typically have a Mountain Dew with breakfast (not a coffee drinker, so that was my caffeine to wake up with), and then typically some Diet Coke throughout the day. Maybe a couple sodas with dinner if we ate out. I decided my body deserved better than soda, and spent the last week of February swearing each drink would be my last. March 1st turned out to be the day that my “this is my last soda” pledge stuck. I have been soda free since March 2nd. A few days later I was on a message board where someone was mentioning their desire to get into shape and make change. The recommendations for this site came flying in (post after post), so I found my way over here.

I’m 5’5” and currently weigh about 255 (I was hovering at 260 when I kicked the soda to the curb at the beginning of the month). I’ve made little changes along with the soda thing. I’ve started using the stairs at work (to go down from my 7th floor office – going up is going to take some time, LOL), and I’ve added walks at lunch time. I’m trying to add in new things gradually so that things will stick – let myself master one thing at a time rather than trying to change 38 years of bad habits in one fell swoop. So many more changes to come. I don’t want to be “on a diet” I want to “eat a healthy diet”. This has to be about changing my life, not just about losing weight, as I know that’s the only way to make it stick. I’ve started tracking here, though I haven’t mastered it yet. I need better tools for figuring out the foods that don’t have easily available stats for. I’ve set my initial weight goal as getting down to 150. It’s a nice round number at which I’d be able to re-evaluate how much work I need, but that’s certainly a number I would never want to be above again once I get below it. As for the time-line, my mantra is Fabulous by Forty! I don’t know that I’ll be at the weight I want by then, but if I stick with this and make the changes I’ll certainly be healthier and well on the path of change.

So, that’s my story, but I’m NOT sticking to it. Time for it to change. Thanks for reading.



  • JoLar13
    JoLar13 Posts: 3
    Hi! Good for you! I have a similar story, but let myself slide through an additional ten years! yikes! I'm 48 and FINALLY deciding enough is enough.

    Just started here again.

    Good luck to you!
  • Jesea
    Jesea Posts: 376 Member
    Welcome! I've only been here for a couple of months myself, I'm down 11lbs. Feel free to add me if you're looking for supportive friends!
  • vlmazz
    vlmazz Posts: 14
    Hi Krissy! Welcome! I'm 38 too, and like you, have struggled my entire life with my weight. For a few short years in my twenties I got down to 140 and loved every minute of it. Then I got married, had 2 kids and sort of forgot about myself and gained the weight back. My goal is to get there again - and stay there! MFP has been a great motivator, and the support from others is amazing. I've only been on a few weeks..(joined in Jan - but didn't really start until recently) and I love it!! Feel free to friend me for support!!
    Good Luck, you can do it! - Val :)
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    Welcome, Krissy! So glad you've joined here. Having just turned 40, I know how you're feeling seeing it on the horizon. This site has wonderful support and can be lots of fun too. Feel free to add me if you're looking for friends!
  • PeggyWoodson
    PeggyWoodson Posts: 337 Member
    I'm 63 and have fought the battle of being over weight all my life. My over weight issue started when I was six. Maybe someday I'll tell you about that. Anyway, You can add me if you want an old granny to chat with. I'm very happy that you are doing this for you. I've only been in here since March 12th but I love this place. My husband has an account in here too. I weighed 330 at one time but had to have gastric bypass surgery. I lost all the excess weight and even dropped down below where I was supposed to weigh. That was 18 years ago. Last year at the end of January, I fell at work and just shattered my right wrist with a terrible compound fracture. The nerves were damaged and they put me on some medicine for the nerve pain but it made me eat like a horse. I gained 30 lbs and I'm currently trying to get rid of that weight. To some 30 lbs doesn't sound like much but 30 lbs is 30 lbs. If I don't take care of it now, I'm afraid that it will balloon up to where I was before the gastric bypass and I just can't let that happen. I know that with the support you find in here and the tools this site gives you to work with you will surprise yourself. Best of luck to you and keep up the good work.
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    Good for you wanting to take control. This site well really help! I know that it really has helped me. The food diary has been the best thing. I find this challenging in a good way. To stay under food goal and making sure I burn more calories if I am eating out or for the holidays or any celebration. You can do this if you are determined too.
  • Hi Krissy,
    I actually just started this too and so many of the things you said remind me of myself! I love this site so far and it really helps! I also dont want to diet I just want to change my lifestyle and feel better while losing weight...I remamber thinking I was soooo huge in highschool and now I would kill to be that size again! LOL! Its nice to be on here and see so many people have the same issues with thier weight and the same goals as I do! WE CAN DO IT!
  • It felt like I was reading my own history and there were some really great reminders in your post that I really needed to hear. Thank you for sharing.
  • katy4399
    katy4399 Posts: 136 Member
    You can do it, you honestly can! Add me if you need some support :)
  • Smackemdanno
    Smackemdanno Posts: 83 Member
    40 and very overweight since the 2nd year of marriage. I gained 20 lbs every kid. So did she but she lost it all after birthing them. I'm down 31 lbs and holding. I ate too little and damaged my metabolism by going into starvation mode. I am compensating by starting a weight regemin along with cardio. I still have 85 lbs to go. Good luck. Get the hubby and kids involved. My 14 year old is 13 lbs down also.
  • Witchmoo
    Witchmoo Posts: 261 Member
    I too look at old school photos and think I looked fine yet I spend all that time thinking I was fat when I wasn' turned out to be a self fulfilling prophecy!

    We're similar in many ways including weight, height etc....Good luck on your journey!
  • Tracey0013
    Tracey0013 Posts: 154 Member
    Good going! every step counts! I just started a couple of weeks ago on here and you are in the right place :) If you would like a friend add me :)
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 884 Member
    Hello! I just started this website January 4. I love it! Welcome! Your story about what you are trying to do sounds a lot like mine.
  • rbrannock
    rbrannock Posts: 169
    Once you have that "wake up call" its can do it. You will have good days, and bad, but just remember to get back up and try again...DO NOT GIVE UP. If you want to add me for support, feel free. YOU GOT THIS GIRL!!
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    Wow - thanks all! Such encouraging words. I'll do some friending later as I'm at work and about to head out for the evening. Looking forward to creating a great support system for this journey into the rest of my life. :-)
  • ShazMc73
    ShazMc73 Posts: 106 Member
    You are practically my MFP twin in stats as well as in age! I am almost to goal but would be happy to offer support if you wanted. Feel free to add me as a friend :smile:
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    Hi Krissy.....Feel free to add me if you'd like. I'm far from my goal and would love the extra support, and hopefully give it in return.

  • Hi Krissy - are you my doppelganger? Aside from the endometriosis and me being a couple of years older it's scary how similar our stories are!

    All I can say is... little changes are at least a change, and I believe that bigger changes will follow. I came to this site earlier this week on the recommendation of a coworker who at the time I wanted to say "YOU use a FITNESS SITE? Why? You run 5K's on weekends!" but she saw that I had finally realized I wanted to make a change in my life and she is very supportive. I've said in other threads that I should lose 90+ pounds but would be happy reaching a weight of 160 lbs. I may even scale that goal back so it's not too daunting, but still work hard toward it. The diet... is a very personal thing for everyone I think and I can't speak to that yet. As far as fitness, I've started parking at the far end of the parking lot, taking the stairs to my floor (who knew 5 floors could be so HARD!), walking to talk to coworkers instead of calling or IM'ing them, circling the parking lot at lunch, and walking my neighborhood each day after work. I'm trying to just get my body used to moving since I sit in a chair most of the time. I'm looking into how to ramp up to fitness training without overdoing it. And my legs are sore... but I can't complain.

    Maybe I am just experiencing that high people get when they start working out. I hope with all of my heart we both stick with it and get positive results! I wish the same for everyone posting.