Spaghetti Squash



  • hypergrl
    hypergrl Posts: 188 Member
    Yes it's delicious! The spaghetti squash is sweet so the saltiness from the tomato sauce compliment each other very well. It's low calorie, but filling.
  • Cut it in half, place the halves face down on a cooking sheet (I put tin foil down), cook on 425 for 30 minutes, then scoop out with a fork or an ice cream scoop.

    I absolutely love it. I don't think it's a great pasta replacement, but I like to saute onions, tomatoes, sometimes mushrooms and throw it into the cooked squash. It's really, REALLY good.

    AGREED!!! This is how I cook it and eat it. Or with spaghetti sauce Or just butter and parmesan cheese.
    I LOVE it.....hoping I can grow it successfully THIS year (last year was a bust)
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    Yep and I make a spicy marinara from scratch in the crockpot that I freeze in a big batch for the spaghetti squash nights and generally make turkey meatballs. Feels like a regular pasta night but yummier.
  • cookiesrgood15
    cookiesrgood15 Posts: 72 Member
    tried it and loved it!! nom nom
  • stephaneb74
    stephaneb74 Posts: 151 Member
    spaguetti squash is awesome.... it goes well with tomatoe sauce.... not so good with alfredo ;) and excellent with a bit of olive oil and rosmary....
    Do it and enjoy
  • Alacey88
    Alacey88 Posts: 486 Member
    I am trying this tonight!!! Will be back to let you know!!!
  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 354 Member
    I baked a small one this morning and had it for lunch with enough left for maybe two more meals. Now I wish I had gotten a larger one.

    I cut mine in half, remove seeds, spray LIGHTLY with olive oil and roast cut side down in a baking dish at 350 for about 20 to 30 minutes depending on size. They are super hard when raw but you can penetrate the outer skin with a fork when done. When cooled off enough to handle hold in your hand cut side up and draw your fork the length of the meat and it will magically seperate.

    For lunch today I baked a piece of mahi mahi and while it was baking I took a couple of tablespoons of butter, 1 half squeezed lemon, a splash of rice wine vinegar, 1/3 clove minced garlic and a couple of shots of hot sauce and cooked it over low heat for just a couple of minutes. When the fish came out I poured 1 tbs of the sauce on the fish then threw all of my cooked squash into the pan and tossed. It didn't make much sauce but just enough to lightly coat the squash. It was amazing and I have those other two servings left too. Weighing and logging my meal it came in under 280 calories. I thought that was pretty good value for a beautiful lunch.

    Sorry for all the detail. Clearly you got my interest when you said spaghetti squash!
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    If you want a shortcut you can cut the squash in half, place it cut side down in a casserole with a little water in the bottom and microwave it for about 10 minutes.

    A mandoline with the julienne insert instead of just a blade would also work for cutting zuchini or yellow squash into noodles. I picked a decent one up for pretty cheap and use it a lot.
  • allywalker23
    allywalker23 Posts: 9 Member
    I use it all the time, it's great as a pasta substitute. It looks like spaghetti but has the consistency of hash browns it's awesome!!!
  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    I roast mine for an hour and then freeze it in single serving 2 cup sizes.

    Thank you for that bit of information! I was just wondering today if I could freeze spaghetti squash and reheat it. I would love to use in place of my pasta. Often times we only use a half of a squash for dinner and then have to have it first thing the next week so it doesn't go bad.
  • Queen_Christine
    Queen_Christine Posts: 342 Member
    Ruby Tuesday's sells a dish called Spaghetti Squash Marinera - for only 257 calories you get a big plateful of it and it will fill you up! I love it!