Hi from Alberta, Canada

Good morning Everyone out there :)

I was on this site primarily for tracking my food and exercise, but wanting to kick it up a notch by finding some really great supportive people on here.

I recently came back after losing my way for a bit---had some recent life changes come at once---both of which I believe are for the best, but were pretty stressful---job change and major surgery :) I'm desperately afraid of gaining holiday weight; therefore, decided to track during the holidays to keep myself in check and started a challenge with my sis and niece to hold off on the holiday treats until my brother and his wife come for Christmas holidays Dec 21. I'm going to try to hold off until Dec 24th---personal challenge.

A bit about me: 39 yrs old lady who is a Christian--I have about 100 lbs I would like to lose and my goal by summer is to lose 50. Very first goal is to lose 25 lbs by Easter. My interests include going to boot camp class 3 times a week---working up to 5 or finding other ways to boost my physical activity level to keep from getting bored. I am also a Registered Nurse who tends to be a bit hard on herself because in terms of lifestyle, I should know better. :)

I have no children, but am a super auntie to 2 great kids who live in BC (visiting here right now for Christmas holidays). I'm also in a serious relationship for 3 years.

Continuing on in my Journey and hoping to encourage you in yours....



  • flamegirl72
    flamegirl72 Posts: 143 Member
    Wow....lots of similarities between us. I am 39, live in Alberta....goal of 99lbs to lose. Also had a job change last year. I'm going to add you. Always great to have more support!!
  • SuperSnoopy
    SuperSnoopy Posts: 3,464 Member
    Hi teribeary from a cold and wet Nottingham in the UK. I'm sure you will achieve your targets if you stay dedicated. You will got so much supprt on MFP as well which will help with keping focused.
  • capergal
    capergal Posts: 141 Member
    I will add you too, we have a few things in common. I'm from Canada, I'm 40 and have no kids.
  • fayglet
    fayglet Posts: 72 Member
    Feel free to add me - I might be a bit younger, but I'm Canadian and I teach in a Christian school!
  • SnazzyTraveller
    SnazzyTraveller Posts: 458 Member
    Hello :) I'm from Ontario... feel free to add me if you wanna encourage each other!
  • dreamshadows
    dreamshadows Posts: 734 Member
    Hi teribeary. and Welcome! I'm here from Alberta as well.
  • LesGoodridge
    Hi, and welcome to MYP. I have been on here for the last few months and found it very encouraging. As a christian you may find the group Christians Unite MFP helpful.

    I live in Northampton, England and married to Shan for 30 yrs, with two grown up children who have flown the nest.

    Feel free to add me,

    God Bless
  • VeggieKelli
    VeggieKelli Posts: 232 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me! My Mom is from Edmonton and I've spent a lot of time up there; Winters are rough (though I heard this one isn't bad, yet?). I'm younger but I think it's good to have support from people who are a lot like you AND people who are not so much like you! Good luck on that 100lbs!!
  • metisgirl
    metisgirl Posts: 86 Member
    hello, I am from Sudbury Ontario and you can add me anytime....
  • goodridges
    goodridges Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, I'm also a Christian & Registered Nurse, married to Les who's just posted to you from Northampton. Love to keep yo:happy: :happy: :happy: u on track & help you along the way! feel free to add me!
  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    Hi, I am also from Alberta.
    I would like to add you.

  • sillysioux
    Another fellow Albertan. I am 37 and have two boys. Please feel free to add me if you would like.
  • MummyDB
    MummyDB Posts: 106 Member
    Looks like you may have deactivated your account. But if your still around and about feel free to add me.