Why do I always break my diet? Even today I don't understand. I work so hard and do well for a while and then one week for 2-3 days I'll totally mess up....I have gotten to the point where I resist when others tempt me and I have made my goals and feelings known, people dont really try to give me stuff anymore. But, when it comes to me, I can't seem to manage at all....I don't understand why i always do it to myself now. I either get into the sweets or junk food and somehow allow myself when I am so good for a while before....It seems to be getting more frequent now and I don't understand why I can't stop myself at times.

Can someone please help me? I know I can't keep doing this to myself....I need to know what to do to stop this and what to do to get better.


  • Shannota
    Shannota Posts: 312 Member
    I looked at this past week's food journals, and they look like you are coming in under goal every day. Why do you think you are messing up? Unless there are things that you aren't listing, it looks like you are doing just fine. Remember that we are human. You may be putting too much stress on yourself. Do what you can and be realistic and you will be healthy. We all slip...we just have to pull ourselves back up and get on track. You don't have to be perfect to be healthy. (And no one is perfect!)
  • AlexJourneyHall
    AlexJourneyHall Posts: 137 Member
    Today was really bad actually, i haven't listed it yet. But everything else I list. I just seem to slip so often....
  • mejustsmaller316
    mejustsmaller316 Posts: 134 Member
    You have been under you goal most days. Are you losing weight. I do the same thing I go a week eating health then I go 3 days eating horrible, then back again. IDK why!
  • AlexJourneyHall
    AlexJourneyHall Posts: 137 Member
    Im not really losing because I am weight training
  • mrsepiphany
    mrsepiphany Posts: 142 Member
    I understand where you are coming from. I was doing the same thing but I would eat healthy all day and then at night just mess it all up. What I did was not keep any sweets in the house. That way if you want some you have to go out your way to get it. I also notice that you are eating a lot of packaged foods and fast foods. Those have additives and preservatives and makes you keep eating. If you eat home cooked meals and fresh fruits(not alot) and veggies(alot) that would help alot.
  • rookmb
    rookmb Posts: 84
    Please do NOT beat yourself up because you slip up for 2 or 3 days. It would be MUCH worse if you slipped up for months, or years at a time.

    You know you ate stuff you should not have eaten, so write it in your log and move on. Tomorrow is another day.

    Why does this happen to you? Maybe you're not ready to shred the extra pounds yet. Maybe you're hormones are out of control and this is the outcome. Maybe you're an emotional eater and you're beating yourself up because you want to get in a bathing suit by June and you don't want to fail? It could be 1000 things that are making you slip up and until you find out what it is, you may continue to do so. It took me YEARS to figure out why I hated myself so much and why I was punishing myself with food. But, when you're ready to change your lifestyle you will. Yes, you will eat things that taste REALLY good and you won't feel like you slipped. Honest.
  • AlexJourneyHall
    AlexJourneyHall Posts: 137 Member
    I understand where you are coming from. I was doing the same thing but I would eat healthy all day and then at night just mess it all up. What I did was not keep any sweets in the house. That way if you want some you have to go out your way to get it. I also notice that you are eating a lot of packaged foods and fast foods. Those have additives and preservatives and makes you keep eating. If you eat home cooked meals and fresh fruits(not alot) and veggies(alot) that would help alot.

    I can't really get rid of all the bad food because I live with my parents and they eat terribly... But, I am going to be getting some fruits and veggies today.
  • AlexJourneyHall
    AlexJourneyHall Posts: 137 Member
    Please do NOT beat yourself up because you slip up for 2 or 3 days. It would be MUCH worse if you slipped up for months, or years at a time.

    You know you ate stuff you should not have eaten, so write it in your log and move on. Tomorrow is another day.

    Why does this happen to you? Maybe you're not ready to shred the extra pounds yet. Maybe you're hormones are out of control and this is the outcome. Maybe you're an emotional eater and you're beating yourself up because you want to get in a bathing suit by June and you don't want to fail? It could be 1000 things that are making you slip up and until you find out what it is, you may continue to do so. It took me YEARS to figure out why I hated myself so much and why I was punishing myself with food. But, when you're ready to change your lifestyle you will. Yes, you will eat things that taste REALLY good and you won't feel like you slipped. Honest.

    I'm not sure what my reasons are. Perhaps I should work on figuring that out.