Nighttime Binge.

I live with my grandparents and my sister. While I have healthy stuff around the house, my sister is always bringing home pizza, ice cream, crisps etc. You name it, she brings it. She doesn't have a problem with her weight she can eat whatever she wants and stays skinny. She will also quite happily snack on my healthy food and not replace it, which gets a bit annoying because sometimes I like to plan ahead. This is causing me to binge out at nighttime after fighting with her and getting stressed. It's a really bad habit and I'm trying to break, but all of this isn't helping. :(

I've asked her to keep it out of my sight, I'm really terrible if something is there, I will eat it. She told me that I need to suck it up and get more willpower. I didn't think I was asking too much? I really don't know how to deal with this situation, I've tried sitting down and talking to her about putting the food in the pantry cupboard, which just has sauces and stuff. Help :(

Forget to mention most of the stuff, crisps, popcorn, cookies etc. She leaves on the kitchen side and not in the cupboard. I only asked her to put this stuff in the cupboard and not eat my healthy snacks.


  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    I know excactly what u r feeling my husband is a reeses pb cup addict and will go as far as leaving them onmy head board and if anything is my downfall it is pb and choc... Also teenagers who leave junk food all over no support around here....:explode: :explode:
  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    Awh that's awful. :( I have tried speaking to her about it, but she sees it as my problem and doesn't want to help.
  • paleseptember784
    I am the SAME way!! I am ALWAYS go very, very good during the day, but at night... every night, honestly... I stuff my face. I eat the kitchen. HORRIBLE stuff I would NEVER EVER allow in my body when I am in my rational mind... cookies, cakey things, chocolate bars, ice cream... etc. I hate it...

    Especially because it seems like something one truly ought to be able to control, but its like.. I'm not even in my own body when I do it... terrible :( Embarrassing :(
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    I know how you feel! I've been struggling with binge eating disorder for two started after I'd lost 50lbs (and I have about 15 to go) and its the most horrible feeling in the world yo-yoing at a weight you do not want to be stuck at. I'm thin, but I don't look good naked, I'm skinny-fat from all the junk-food binges. And they are only brought on by my boyfriend, dad and brother, all who I live with, as they love take aways and cakes and crisps, choc, white bread name it, they eat it, non stop! And none of them are overweight or have a problem with how they look, so they just don't understand :(

    My bro is always gorging on all the fruit, nuts and yoghurts until they are gone...
  • erigab
    erigab Posts: 1 Member
    I would just throw it away. Especially if it is not where it should be. If its just laying there just throw it away.
  • allie_girl
    I know it seems hard - but there are always going to be people who can eat the things you can't eat. It's part of life. The trick is not eating them when they are around. Buy more of the healthy food so that way she doesn't eat it all. Or set stuff aside and label it as your lunch/dinner/etc.

    What always made my sister madest was when I let her eat all the junk food and didn't eat anything - seriously. She felt guilty after and then eventually stopped being mean to me about it and eating my food.

    You could also hide non perishables in your room. Try labeling things unless your parents are buying it, then technicially its for everyone. Ask them to buy more then.
  • Jtttusher
    Jtttusher Posts: 12 Member
    I am a mom of two growing boys, a 4 year old daughter and a 3 year old foster son. Goes without saying there is junk in my house. Plus I am the only one who needs to lose weight. My husband is 6'4 and 180 pounds. All my children are perfect with their weight. I am sorry to tell you, but it really does need to come down to your willpower and how badly you want to change your eating habits. Even if you lived on your own, there is temptation everywhere. Once in a while, I do indulge in a cookie etc. My best defense is to make sure i have a treat stashed away for myself. Skinny cow ice cream is wonderful!! But i always make sure i have not exceeded my calories, so that i can enjoy it. It's really too bad that your sister cannot be supportive of your healthy lifestyle. My family knows how hard i am trying to be healthier and they support me every step of the way. I have also noticed that the scale goes down faster if i do not eat after 6:30 at night. That is incentive enough for me not to indulge at night!! I just keep drinking my water. Takes some getting used to....but it really does work! Sunday is my cheat day...i pretty much eat what i want, just controlling my portions. Hang in there! YOU can do this.....even without the support of your sister!
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    I feel your pain.

    and I can't say this will help, but here's my suggestion.

    Let's say she is deliberately trying to de-rail you.....My response to people like this is rather sarcastic, but actually I'm SERIOUS
    when I say it:
    I say, "Thanks a LOT....whose side are you workin' for anyhow?"

    OFTEN it does make them realize the stumbling block(s) they're placing there in my path.

    I wonder what she'd do if you started taking these items and throwing them in the garbage can OR dumping them down the disposal?
    She might just get the HINT...that Sorry, my willpower is shot, and since she's NOT helping, THIS will.......

    I hope you can muster the resolve to see this as a challenge= Direct your *anger* @ her and at the situation, and
    don't give her the *satisfaction* of seeing you stumble- but rather give you AN EVEN GREATER RESOLVE to
    NOT give in, and to succeed with all your goals.........
    for me, those who were just waiting to see me stumble and fail........reaching my goal has been a very SWEET victory.....
    one I truly savor now.

    Stay strong, stay focused! And, my best advice.........( one I try to follow myself) when late night is the strongest temptation,
    GO TO BED.........
  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    I know it seems hard - but there are always going to be people who can eat the things you can't eat. It's part of life. The trick is not eating them when they are around. Buy more of the healthy food so that way she doesn't eat it all. Or set stuff aside and label it as your lunch/dinner/etc.

    What always made my sister madest was when I let her eat all the junk food and didn't eat anything - seriously. She felt guilty after and then eventually stopped being mean to me about it and eating my food.

    You could also hide non perishables in your room. Try labeling things unless your parents are buying it, then technicially its for everyone. Ask them to buy more then.

    I have put my name on things/tried to hide it. She just ignores it. I just don't know how I can get her to understand that this is difficult for me.

    Thank you for your posts. :)
  • bellydancerj9
    bellydancerj9 Posts: 34 Member
    I stuff my face stupid! When I break the habit I lose weight and when I let the food zombie (I call it that becasue that is what I am like: food, food, I must eat, etc.) I gain weight. It is terrible. I eat anything and everything. I really do not want to live the rest of my life thinking about what I am going to eat next. It is hard to overcome but not impossible. Even if you slip back into the old habits of stuffing your face stupid, you can gain control again. I know. I have gotten to the point when I know to move on instead of starting over. If you constantly start over you will never learn anything and never move forward.