ok Im confused here

Im getting all these numbers thrown at me while Im here that Id never calculated before, people talking about whether or not they 'eat their workout cals', being told Im actually NOT eating enough, BMR, BMI, deficit, etc...

someone help.
Someone look at my profile and let me know what all this adds up to! I dont want to go about this wrongly!
Im 5'3" with a large frame (I found another site that tells you how to measure your frame) and I weighed 156 last time I weighed myself. My BMR is 1442 and my BMI is 27.6
Im clicked lightly active even tho Im a stay-at-home girlfriend (no kids, just a bf who makes good money). Im up and down our basement steps probably at least 30 times a day because our main entertainment is down there, I chase around and play with a kitten, tend to spend 30 mins at the least standing while making dinner, and workout for 30-60 minutes a day 5-7 times a week.
Was lightly active the right button to click? :laugh:

Am I doing anything wrong? Someone straighten these numbers out for me?


  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Sounds like you're doing ok :flowerforyou: .

    Your daily goal is 1200 calories, I see. Whatever you burn up through workouts should be at least partially eaten, in my opinion. Otherwise, you are burning up those calories from your 1200 goal and subsequently are giving your body very little to operate on.

    Sounds like lightly active is adequate for you. If you lower it to sedentary, MFP isn't going to lower your calorie goals as 1200 is the absolute healthy minimum for women.

    If, after 2-3 weeks, you find this isn't effective for your goals (1-2 lb loss a week, dependng), then try adjusting it..increase the calories, eat part or more of you exercise calories, less carbs, more protein, less fat, more cardio....etc, until you find the precise formula that gets your body working the way you want it to.

    Good luck!
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    thanks! Im a lot less worried about all the numbers thrown at me now. Im a number-lover so I wanted to know if I had to put every number into my head lol

    Right now Im using Jillian Michaels 30 day shred part 1 workout and sometimes doing 10 minute specialized workouts from OnDemand. I really need to work on my cardio, I bet.
    Ill keep an eye on my results and adjust accordingly
  • cc_campbell81
    When I first started I was confused with how the site determines calorie needs. The best I can tell it takes all the info you put in and determines what you should eat to lose weight if you don't exercise. Once you log exercises it will add calories to your daily goal based on what exercise you did. I have to say I didn't like a goal of only 1200 calories because I feel that is too low to start with. I have made my goal 1600 because I feel that is more reasonable. So I try to eat 1600 a day and exercise 3-4 days a week. It has been working so far. I realize that 1200 works for some people and I have nothing against that but I don't feel that 1200 is a realistic number long term and making life style changes as opposed to "dieting" usually leads to better success long run. As for your life style I would mark lightly active and log your trips up and down the stairs as exercise. You can manually adjust all of the calorie/exercise settings. One other post had a good suggestion
    "If, after 2-3 weeks, you find this isn't effective for your goals (1-2 lb loss a week, dependng), then try adjusting it..increase the calories, eat part or more of you exercise calories, less carbs, more protein, less fat, more cardio....etc, until you find the precise formula that gets your body working the way you want it to."

    Good luck

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Calculator
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    I never even thought of logging all those trips up and down the steps! I figured that it took about 50 trips to burn anything significant :laugh:

    I actually think 1200 is more than fair for me...I gain weight at the drop of a hat and plan on getting tested for hypothyroid sometime this year as it runs in the family.

    and when I say "at the drop of a hat" I mean that I can gain 2 pounds after one 'slip up' meal out or a few pieces of stuffed pizza. Dang that amazing Chicago food!
  • debb1985
    debb1985 Posts: 19
    I did 1200 calories for a while and lost weight but ended up changing my calorie intake to my BMR calories (1500) instead to make sure I was losing weight healthy ( I am also losing the weight slower - .6 lbs a week) - I only have 10lbs to lose and I am not overweight. I think you should be okay as long as you eat some or all of your exercise calories. I read that you think you should log your stair trips - I wouldn't as that is already included in your lightly active lifestyle - only add what you are doing extra and not everyday, like your 30day shred. It is impossible for you to gain 2 lbs from eating some pizza, unless the two pieces you ate added up to 7,000 calories (equal to 2 lbs). Your weight will change during the day, just remember that.
    As long as you eat healthy choices over junk food (even if it fits in your calories), exercise and eat those calories you should be in good shape :)
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    thanks for the advice!

    ...I feel kinda bad cuz I just ate Doritos, but they were the baked ones! I couldnt help it. I only ate the serving amount too