Slim in six... I refuse to loose anything but weight!

Hey everyone, I'm new to this whole idea and I have just started slim in six, I also throw in a little turbo jam in the evenings sometimes and try to get a mile in on the treadmill when i dont feel like doing anything at all. I want to loose weight so bad, I need help, encourage me, share ur food secrets because I'm STARVING! I have the mommy belly still after 14 years and I am determined to loose it! I can't wait to meet some of you and share tips and successes with you all. Have a great day and push play :)


  • sarashine
    hey hun i totally understand how you must be feeling .. i did p90x before and gave up after a week then i started insnaity didnt see any results and gave up again ... now ive completed insanity (pat on my back ) and im doing another round to improve my results ,, i know some days you feel low and really dont wanna do the workouts and eat right but at the end of the day you are doing this for yourself ,,for your health.. ive realised my mistake,, i just joined here and well i keep track of my food diary, and exercise,, do you use a heart rate monitor .. ( it really helps tracking your cals) make a food diary , so you dont end up eating the wrong food ,, :) and good luck with slim in 6 :)
  • melissalynnlong11
    Thank you so much and congrats on insanity! I am no where near ready for something that kick butt, I have done supreme 90 which is the generic version of p90x and it works great, but I gave up. I hate hour long workouts ;( thanks for the advice, your right about the end of the day comment and every time I look at a cupcake I will think about that ! Good luck on ur second round and thanks again for the encouragement!
  • sarashine
    No worries love .. take your measurements and buy smaller clothes hehe it kinnda motivates me .:P trying my old clothes .:P
  • carolanne84
    carolanne84 Posts: 53 Member
    hi hi still working on the mommy belly too, i just got Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, its a twenty min work out but is an intense 20 min Im still on level one day 2 (really like day 5 but had to restart my 30 days bc I got off track for two days so I cleared my slate) I have to take some breaks through out it but no longer than a 5 second break like she tells you. I also try and get in a 30 min walk each day. As for food im still working on the whole eat better and stay under my calorie zone but it has been easier than I expected. I am not a big veggie eater so its hard to work in more of those when I don't like them, but i do like fresh fruits.
  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    You shouldn't be STARVING.!!!
    Feed your body.
    You are going to see a million different ways of losing on here... everyone has a different technique...
    But you need to know what works for you. But you should never be truly hungry. You need to figure out what hungry really is.
    Read all the beginner forums on here...
    Talk to different people.... see what you might be interested in trying.
    Remember it's a journey not a sprint... one of the hardest things for me to get thru my thick skull.

    I'd be glad to share with you what has worked for me.. though I have only 3 1/2 months in... I have just recently started to see some real movement of lbs.
    Friend me... in box me... and I'll share.
    Best of luck to you.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    hey hun i totally understand how you must be feeling .. i did p90x before and gave up after a week then i started insnaity didnt see any results and gave up again ... now ive completed insanity (pat on my back ) and im doing another round to improve my results ,, i know some days you feel low and really dont wanna do the workouts and eat right but at the end of the day you are doing this for yourself ,,for your health.. ive realised my mistake,, i just joined here and well i keep track of my food diary, and exercise,, do you use a heart rate monitor .. ( it really helps tracking your cals) make a food diary , so you dont end up eating the wrong food ,, :) and good luck with slim in 6 :)


    You wont last very long if you only give a week for any dietary stuff.
    Takes the body 2-4 weeks to adjust.

    >>>>>IMPORTANT!!! To get your numbers right please visit Do the Military Body Fat Calc first, then the BMR tool. The BMR tool will give exact calories to eat on a daily basis. Add 20% to this number to get your TDEE. For Fat loss plans set up macros at 30% Protein/Fat each.<<<<<<<
  • melissalynnlong11
    Thank you guys for all your responses. I am determined to finish this slim in 6, I have set up the 1200 calorie thing in MFP, and I really want to try the 30 day shred. I looked at Walmart and didn't see it but ill try online :)
    I'm so excited for all the motivation ;) I think I may do an extra video on a Friday night... How lame is that...SMH
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Thank you guys for all your responses. I am determined to finish this slim in 6, I have set up the 1200 calorie thing in MFP, and I really want to try the 30 day shred. I looked at Walmart and didn't see it but ill try online :)
    I'm so excited for all the motivation ;) I think I may do an extra video on a Friday night... How lame is that...SMH


    Check out the link I provided.
    Guarantee you arent eating enough to walk a dog!
    Slim in 6 is way out of the 1200 range!
  • Missi3601
    Missi3601 Posts: 264
    Thank you guys for all your responses. I am determined to finish this slim in 6, I have set up the 1200 calorie thing in MFP, and I really want to try the 30 day shred. I looked at Walmart and didn't see it but ill try online :)
    I'm so excited for all the motivation ;) I think I may do an extra video on a Friday night... How lame is that...SMH

    look at they have it relatively cheap!
  • melissalynnlong11
    I don't follow the slim in 6 eating plan, I pretty much do special K and watch what I eat, no sodas, fresh fruits, veggies, fish, chicken, that kind of stuff but I'm going to your link now ;)
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Post any questions if you have any or PM me.
    I'll probably be on for another hour or so.