down with flu ,only 500 calories a day

Hi MFPians,

I am down with flu for the past 4 days and i could barely drink water or keep down any food.In is case does my body will get used to the lower calorie and put me into starvation mode.It was such a wonderful day outside after all the down pour past week and again tomm is gonna be wet,So thought will take a short walk but i could barely go few steps and felt very weak.

It should be fine right once i am back to normal? any advice would be gr8...Thanks:smile:


  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    It'll be okay, your body is designed to be ill occasionally. But if your appetite is higher than normal over the next few days, feed it, then go back to your diet. Your body will want to make up for the lowlow calories when it's feeling better.
  • Ashraz
    Ashraz Posts: 28 Member
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Try to get in at least 800. Try different types of fluid with calories
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    that means if you're extra hungry do not force yourself to adhere to the calorie target you were aiming for. look at your intake as an average across a period of time. You have AT LEAST 2800 calories that you can "make up" once you're feeling better if your appetite deems necessary.
  • Ashraz
    Ashraz Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks all :flowerforyou:
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Seriously you're sick. Don't force yourself to eat if you're only going to throw it up. Starvation mode doesn't kick in after a week, or even a month. Once you're feeling better get your proper nutrients in but focus on getting better!