Surviving the Easter Buffet how do you do it?

My family loves to go to buffets for Easter, Mothers Day you name it seems like I face my challenge with out support except for MFP friends. I need someone to hold my hand I guess so I can manage to eat within reason. My first thought was to only put one or two things on my plate and go up for seconds and do the same, just to go through the motions of the buffet hound or say I have the flu and skip the whole ordeal, because I know I will hear, "Is that all your gonna take, this is a very expensive buffet, you should go get your money's worth." Ugg. I hate the guilt, the persuasion and then they all have to take like 3 or 4 desserts at the end because they can! My weakness my sweet tooth. At home I make good choices and pace my eating, But how do you survive the buffet meals and not feel guilty? What tips have worked for you?

My goal 17 more pounds to bring me to a healthy BMI.


  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    This is another situation where a purse would be handy.. if it were socially acceptable for a guy to carry one. Just think of all that extra food ya could sneak away with!!

    Until then, I'll just stuff myself and sleep it off on the drive home. Like always.
  • DistortedButterfly
    DistortedButterfly Posts: 44 Member
    eat it for 1 day who cares
    its 1 day
  • tlinval
    tlinval Posts: 175 Member
    That's a tough one!! I wouldn't skip it, it's a chance to meet with family and visit and have a good time. Make it more of a social event for you and not about the food. If someone has a problem with what's on your plate, just say "I'm fine, THIS is what I want". You don't have to "get your money's worth", that's just an excuse to eat all you can without ripping your pants. As for the desserts, I guess I would have one. Make it a good, conscious choice, savor it, enjoy it, and when it's gone it's gone.

    ETA: I've also eaten before I go out. Then I'm not starving when I get there and tend to eat less.
  • liog
    liog Posts: 347 Member
    Give yourself a break for a day and enjoy, or eat before the get together. I would probably eat and enjoy.
  • sjeagle30
    sjeagle30 Posts: 292 Member
    I would go have fun. If you love everything there just take one dab of each of what you want. That way you arent missing out but are still cutting out a lot of calories and then dont go for a second trip.
  • genablue
    genablue Posts: 52 Member
    These things are going to come up all your life, you have to look over your choices, pick the things you really have to have and then portion control it. Don't take it to eat if it's something you really don't HAVE to have. Choose salad and veggies for most of your plate and plan for a dessert...if you plan it. log it then you can certainly have it. Enjoy the company!
  • Vince_1964
    Vince_1964 Posts: 359 Member
    Just eat it!! Then get back on the "wagon" again the rest of the day. I've got that same "dilemma" coming up - and plan to eat what I want just in smaller portions - then will resume my MFP counting the next day. The point of a healthy eating lifestyle is not to deprive yourself of what you like - just do so in moderation.
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    We have 4 football player size sons (all living on their own now) that love to go to any buffet and they tear it up! I plan to utilize three plates. The first plate is totally devoted to salad (lettuce, tomato, cucumber, carrots, some beets, a couple of chick peas) basically all rabbit food - nothing with mayo. If I have been very good I treat myself with a yeast roll. It used to be two yeast rolls, but I hate having to put that on my log. :smile: The second plate is devoted to some kind of roasted non-breaded meat (one serving) and plenty of non-starchy veggies. Because I have a sweet tooth too, I get the most wonderful dessert available. Usually by the time I get to the dessert I'm pretty full and can't each even half of it so I'm good.:tongue: Remember to drink plenty of water and to eat every bite on the first plate.
  • niftyafterfifty
    niftyafterfifty Posts: 338 Member
    I went to a covered dish dinner recently. I had a piece of fried chicken; it was the only available meat. I also had about 1/2 cup of green beans. I ate a small serving of each of 3 casseroles; it was no more that 1/2 cup total, if that much. I left the bread, had half of a deviled egg, and one serving of dessert. I picked something I really wanted and enjoyed it. The difference is that I have the full support of my family. My daughter is doing this with me, so when we get together, we plan our calories. My husband is my biggest support; he is very complimentary of my success. My mama always asks what I'm going to do, if I can eat a particular food, etc. I'm sorry your situation is different; you have to do what's right for you. You can eat with an eye toward your calories, or you can have a splurge meal. But it should be YOUR choice, not your family's. Don't let them talk you into doing something you don't want to do, but if you want to eat freely - enjoy every bite and get back on track the next meal.
  • abusymum
    abusymum Posts: 4

    My tip for a buffet is to utilise the one trip rule! Pick whatever you want from the buffet but only make one trip and only have one plate! You can pile it high but only go once!

    Buffets are a nightmare as you always end up eating far more than you want and usually end up feeling stuffed and then annoyed!

    But if you do the one trip rule you don't feel that you are being restricted because you can pick up whatever you want. Still probably eat more calories that you would normally allow but it beats the constant grazing and then feeling frustrated. Works for me!

    Good luck


  • 1983Miller
    1983Miller Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks for the constructive tips so far! i like the rabbit food idea to start out. I will go with caution...not gonna blow my progress now by just giving in, that's what got me here in the first place. So plate 1 rabbit food, plate 2 one unbreaded meat choice and some steamed vegis, plate # 3 one tempting dessert and hopefully I will be so full already that two bites will just be enough. :smile: